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Thread: Egregores

  1. #11
    You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become? -Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
    Interesting quote.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #12
    a GLP search turns up some interesting data on the subject:

    EGREGORE: An engergized astral form produced consciously or unconsciously by human agency. In particular, (a) a strongly characterized form, usually an archetypal image, produced by the imaginative and emotional energies of a religious or magical group collectively, or (b) an astral shape of any kind, deliberately formulated by a magician to carry a specific force. The Aurum Solis

    Egregore: from a Greek word meaning "watcher." A thought-form created by will and visualization. A group egregore is the distinctive energy of a specific group of magicians who are working together, creating and building the same thought-form or energy-form. from: Golden Dawn Glossary

    "Any symbolic pattern that has served as a focus for human emotion and energy will build up an egergor of its own over time, and the more energy that is put into such a pattern, the more potent the egregor that will form around it. The gods and goddesses of every religion, past and present, are at the centers of vast egregors charged with specific kinds of power. This power is defined by, and contacted through, the traditional symbolism of the deity in question." John Michael Greer, from: Inside a Magical Lodge

    "The egregor is always an invisible and spiritual being, which is coupled with a physical entity. When several people on the earth unite around a common idea, they give birth to an egregora... this being is then going to become independent and have its own life which will be capable of influencing human beings and history. This is a terrifying secret which was carefully hidden inside the ancient mysteries. They called it: "The art of creating Gods". Then there was the war of the Gods...Man became a pawn in the hands of the egregors. He became the slave of the beings which he himself had created; and now he is obliged to feed them with his blood and his life." Olivier Manitara, from: "The Egregor of the Dove and the Triumph of Free Peace"

    "What is an egregore? It is the psychic and astral entity of a group. All members of a group, a family, a club, a political party, a religion or even a country, are psychically included in the egregore of the organization to which they belong. Of course, each of us belongs to several egregores at once. Therefore, each individual who is involved in a group receives the influences of the egregores, that is the astral counterpart of the group, in his psyche. This process is unconscious. The resulting drawbacks are, first, some perturbating psychic influences in the majority of cases, and second, a restriction of inner freedom. It is impossible to free oneself from certain egregores, for example the egregores of the country you live in. However, we should free ourselves from all egregores which are not essential. An egregore actually grows by drawing support from the members which constitute it who, in turn, through their repeated actions vivify it, somehow helping it to maintain its power." The Philosophers of Nature, Inc. from "Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge: Lesson" 1

    "ARTIFICIAL GROUP ELEMENTAL - a large energy field hovering over the heads of individuals in a gathering which has a strong influence on each individual; 1. Energy field is composed of thought energy coming from individuals; field is formed and sustained because of the unity of thoughts and emotions; all minds are focused on one subject, one goal, one concept, or one attitude brought about telepathically by the tone and pitch of the words of the leader or music; elemental becomes recharged as the meeting progresses if the group keeps this unity of emotion and thought; 2. Elemental has an independent existence outside the consciousness of the thinkers and is capable of influencing each person individually to react emotionally in a manner one could not or would not be capable of individually away from the group; 3. Elemental disperses as rapidly as it is formed when the group is dismissed as the crowd no longer has continuity of existence; 4. e.g., individuals at a concert frequently weep because the oneness, joy and awe become overwhelming; young adults at a rock festival scream and tear off clothing because the music is choreographed to tune into these levels of the brain and the massness of feelings thrust them into this: soldiers attend military drills frequently in the sameness of uniform; this, along with the saluting and music reinforces their patriotism; destructive-brainwashing cult members meet daily or bi-daily to engage in repetitious verbiage and phrase shouting to keep the cult-programming" at an emotional peak. [cf. ELEMENTAL, MASS HYPNOSIS, DESTRUCTIVE-BRAINWASHING CULTS]." The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary by June G. Beltzer, Ph.D.
    edit: while searching for more infos I found this video where the guy goes into how the United Sates is an egregore:

    this topic has really helped me to "see" some things that Ive been missing. thanks again allodial.
    Last edited by george; 09-19-14 at 01:56 AM.

  3. #13
    "Philip Aylesford"

    Inviting in a spirit is a dangerous thing. Satan and one third of the angels were cast down, and my guess is they are up to no good. They do not care who or what you worship, as long as it is not God.

  4. #14
    hi pumpkin,

    I think we have "invited" more spirits than we realize. this thread helps us to realize that.

    currently Im starting to see how the power of the mind has created many things and how mind power when combined increases that power.

    where Im at now is trying to understand the difference between psyche and spirit, could they be one and the same?

    how do you define "God" and is it your definition or someone elses? I seek to know what god or gods truly is and not what someone else or foreign entity says god or gods is, its not easy.

  5. #15
    Well, George, one man's religion is another man's psychosis, but I think we are spiritual beings and that there is a God, creator. I didn't always think that, but I realized that if there is no God, then everything we see is an accident. I have lived long enough to know, accidents do not cause order, but just the opposite. I think the free will God gave us creates a paradox. That some would chose to deny their creator. Other beings chose this path too and some of those beings are a bit more powerful than ourselves. They aren't anything to be toying with, IMO. Some of them are inherently evil and will deceive in order to manipulate you. I define God as the designer and creator of our universe.

  6. #16
    Yes I believe you are getting the point...your will...volition. If you recall in myths and fairy tales about vampires, if one did not invite the vampire in the vampire could not come in. I knew of someone who prayed that an angelic barrier of protection be established around his home even with specific boundaries established even as pertains to the front door. Those who could enter his home would remark things like: "I've never felt such a strong sense of peace."

    Anyways, it was made known to me that someone steep in the dark occult came by to pay a visit. The one visited is the type to never verbally invite anyone in his house. As the matter came known to me, he simply opened the door with the screen door left unlocked. While others he knew could walk in, the one that paid him a visit could not cross the barrier at all as the matter was made known to me--he was stopped right up to the line--toes on the line. The barrier was established to block out spirits of an evil or sinister or adverse kind. Thusly even if he were to open the door, he doesn't make any verbal invitation --let's God do the sorting.

    "Do you mind if I come in?" Never answered with a yes--do you really know what they mean by "come in"?

    Didn't quite go like this but...for perspectives:

    In the State of Missouri [Marc Perkel found this out the hard way AFAIK], opening a door is taken as an invitation to police to enter. If your back yard lacks a fence, they take it as an invitation--thus they feel they can tow cars without a warrant if there isn't a fence. Ah and so there is this thing called "a close".

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    Lockable glass or screen doors in addition to a regular front or back door are handy for obvious reasons.
    Last edited by allodial; 09-19-14 at 07:56 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    One time I was asked to be a witness to a trial. The DA was getting nowhere and then he started goading my colleague. So my colleague turned to him and actually said "let's get it on". The DA turned abruptly to the judge and said "your Honor he opened the door...."


  8. #18
    See also: Rapport.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Any thinking man or woman will notice at once the first givens are flawed. I refuse to grant the givens that this entire video is based upon. Therefore on its own merit it is a fraud. From whence is the womb of creation? Until then, all systems are based in BELIEF. Which is to say Faith.

    Desolation Row - Bob Dylan

    "Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
    With his memories in a trunk
    Passed this way an hour ago
    With his friend, a jealous monk
    He looked so immaculately frightful
    As he bummed a cigarette
    Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
    And reciting the alphabet
    You would not think to look at him
    But he was famous long ago
    For playing the electric violin
    On Desolation Row."


    Until man realizes that HE is the Solar System - and that he must be about the inward work - which takes ACTION in the outward expression - he must serve before he can lead, then he will naturally keep pointing the finger and blaming others for his ill estate and condition. Thus naturally he will find himself at the feet of others seeking wisdom.

    Being spoon fed fish and never learning to catch his own.

    So I ask is the Thought the truth or is matter? And from what womb does matter spring forth absent thought?

    Psa_110:3 Thy People shall offer themselves for voluntary offerings, in the day that Thou warrest, In the holy mountains as the dew from the womb before the morning I have begotten thee a son:

    I shall contend for the faith - the Spark of Divinity within - Reborn in the Spirit. The Soul is connected to matter the Spirit is without matter. Just as God is not the Universe but is its Creator.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 09-21-14 at 01:34 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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