Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
It strikes me quite reasonable that as we learn and grow we might evolve together. This evolution means that we will grow and develop into completely new social and religious structures and doctrines.

My perceptions of the Cube Sum Number Locks is that within the relationships of prime and non-prime numbers that through simultaneously processing any prime Key through toggle, dither and soon - flutter - we will have an RSA Factoring Algorithm that might function quickly enough to break Public Key Encryption.

From the movie Sneakers: So its a codebreaker?


On beyond that will be fabrication of artificial intuition. I tried to represent my thought system in 3-D with a dodecahedron. To the untrained eye though, I hope that you can at least see that the Five Cube Sum Number Locks are included in red marker.

I felt it might be useful to promote some thought about this here. What will happen when electronic banking is no longer secure? What will that look like? I recently wrote into the Gospel of Pragmatism:

Dr. Wallace said the exact same thing before the criminals finally got to him


On January 26, 2006 while Wallace was jogging in Henderson, Nevada, he was struck and killed by a car. He was 73 years old.

Society as a whole must stand up to their criminal syndicalism if we are to prevail, it's not enough for one person to refuse. We must all refuse their continued abuses to finally defeat the criminals.