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Thread: Cop Executes Teenage Boy According to Witnesses

  1. #11
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    The Brown family lawyers are caught using a "ringer" Shawn Parcells for their autopsy. Parcells is not a licensed pathologist, but a voice "for hire". But the Brown lawyers were "selling it" as having been performed by Dr. Michael Baden, who is an experienced licensed pathologist. They just flew him in a couple days after the autopsy to agree with Parcells report, but not telling the media Baden did not actually perform the autopsy. They used the same media whore (Frances Robles) they used for the Trayvon Martin lies.

    Shawn Parcells exposed:

    “I am a forensic pathologist assistant and medical investigator,” Parcells told FOX 4’s Shannon O’Brien. However, that’s something of a dubious title according to forensic pathologist Dr. Erik Mitchell.
    “That is a degree that does not exist in my knowledge, except in the mind of Shawn Parcells,” Dr. Mitchell said. Dr. Mitchell takes issue with Parcells’ title. “You cannot claim the title, because it is a formal, licensable position. You can assist somebody; in this way I can say, for instance, I have paid my taxes, so I am an assistant President of the United States,” Dr. Mitchell said.

    “I worked there as a forensic assistant for about a year. And if I remember correctly that was 2005 to 2006. That was under Dr. Young,” Parcells said. That’s Dr. Thomas Young, the former Jackson County Medical Examiner.

    Dr. Young responded with this statement:

    “Shawn hung out at the Jackson County Medical Examiner’s office but was not trained by me.”…. “He has been representing himself in a way that is not appropriate by giving forensic pathology opinions when he is not qualified to do so.”
    Last edited by Casper; 08-20-14 at 05:05 AM.

  2. #12
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    Manipulated is correct. The lawyers are the same (Crump and Parks) as Trayvon Martin incident. They are called the "scheme team" and they shook down the Home Owners Association where Trayvon was shot for $1.7 million, and of course attempted to shake down the city for tens of millions. It is a "shake down" racket following the same gameplan as Trayvon, including attempting to get the local prosecutor, police chief and mayor fired and replaced with their "progressive" team players. This is a stage and these are the players.
    Last edited by Casper; 08-19-14 at 10:51 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    Manipulated is correct. The lawyers are the same (Crump and Parks) as Trayvon Martin incident. They are called the "scheme team" and they shook down the Home Owners Association where Trayvon was shot for $1.7 million, and of course attempted to shake down the city for tens of millions. It is a "shake down" racket following the same gameplan as Trayvon, including attempting to get the local prosecutor, police chief and mayor fired and replaced with their "progressive" team players. This is a stage and these are the players.
    The lesser of two evils is still evil. I choose the good. It is a fallacy and an outright lie that good and evil must exist together. We have free will we can choose the good - why do so many choose the evil? This is interesting that our Father did not seek to control us - he rather desired to raise up children in a way that would benefit them. Why do the children rebel?

    george wrote in a previous post a key statement. TRUST NOTHING AND NOONE. I trust my heavenly father and I am VERY selective in whom I choose to contract. As such, when I am told something it is not true for me until I weigh it in the balance. My balances. What some other man says is no matter to me. It can have no value until I make it my own in my own liability.

    I took a student years ago and spent well over two years with him and I was deeply saddened when the cares of this world ensnared him and he gave up the race. Unfortunately he would not come to full liability - he kept blaming others, even myself for his failures - he still does. This is NOT the way. It is interesting that some years later I too experienced the same thing with the IRS that he did - but when the going got tough I put the plow in the ground three feet and plowed them out of my way.

    I WILL it - with the understanding that my life can be an example to others. So when the IRS agent claimed FRIVOLOUS FILING $5k penalty - I just wrote a letter explaining what his position was to him - what he is relying upon - and I showed him HOW he would have the "permission" to give me what I desired. By the way, I will not be surprised if he does not quit his job soon or have a nervous breakdown. For how can a house stand that is divided against itself?

    He is not my enemy - those that CONTROL him are. But then again they are not my enemy either. They too answer to a higher power. So I respectfully showed him the basis of his arguments / assertions and an interesting thing happened - ALL STOP. I have the faith to tell that mountain cast thyself into the sea. I rely on the promise that I shall have what I desire. Those persons of State are not my creation - therefore they are subject to the ones who created the use. You might say the TERMS OF USE dictate the utilization of the person. Ever register at a website? ROFL.....Ever read the TERMS OF USE? "By making a use of this website you agree to be bound to the following terms of use......" Your choice - to use or not to use.

    If you do make a use do you know the laws governing the use? And herein is the problem. Today many of the "front line" clerks in Administration are ignorant as the day is long. So they just SING the company hymn in the key of Oppression. You are the TRUSTEE so prove your innocence. It is not the other way around - the trustee is assumed to be guilty until he proves his innocence.

    Finding an illusion or just an idea - I am not bound to that - I can rise above. What then of insurance. It is for the DEAD. I look on to ASSURANCE in the living, in Christ.

    Let the blind lead the blind. Meanwhile the Saints will be about their work. Consider now why do you think Jesus Christ would say the following:

    Mat 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

    Mat 13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

    Mat 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

    Mat 13:16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

    When one comes to full liability there is no excuse in ignorance. Nevertheless it is sad to see how the wolfs rip off the ignorant. And the blind beg for their oppressors to make their prison more sure. And those that trade in the trust of others play the trustee against the public taking their cut out of the middle.

    And there is no hope for these dogs/swine for they do this thing with full knowledge of what they do. Laugh it up boys while you can - your day is gonna come!

    Musical Interlude

    "Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
    Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?"

    The Church [Woman] had best learn that her Salvation lies upon direct Revelation from the Holy Spirit. It is that "wind" Ruach - that leads us into all truth. Wisdom she is found in many places.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-20-14 at 01:51 AM.
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  4. #14
    It seems rather clear that there are plenty of opportunities in those recent events for the unsordid opportunistic types. We should all be on guard to be above attempts to run divide and conquer strategies against any of us. The St. Louis County Police and the North County area in particular has been quite an example of what happens when armed State actors are allowed to run in predatory mode almost unchecked (i.e. enema needed). Imagine riding down the street at 40 MPH in a 45MPH zone, a police car races past you at 75 MPH knowing a cop with a radar is up ahead. Cop with radar stops you for going 75MPH, you get irate over the matter so they arrest you, beat you. But they all know that you were going 40 MPH and needed the fast cop car to set off the radar so they can make $$um munniee$$. Welcome to North County, St. Louis County.

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    Last edited by allodial; 08-20-14 at 05:59 AM.
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    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
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  5. #15
    Senior Member Brian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    Permit me to ask, Brian, if this kid was Caucasian would you ask yourself the question if he deserved to die Judge Dredd style?
    Does due process apply less to this kid than to anyone else due to his pigmentation or social bias?
    It matters not what content of pigment one has. We should all be afforded the same level of due process. However that being said and as the facts seem to be getting clearer about what went down. IF this kid attacked the police officer in the manner that is being alleged and went for his gun, then turned and rushed the cop. I would then say the cop was justified in his actions. I would expect that to happen to anyone that allegedly attacked a police officer. The difference between if it were I being shot is it would not be reported hardly at all as it is in this case. Nobody gives a crap about black on white crime, or black on black for that matter. Just my perception. I reserve the right to change my mind as always.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    IF this kid attacked the police officer in the manner that is being alleged and went for his gun, then turned and rushed the cop. I would then say the cop was justified in his actions. I would expect that to happen to anyone that allegedly attacked a police officer.
    How could Mike Brown turn to rush the cop after going for the gun fleeing from the cop?

    There have been at least 5 instances this month in August of police gunning down or strangling to death unarmed African-American males.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian
    The difference between if it were I being shot is it would not be reported hardly at all as it is in this case. Nobody gives a crap about black on white crime, or black on black for that matter. Just my perception. I reserve the right to change my mind as always.
    I would say this. Perhaps the media doesn't care, but I'm sure the communities and victims care about those types of crimes.

    This instance we are discussing is a police officer gunning down an unarmed African-American man.

    I suspect anyways that our perception will differ based on race and life experiences anyways.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
    Manipulated is correct. The lawyers are the same (Crump and Parks) as Trayvon Martin incident. They are called the "scheme team" and they shook down the Home Owners Association where Trayvon was shot for $1.7 million, and of course attempted to shake down the city for tens of millions. It is a "shake down" racket following the same gameplan as Trayvon, including attempting to get the local prosecutor, police chief and mayor fired and replaced with their "progressive" team players. This is a stage and these are the players.
    Principals are responsible for their agents. The agent, Zimmerman, did not follow the rules and protocol as set by his principal. Agents of the HOA acting as watchmen were to observe and report to police, not engage.

    As to the Trayvon Martin instance, if Zimmerman would have kept himself in the car, there would have been no death.
    Zimmerman was the aggressor. Zimmerman wasn't threatened in his car. He chose to engage. I didn't know walking, minding one's own business was an instance of suspicion. I guess this is more so due to skin color in some peoples' mind.
    Last edited by shikamaru; 08-20-14 at 11:29 AM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

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    This made my day. I grew up watching this show every Friday night.

    The powers that be have been "playing" us for years now:

    Prouty retells Lansdale’s story of how he had a blank check which he used to underwrite elaborate stage shows manipulating Philippine opinion in the removal of Quirino. His ability to effect regime change without excessive bloodshed endeared him to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Lansdale singled out Ramon Magsaysay who was captain in the Philippine army for elevation to the presidency but he first required a stint as Philippine Secretary of Defense. Lansdale enabled this rise by staging Huk rebellions wherein a battalion of Magsaysay’s would split into two groups. The first would dress as rebels and attack a village by storming it, burning huts, firing weapons, and creating pure pandemonium which sent the natives fleeing from the village. Much of this pandemonium was augmented with sound systems and other cinematic equipment. Later, the other half of the battalion would follow up by capturing the “communist rebels.” Lansdale would make sure that press and video cameras were present reporting Magsaysay coming into the village and ordering that the rebels be shot and then dumped over the side of the truck. After they were certain that the villagers witnessed all of this, they loaded up and headed down the road for breakfast.

    Lansdale applied a similar technique in Viet Nam where under orders from John Foster Dulles – but directly contrary to President Eisenhower – he relocated 1.1 million North Vietnamese to South Viet Nam in order to create the Viet Cong insurgency. These Northerners were peasants who were promised land and money for relocating. The CIA airline and Navy transport handled the migration. Of course when they got to the south they received nothing – not even food. So to survive they turned into bandits and were dubbed Viet Cong. Thus the “insurgency” was created to justify further intervention of the CIA and American military advisors in Indochina. We will explore the wherefores of this in another American Chronicle.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-20-14 at 12:42 PM.
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  9. #19
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    As to the Trayvon Martin instance, if Zimmerman would have kept himself in the car, there would have been no death.
    Zimmerman was the aggressor. Zimmerman wasn't threatened in his car. He chose to engage. I didn't know walking, minding one's own business was an instance of suspicion. I guess this is more so due to skin color in some peoples' mind.
    That was already settled in a court of law. There was no obligation to stay in the car, that was a recommendation from the police dispatch. He had a right to walk around the neighborhood. Trayvon was hiding in the bushes and jumped him, got on top, and beat him MMA style. As the court ruled, Zimmerman had a right to use lethal force as he was in fear for his life. Maybe you have been influenced by the media version of events, just like in the Brown case. Brown was the aggressor, attacked him while in his truck, broke the officers eye socket, went for his gun, and later bum rushed him when the officer told him to freeze.

    A source reported that Dorian Johnson, Brown's accomplice in the crime is now recanting his testimony for the 3rd time and, reported in the link below, is saying Brown did attack Wilson and go for his gun. Johnson likely wants a plea deal. Since every version of Johnson's story has been proven false, this may be his first attempt at the truth.
    Last edited by Casper; 08-20-14 at 05:39 PM.

  10. #20
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    I didn't know walking, minding one's own business was an instance of suspicion. I guess this is more so due to skin color in some peoples' mind.
    You know how I know you didn't read the facts of the case? If Trayvon was just walking home with his skittles, watermelon drink, and cigarillos, he would have been just fine. But because he was in to robbin' homes, he was walking between homes and looking around like he was casing the homes out. Even stopping to check out the homes. That is why he was suspicious, not because he was "black". Trayvon was caught in school with tools in his backpack used for robberies. He was known for gettin' high, robbin' and fightin'.

    Trayvon got himself killed with bad choices in life, much like Brown. All Brown had to do was pay for the cigarillos, not rough up the store owner, stay out of the middle of the street, and he would be alive today.
    Last edited by Casper; 08-20-14 at 05:40 PM.

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