The issue at hand is having THEM honor THEIR law and providing discharge for all claims made against their property
I find that the govco is very precise in following their law on the statutes and codes. In their application of the statutes and codes to you, have you contemplated that maybe it is you that is in the wrong capacity? Or maybe its you that does not comprehend the meaning of the legal terms, who it applies to, the applicable jurisdiction? Or maybe its you that is making claims that do not follow the proper application of law?

I used to have your mindset, and the more I researched, the more I learned it was my fault for not comprehending the law. It was my fault for contracting with the government in the wrong capacity, accepting a personna not meant for me, and entering in to the wrong jurisdiction. I have heard from others that when you present yourself in your correct status and jurisdiction, they surely do follow the law for that status. Maybe its your perception that needs correction.