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Thread: services for cash only, how to convert FRNs to Lawful money?

  1. #21
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
    It just occurred to me that I may have committed a forum faux pas by asking that question.
    *cue sitcom wah-wah trombone*

    At the same time, I would triple-dog dare people from this forum to get on Karl Lentz' Unkommon Law call and ask him about 12USC411 and the Federal Reserve Act. People will be treated the way I was treated: ignored or head bitten off -- even though it's remedy. Because a common law man is an "idiot", meaning he is deaf, dumb and blind to "their" codes and statutes. He can't even try to interpret them or apply them.

    I'll be the one with the binoculars and jumbo bucket of popcorn, extra butter. :-D
    The constitution was written in a foreign language. While it is English, do you understand all of those Capitalized Nouns? It is a foreign language meant only for those in that closed law boundary. The marriage was between the States and the United States.

    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  2. #22
    The word 'wedding' and the word 'federal' just might be related.
    Last edited by allodial; 09-02-14 at 11:46 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by EZrhythm View Post
    If one writes their demand as a NOTICE, makes it a public record and then issues that notice to any FRB... POOF! ...Converted!

    hi EZrhythm, when you say any FRB do you mean as institutions or the people/customers? I ask because if one is not utilizing a bank then why would they send the notice to the bank?

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I would imagine that one could make a list of FRN serial numbers and face values in a document and write something like

    Could get it notarized perhaps even and send it off to the appropriate government fiduciary. You could stamp them and mark them with the number of your Redemption Certificate. EZrhythm might have mentioned something like this earlier in the thread.
    yes, I think this is the way I should file a LOR at some point and anything else purchased for keeps.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The word 'wedding' and the word 'federal' just might be related.
    thanks for the tip, I see ;-)

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
    It just occurred to me that I may have committed a forum faux pas by asking that question.
    *cue sitcom wah-wah trombone*

    At the same time, I would triple-dog dare people from this forum to get on Karl Lentz' Unkommon Law call and ask him about 12USC411 and the Federal Reserve Act. People will be treated the way I was treated: ignored or head bitten off -- even though it's remedy. Because a common law man is an "idiot", meaning he is deaf, dumb and blind to "their" codes and statutes. He can't even try to interpret them or apply them.

    I'll be the one with the binoculars and jumbo bucket of popcorn, extra butter. :-D
    why? off-topic? that the norm here, havnt you noticed? I kinda like it.. sorta expands the mind but at the same time that probably why I as of yet have not committed myself to implementing these (Davids) strategy. kinda confusing like that.

    if I ever talk to Karl I will be sure to mention it now ;-) seems to me there are many details being left out though I cant see the bigger picture with his approach yet either. Ive gotta be able to see it this way before I take action. I find what Boris has put together so far the best in that regard. (bigger picture)

  5. #25
    hi everyone

    I just got payed in lawful money but would like to know how to convert them into the FRNs they look like, so I can accrue the tax liability, and .. um ... help out the bankers?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyCash View Post
    hi everyone

    I just got payed in lawful money but would like to know how to convert them into the FRNs they look like, so I can accrue the tax liability, and .. um ... help out the bankers?

    hi JohnnyCash, go start your own thread!

    j/k, so the point you are trying to make is that in regard to the OP, nothing need too be done? that it is lawful money prior to us receiving it?

    or are you just bored? say what you mean and mean what you say.

  7. #27
    [SCOTTY] Cap'n! disinfo deflector shields being bombarded by so much excremental wave forces, I dunno how much moar she can take! The vibrations in the engine room are making the crew nauseous in a gaseous sort of way. It's a full on assault to rational thought or coherent reasoning and these pressures we are experiencing are causing some to actually think that bullshit is like brain food or something. My first officer just came up and asked to be introduced to Famspear, for Petes sakes. Captain...I am no longer able to even reach these people with sarcasm or parody. I'm afraid we are doomed. But on the other hand, maybe this just means we are one step closer to annihilation, so that would be something to look forward to, I guess
    Last edited by JohnnyCash; 09-05-14 at 12:56 AM.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyCash View Post
    [SCOTTY] Cap'n! disinfo deflector shields being bombarded by so much excremental wave forces, I dunno how much moar she can take! The vibrations in the engine room are making the crew nauseous in a gaseous sort of way. It's a full on assault to rational thought or coherent reasoning and these pressures we are experiencing are causing some to actually think that bullshit is like brain food or something. My first officer just came up and asked to be introduced to Famspear, for Petes sakes. Captain...I am no longer able to even reach these people with sarcasm or parody. I'm afraid we are doomed. But on the other hand, maybe this just means we are one step closer to annihilation, so that would be something to look forward to, I guess
    whatever you say.. we? one can speak for oneself only, but thanks anyway.

    hopefully David will chime in.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    hi everyone,

    say you have a private business reprogramming computers and you only accept cash and dont use banks.

    how would you convert the FRNs that youve earned this way to Lawful money?

    At a glance this thread looks very interesting, at least from a psychology and research perspective. To get something out of the thread though, you must understand since the gold seizure of 1933 US notes in the form of Federal Reserve notes is about as close as you get to lawful money without suffering a terrible loss through purchase and sale of precious metals at every transaction.

    If you demand cash you have circumnavigated the entire issue; the demand for lawful money was either made by the buyer (of your goods and services) when he or she put it in his or her wallet, or not. I like to put the stamp on my bills anyway but that is just so that people might look up Title 12 USC §411 on their browser and start preparing their minds for the bigger redemption picture.

    I think that is what Michael Joseph is alluding to. Jesus said that you must love yourself before you can love your neighbor - at least that is inherent in - Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. To love yourself you need to forgive yourself and I am directing you to focus on redeeming your neighbor from the national debt by redeeming lawful money yourself. Following this back up the Whole of the Law we hear Jesus say, Love the LORD they God with all thine heart, soul, mind and strength. By substitution that would leave no love for your neighbor or yourself unless you and your neighbor are as if God - the Image and Likeness of God. Therefore as God-creatures, God never being able to create anything outside Himself we lay claim to the Image and Likeness of Him/Ourselves as the Law of the Flag in admiralty [hence the Libel of Review by restricted appearance (Rule E(8)) and its Law of the Flag]. However the highest is in the Preamble; so many people misunderstand Law and what the Preamble does as Enactment Clause: The LORD our God is One LORD. This is the SHEMA - Hear O' Israel - The LORD our God is One LORD. It was a blessing and reminder that Aaron sang over the Tribes of Israel morning and evening.

    Shema! Israel! YODI-HEYHO-WAVOH-HEYAH Eloheynu

    It is very difficult to justify that God would cause a man to kill his son or even kill His own Son but it is easy to resort to it as a rationale. A great example is Paul resorting to the Roman Empire for protective custody for the last five years of his life and then saying God told me to go minister to the Gentiles. Abraham created Isaac and the Israelite (Jewish) people out of incest (Sarah was his half-sister) while in ignorance, but finding out his error - 50% recombinate DNA in the gene pool - realized what a cumbersome problem he had created, where his stiff-necked offspring would need somebody singing the SHEMA morning and night just to remind them of this Unity. Therefore we find Abraham on Mount Moriah with a knife to Isaac's throat. Imagine the remorse after allowing Sarah to kill Hagar and exile his only genetically sound lineage Ishmael.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-08-14 at 02:06 PM.

  10. #30

    Do you wish to buy into the national guilt-trip?

    Here we put it upon ourselves that God killed His only begotten Son Jesus CHRIST because we are born in sin. We call ourselves filthy rags before God. You will reflect back what you project and always through the filter you wish to hold. Look closely - the Roman crucifixion was not intended to kill. It was a three-hour torture. Pilate was surprised to hear about Jesus' death! Ask anybody who works in an Emergency Room. If the Romans hung you upside down though, you were finished. Also, Jesus showed his wounds to "Doubting Thomas" so we know that Jesus survived the Cross. Thomas DIDYMUS was an identical twin himself and being rumored that Jesus had died on the Cross a few days prior wanted to see the wounds just to make sure that Jesus was not a long lost twin brother to the healer/minister.

    This gets more interesting! Several years later Shaul, who was a treacherous suspect being from treacherous Celicia that had quashed an uprising against Rome in the previous generation was short and bald and so had to come up with an extraordinary plan - to marry into the Levites on the Temple Mount as the bounty hunter who captured Jesus so the Sanhedrin could publicly kill him off for good! Jesus had moved up to the Jewish community in Damascus and people still loved him and his healing ministry, as well as his rightful crown. The Herodian Guard on the Temple Mount were quite willing to buy Shaul's services as bounty hunter as Jesus had cast a pallor on the contracting of the drachma and shekel coins franchise with his tantrum episode in the courtyard, overturning the tables of the moneychangers.

    The encryption is thin but in 6 BC as despotic king Herod the GREAT died leaving the Israel territorial claim to his three sons Archelaus, Antipas and Philip. Archelaus HEROD was the King over all Israel and therefore sat on the throne in Jerusalem and ruled over Judea, Sumaria and Syria (Antipas and Philip were only Tetrarchs respectively). Archelaus received a very disturbing visit on December 25th 2 BCE from three mystic Babylonian dignitaries alerting him that there was born a child-king living (15-months old) in the City of David (Bethlehem). These dignitaries brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to purchase a memorial for this King - a family tomb - and apparently a scholarship so that this King could study in all the esoteric lodges of Babylon, Israel, Egypt and it is even rumored in India too during His twenties, equipping him to become a most wise (educated) king indeed. The Prophet Daniel BELSHAZZAR, Chieftain of the Babylonian Astrologers and Sorcerers had indeed done well for God by planning out a marvelous heritage for his final destiny.

    Archelaus felt quite threatened and began an infanticide campaign against any boy-toddlers less than two years of age. He quickly grew unpopular among the parents of Israel and they did not know what to do so many of them began to petition to the nearby Roman Empire to please come into Israel and unseat this national tragedy of a king, Archelaus HEROD. Rome had never really been interested enough in spreading out its resources to "Outreamer" but could not resist the open invitation to extend its borders, free for simply unseating one already very unpopular King. They exiled King Archelaus and somewhere along the line, living in hiding Archelaus picked up a divine Prophet (channel for Elijah) John, son of the High Priest Zechariah, who is also found living like a mountain man (in hiding/exile) in the Bible Story. Archelaus could not stay quiet when he saw the opportunity to retake the throne in Jerusalem - Antipas had taken Herodias, Philip's wife to Jerusalem and was sleeping with her in adultery. Both John and Archelaus were killed but John, only after it became clear that Antipas wanted John desperately to convert to his throne, so that Antipas could properly quit as Tetrarch and take Jesus' throne as King of Israel. See Mark 11:27-33 and get a taste for the Key to decrypt the ultimate PARABLE. The Baptism on the Jordan River was clearly a low-budget coronation ceremony. Daniel's Magi were right, whether they co-created Jesus the MESSIAH, or not. Remember Daniel was castrated and so therefore had no children, no sons to carry a heritage.

    Hopefully that carries the reader to understand that King Jesus was truly a political King, crowned by John around the time that Archelaus was encouraged to risk everything attempting to regain the throne. So the question begged answers itself. Passages, a Bible museum sponsored by the Green Initiative of Bible Scholars revealed to me that the Book of Mark is certainly the first Gospel to come about, maybe as early as 40 AD or about a decade after the Crucifixion. Christianity Explored (3rd round) brought to my attention that Paul and Jesus conferred about writing the Book of Mark for three years (Galatians 1:18 and "many days" of Acts 9:23). So the three days of blindness is a CODE for three years in the making - The Book of Mark. The Question is:

    Why not just speak this out plainly without encrypting it in parable?

    ANSWER: To protect the King of Israel and his lineage.

    Paul's Conversion on the Road to Damascus was just the beginning all right! He field tested the Resurrection Myth in Asia Minor where he knew this would go over well with the pagans he grew up with in Tarsus, Celicia. They just loved Birth, Death and Resurrection as demonstrated by the seasons that they already worshiped since the beginning of human psychology. In three years he was reporting back to Jesus, Peter and Mark - who apparently had the wherewithal to provide the literary skills to publish a book, rare and expensive at that time. This causes me to recall the belief among churchmen that the young man (neoteros) who was following Jesus and Herodian Guard who captured Him was in fact Mark, deducing from the writing style that it was very unlikely somebody else watching would have put that in the Book of Mark. Remember the young man who was picked up for following Jesus too closely, who escaped by slipping out of his cloak and fleeing naked?

    I repeat: At a glance this thread looks very interesting, at least from a psychology and research perspective. To get something out of the thread though, you must understand since the gold seizure of 1933 US notes in the form of Federal Reserve notes is about as close as you get to lawful money without suffering a terrible loss through purchase and sale of precious metals at every transaction.

    That brings us back to the Opening Post. What inspires us to program conditioning between us and the original Message? Why would we teach our children too, to lay the burden of the national debt upon each other? It is so inherent within us to replay our guilt trips like generational curses as little sound bites that somehow condone and console us, comforting us when it all comes out in the wash - without the filters, projection and reflection right there in front of us?



    So it is not only clearer why so many people who are insisting on being paid in cash, still misunderstand and want the need of additional exoneration from the guilt, to still be able to convert to just weights; the whole guilt trip as a business plan complicating our thinking and compelling us to seek redemption through sacrifice (priestcraft) is hereby put to the test!

    In other words – How could a nation be so guilt-ridden as to voluntarily join in this trust agreement?

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    Last edited by David Merrill; 09-08-14 at 02:42 PM.

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