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Thread: True Name or Legal Name

  1. #11
    Within the brain trust we know each other by true name.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post
    "When one studies issues involving Nationality & Birthrights, one begins to understand that Laws of Civilizations come from the natural people of Nations.

    And if you are not part of a Nation you don't come under National or International Law.

    Therefore, you are not recognized by the Nations of the Earth; because Law deals with the interchanges made between natural people across the planet, and has generally, always been that way.

    And the (Nations) have governmental principles that are universal in their character.

    These international principles are not unique to us necessarily, they are universal in their character. So when one deals with other Nations, there are certain universal and fundamental civil principles that are expected from you, when others communicate with you.

    And if you don't display a basic knowledge of such rules of order, then you are in violation of Divine Law, (from whence the principles of government law is derived). One may be deemed as being outside of the Law or considered to be what is called or referred to as an “outlaw”.

    Such a circumstance may be assumed by the natural citizens of a nation and government; and by virtue of such conditons or status, may do whatever they want to you and get away with it." —Taj Tarik Bey, G.S.

    22 USC § 141 to 143 - Repealed.
    What I say concerning nations are that nations themselves are artificial.
    They come from the mind of men.
    You can bet no nations existed say 6,000 or 7,000 years ago.
    6,000 years in comparison to 2 million years would say that this practice of nations is a most recent practice.

    All nations are formed for the purposes of benefit of a minority as well as maintenance of a private army or armies.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I agree - a TITLE.

    I wonder if TITLE is the same as a DISTINCTION - Junior or JUNIOR?
    I am referring to DISTINCTION (Sr., Jr., III, IV, etc), was that DISTINCTION not given by the parents? Would that not in essence be part of a given name?

  4. #14
    united states constitution guarantee clause
    Guarantee Clause Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution reads: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.

    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen.......
    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure.......
    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure in their houses.......
    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure in their houses, persons,.......
    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure in their houses, persons, papers.......
    united states constitution guarantees that every citizen is secure in their houses, persons, papers and effects....

    "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer",

    Persons also are divided by the law into either natural persons, or artificial. Natural persons are such as the God of nature formed us: artificial are such as created and devised by human laws for the purposes of society and government; which are called corporations or bodies politic.

    "PERSON. This word is applied to men, women and children, who are called natural persons. In law, man and person are not exactly-synonymous terms. Any human being is a man, whether he be a member of society or not, whatever may be the rank he holds, or whatever may be his age, sex, &c. A person is a man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 137.

    The trustees pledge what they hold in trust; the credit of the United States; as the labor of we the people produce; exchanged to a private entity; made by signature; for usage of their paper.

    Confusion of Face in the United States

  5. #15
    Thank you for that reminder Chex!

  6. #16
    lol good catch, I didn't notice it before.......
    Last edited by tommyf350; 08-13-13 at 01:12 AM.

  7. #17
    What strikes me so... normal about this is that both parents went to the judge to decide the legal, full name of the child.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    state of the Union
    Greetings! Grace and peace be upon you.

    First post. Just trying to comprehend the use of True Name (John Henry) as compared to Legal Name (John Henry Doe).

    1. Why is True Name used?
    2. Where did the concept come from"
    3. What needs to be done (paperwork, etc) to establish its use as opposed to Legal Name? Any negative experience?
    4. I use an Affidavit of Identification (self created and notarized photo ID), that I use as ID. I even used it while redeeming Lawful Money at a bank (as one of the two IDs). It has my Legal Name. Should I use True Name instead?

    Thanks for your experiences in using the True Name. It is a new concept to me and I need more info on using it and defending it.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    Greetings! Grace and peace be upon you.

    First post. Just trying to comprehend the use of True Name (John Henry) as compared to Legal Name (John Henry Doe).

    1. Why is True Name used?
    True name, or "given name," is used to separate the man or woman from accidentally appearing and being the surety for their strawman’s name, (like in court), which always has the FIRST MIDDLE LAST. This is where people get trapped by the defacto and end up in jail or paying fines: because they answer to that commercial name. The courts are aware of the difference between the given and the strawman. It’s a trick they use to lure people in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    2. Where did the concept come from
    I believe it goes back several centuries, probably more. The last name described the business the family was in, like the Smith family had a business of blacksmiths or goldsmiths. Or the Miller family owned a mill and made textiles. This was used for commerce by the king to keep track of the serfs. And since we are trying to not be serfs, we avoid answering to the commercial last name.

    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    3. What needs to be done (paperwork, etc) to establish its use as opposed to Legal Name? Any negative experience?
    Mainly what you did with your affidavit establishes it, using a notary or two witnesses. But just use your “given” name (first and middle.) “Date of birth” is defacto language. “Birthday” is ok. Or “at least 25 years of age, age of majority”.

    I have heard of freedom peeps using their family name in their freedom ID so there’s flexibility when going to the bank, but they distinguish it as a family name using punctuation, like John-Allen: Doe. This is a debatable topic. No zip code is used for the address and “non-domestic without the United States” is added to exit the federal zone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    4. I use an Affidavit of Identification (self created and notarized photo ID), that I use as ID. I even used it while redeeming Lawful Money at a bank (as one of the two IDs). It has my Legal Name. Should I use True Name instead?
    I haven't much experience in this department, but more academically-oriented answers should be along shortly. Cheers!

  10. #20
    Name:  Merrill_NameDefinition.jpg
Views: 461
Size:  39.1 KB

    Name:  Merrill_Name_legal.jpg
Views: 482
Size:  11.6 KB

    When you can perceive these two definitions as one, Grasshopper, you are ready to leave.

    The uses of knowing this as knowledge are boundless! The transceiver utility of this Fossil of Thought - your true name will transform in proportion to your mastery of metaphysics.

    I would suggest that you buy both an ID Card and a Passport from WSA (World Services Authority). Do not have your family or surname anywhere on either document. Also get a new driver license and traditional US Passport, both signed in your true name only. Clearly sign with your True Name as large and in plain upper and lower case letters clearly printed, not cursive. When out and about on foot for example do not bother with the US and State issued ID's. But while traveling out of country or operating a motor vehicle keep them as backup.

    Identify yourself properly like Moxie advises above.

    However try this out. I get this from an expert who has been studying many years in trust law. While driving keep the State's driver license card in your WSA Passport booklet. If you are stopped give the insurance card, vehicle Registration/Tax Receipt and WSA Passport to the officer saying,

    If you would like, TAKE the Driver License Card from inside this Passport FOR YOUR USE. The Passport identifies me correctly David Merrill and please notice on the driver license that is how I signed my name. I carry the driver license for proving competency only, that I have passed the testing and that this insurance policy will cover liability in case of an accident.

    In the case of an accident however, I would be comfortable to bypass all that and simply produce the driver license card as that would mean I am making the initial insurance claim roadside.


    David Merrill.
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