Casper - it is not about picking on you - however, logically speaking. How does a SOS provide a letter to a man stating KW is acting as an executor and trustee and that he no longer liable for process of service. The SOS can only communicate with persons not men. The mere fact those titles are the registered agent for the estate or trust. Now again, I am speaking logically.

Man is not "vessel", man only is man. He can not be anything but an image created by God or I am that I am, or comes from the pre-existant father, a son in the pre-existent One. A vessel is a thing under the jurisdiction of the US. ALL property is vested in the state, where "men" or persons [take you choice] are mere users for the BENEFIT of the state.

I have no issue with the American National status, if you need a passport to use. I was thinking of doing this myself. But this Is off topic. You are presumed to be a 14th A citizen. THey are allowed to presume that by law. Your only job is to rebut that presumption. They can not force you to be a citizen.

I am always open to be corrected; however, with this new "vessel", I am not feelin the bank would be opening a bank account without a SSN. First of all, all bank accounts are the property of the government. At any time, FRNs can BE confiscated for national security reasons, as Barry has a pen and a phone. We can look to Cyprus for recent confirmation.

It looks like you are on a path and I wish you the best.

I am interested in obtaining more info on the "American national" passport. I never really looked into that. If you care to provide the details as what is required, this would be good. thanks

Quote Originally Posted by Casper View Post
I posted this for KW's first hand experience with BC in Kentucky. He stated he has a Declatory Judgment that he acts in a private venue, a letter from the SOS stating he is the acting Executor, he designated a trustee, he resigned from service of process, and changed the name he is known by. He is not only not in jail, they leave him alone. Not sure why you posted a fake ID, KW is going by the name of his new vessel, KW. He is not pretending to be a post office or a diplomat, just a man. I am quite sure he is that. Anyone can change their name under common law, as long as it is not used for fraud. KW could change his name to Paul Washington and start doing business as that vessel, as long as he established it in the community. No need to register it with the state or it becomes theirs. Everybody knows him as KW.

What he did not do is correct his status from a 14th Amendment citizen to a national (state Citizen) via a USA passport. Then send $50 to get an authentication from the US Dept of State. That will give you evidence from the highest authority that you are not a 14ther. That option is still there and I know of people that did that. That gets your domicile out of the District (fedzone), so you are not subject to their 100% dictum. Then you can get a bank account without a SS# as a foreign national (without the US). If you wanted an "operator license" (DL) to do interstate commerce, you could get the license as a non-resident alien. So you are doing commerce in an appropriate capacity. That is my path. I just linked KW as he has quite a bit of knowledge to share, from his study of the code, to interaction with Kentucky and the DMV. This is all very interesting stuff to me.

Thanks for the input. I try to get first hand experience for myself, but I value others first hand experience as well.

KW's approach is a little different than mine. I do not want the 14ther tag. From my research, that is my approach. We may achieve similar results.