Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
IMO, this usufruct stuff is misguided. As applied to government, usufruct does exist as with the trust property. The trust property is public roads, public land and public buildings and the taxation extracted from the public. This does not include any land that is in your possession, it has never been made trust property. The records at the recorder's office will show this.
Thank you for speaking up. This distinction is important to examine. This is the difference between discharging a debt, as in bankruptcy proceedings or buying it, at least intuitively. So therefore this is the purpose of getting free of the Federal Reserve agreement by non-endorsement.

There is an inherent struggle comprehending the application of Biblical precepts at this juncture. Who is Creator? - And therefore who has the ultimate property right?

The Authority Problem is attribute to the Author. Who creates? We appear to create, and to some extent our father and parents down the line have created for us, as to heritage - what we are born into. What we are taught about our role as creators is significant too. The Bible teaches us that elohim a plurality being created the matrix of physical reality and so that is not specific where our role ends as Creator.

Resorting to the Book of Enoch we begin to decipher a mystery worth examining about apples and serpents. Some time after Adam and Eve were created some angels began lusting after woman in the flesh and so created a distinction between good and evil - The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I am directing you to before that event - The Tree of Life.

I picture a condensing of spiritual material out of the urge in the original Creator (God) to have an experience. These elohim made an initial decision to spend an infinite amount of energy (Mind) bending light into little tiny circles called electron valence shells. That simplistic draft depicts the amount of energy required to hold this illusion (dream) together in which we experience a time-space continuum often referred to as reality.

Who is Creator?

As I walk through it, realizing my teaching I learn. So I am approaching the concept that we are in elohim, if you want to change your life, change the way you think. The first precept of the ancient Hermetic sciences is that The All is mind, the Universe is mental.

The Torrens system or recordation would infer that there is a custodial task by the State and that informs us as it informs the State Person of who holds the use rights within certain monuments of soil. Interestingly we might get insight from mineral rights, so that below a depth of twenty feet, growing/farming rights, the State owns all property but if the State does not exercise that right within the most recent twenty years then the interests are up for grabs?

I am just saying...

That would seem to infer that whoever understands Who is Creator Creates.