Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
I would like to reconcile perspectives.

Government is an insurance policy. I lay my claim when I pull a car onto the road or even accept police protection (presumption). I think this is demonstrated especially when I enter into the downtown district of the city. I hear that is where police protection originated; a safe place for meeting between commercial vendors and customers.

This (public) kind of insurance premium rate is governed by how much of the Federal Reserve's private credit is changing hands - a sales tax, or an income tax. Like in the mental model I just described though, the Federal Reserve is a private agreement, in at least that one can choose to contract (endorse private credit) or to redeem lawful money by demand.

Social Security.

"I" am using Social Security and Medicare... so "I" am willing to "pay" for those.

However, "I" am NOT using FRNs, so "I" am NOT willing to pay for their "usage" in the form of a "Federal" (private) "income tax".