Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
I am aware (now) that the BC is documentation from within the STATE OF XXXX that a vessel (person) has been "birthed" and that the STATE awaits the assumed voluntary acceptance of the living soul, around whom the BC was formed, to take on the burden of fiduciary/surety of that vessel. This is an automatic action whenever a child is born into the world on this land AT A HOSPITAL. If a child is born at home or elsewhere absent STATE cognizance or interference, the STATE, once aware of a "new energy-source prospect", does everything in its power to bring that child unto itself and within the U.S. trust-system. After all, the scheme does not work well if you allow any "fish" to "get away".

I contend that the main purpose behind this activity and mechanism is DISHONORABLE AT ITS CORE since the STATE acts as nothing more than a "soul harvester" without any regard for whats best for that living soul it is after. The main concern and purpose is to harness the energy and sweat equity of any and ALL living souls on this land BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY in order to continue maintaining the "beast" which serves the few who are in control of it at the expense and detriment of unsuspecting, unwitting and intentionally conditioned/misinformed people.

I ask any and all here...


I opine that from that dishonor, all claims of sovereignty, authority, power and jurisdiction over the creations from that dishonorable entity and mechanism are NULL AND VOID when attempted against a righteous and peaceful inhabitant on the land who declares and exhibits competence and superior honorable standing within the supreme Divine Trust in the Almighty Creator.

What that translates to, in my opinion, is FREE REIGN USUFRUCT over any creation of man, in our own right, for the righteous purposes of living life on this land in peace but NOT for material or personal gain. We use whatever tool or creation we deem as necessary in this day and age in order to "live a life" and provide and protect ourselves and our families.

If the STATE and its U.S. TRUST principal wish to claim rightful sovereignty over what it creates, then start acting in honor with FULL DISCLOSURE and an OVERT GOOD FAITH EFFORT to not continue the intentional deception, conditioning, concealment, omission and overall DISHONOR it displays and acts upon whenever it decides to target and entrap a living soul on this land. Until then, the claims from that dishonrable position and standing have ZERO significance or force of law upon a righteous man or woman who is aware and "calls them on it".

No "government" is deserving of respect or obedience if its main objective is to chattelize the flesh and bone of God's children under less than honest means to say the least. This is repugnant and an abomination before our Creator and that renders the creations of men responsible for this evil FREE GAME for those of us who have gained this knowledge.

After all, I believe that this government/trust is here to charitably protect and defend our interests and claims. We are the heirs to God's Kingdom on earth and these "oath-takers" are to be doing God's Work; giving freely their service to that end.
Very nicely put, AJ!
