Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
This. ^^^^ this this this this this this.

Holy frijoles that blog is hy00ge with all those videos: zomg! I would have to study this stuff and watch all those lengthy videos as a full-time job for the next several months just to get all that info straight ON TOP of my current issues. What about groceries, mating socks, washing the car, collecting FRNs and breathing??

Why does a man have to notify a fiction!

What a colossal amount of life force and paper devoted to asking a fiction for permission to use some rainbow-unicorn-lucky-charm-leprechaun fictional instrument.

P.S. How many successes with this remedy so far?
Yeah, it takes time for one to wrap his mind around all these concepts. I find it teaches patience. I just read or watch a video, and wait for it to gel in my mind; eventually it does.