Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

The kingdom of God is widely known but afaik isn't a U.N. member state. The de jure and organic land of Delaware isn't to knowledge a U.N. member state. The House of Windsor isn't to knowledge a U.N. member state. The commonwealth of Israel referred to in the New Testament isn't to knowledge, a U.N. member state. Taiwan is not a U.N. member state.
You know it is a shame that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NEVER taught. Which is not about Jesus at all. Jesus was the messenger proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God which is the restoration of the Government of God in the Earth. That is the good news.

Now what is the Gospel - it is the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and it shall go out to all the Nations as a witness AGAINST them.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

What is taught today in the so called churches - not all - but most, is not fit. Why do the churches preach about the person of Jesus? To destroy the messenger and bury the message. Do you think for a minute that any U.N. chartered 501c3 would be able to preach the coming Kingdom of God and not lose its tax free status? See the conflict of interest?

With best regards,