Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Yeah I think there's another "Moxie" floating around though I'd like to claim being the only one, lol
Like this one:
that one seems even more fitting than the one I was reminded of (that I dont remember LOL)

Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
I was that way once too, until I discovered the true law. I saw how the modern churches are not allowed to teach the true law because they have unwittingly contracted with Caesar to stay silent, lest they lose their benefits. These churches are 501(c)3 churches. Get away from those teachings and you will see the hidden Biblical truths line up with the true law. For example, this link helped me see how a license is not necessary to get married. Mainstream church doctrine will never come out and tell you that; likely, they're not aware of it. That's one of many things they're not aware of. Check out the other issues
mainstream churches will never tell you about.
are you familiar with 501d? I learned about it recently from robbbryder's youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sre...5PKb3HVFiEyrJA

his blog links to StSC but I am not sure if he is an active poster. I like his style though, the way he blogs his discoveries. another fine perspective to consider. and seems he is onto something big lately.

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
George I can appreciate your argument;
argument? my bad. Im not a great communicator. I was not trying to argue or say you are wrong or anything like that, more like wondering what folks here thought about those ideas and how they consider them. Ive learned not to argue about anything without having first hand experience. I still make alot of mistakes but tend to catch myself sooner now

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Ever read Amos 5
I read cover to cover the KJV at age 11, because I wanted to, my Mom & Dad did not attend church or have strong beliefs in anything other than their persons. anyway, many things made perfect sense and shaped my mind. in a good way but most of it I just couldnt understand. Ive read the red letter editions red letters many many times since too but I will review AMOS 5 soon so I can relate to your reference.

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Have you ever noticed that the doctrine of forgiveness is always preached. But what did Christ Jesus say? He said forgive them IF they repent. I say IF they repent. Oh how I grow tired of these so called WUSSIFIED Christ men. I know - new term. For this writing, the term WUSSIFIED mean those lacking a backbone.
I think forgiveness is important, whatever wrong has occurred can then be left behind without strings attached that could be problematic later on. I think thats from ancient toltec philosophy but remembering this kinda stuff is just not how Im wired I guess. I think Ive other gifts that make up for it though.

about those with no backbone (spine-less) in motorcycle racing they are often referred to as "squids" ;-)

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Reference Proverbs 31 - Whole Chapter. She is birthing the man-child [new Spiritual nature]. Only she can do it. Another flesh and blood man cannot help in this regard.
thanks, will review this also.

Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post

Comments: MERCHANTS indeed. Expose them for what they are Liars, Thieves and Agents of Satan in the pulpit.
kinda how the gnostics seem to have believed except they went way way further with it.

Im not atheist, I think there is a higher intelligence but the who, what, where, how, when of that Im still working on. I like what little Ive read from Plato and Aristotle on the subject but as with the gospels I dont think what we have from them is 100% on the level either.

again, thanks for sharing your words/input with me. off topic is fine with me, and may lead to greater discoveries. from all my lurking prior to now it seems to be the norm here more than not. LOL