Good reading Doug: Thanks

That develops into the conundrum I feel is criminal by Congress - that we now have a non-reserve currency (US notes) attached to a reserve currency (Federal Reserve notes) in value!

The thought of usury: "With usury no man has a house of solid stone" / each block cut smooth and well fitting / that design might cover their face" (Against usurer, Canto XLV).

"Who creates the value of currency is not who prints it but the people who accepts as a medium of payment".

Are the bankers, the big money-lenders who appropriate themselves of the monetary value, using it as a medium of domination and imposing to humanity the seigniorage of debt?

The culture of mass, plagiarized by the mystifying acceptance of the masters of usury, the money suppliers.

"Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro"

When commercial banks create the 97% of the money out of nothing The induced value and the Popular ownership of money led in the past some honest senators to present for three times a proposal bill for giving the ownership of money to the citizenship.

"The treasure of a nation is its honesty”

“In the century of usury all nations have become poor because they were indebted for a value equal to all their money since 1694, year that the Bank of England was established”.

You suffer the great problems that afflict the generation: the philosophical and scientific knowledge to solve them is missing. It is the vision of process of usury.

"What has been lacking in Italy, especially among practical people, industrialists, large or small, among the merchants and not only among the small traders, it is the vision of process of usury.

The knowledge of the relationship, and the relationships among business, the management of manufacturing or commercial company, and the world monetary system, operating not with a short deadline, not in periods of three months or three years, but in the long run over centuries and half- centuries, always with the same purpose: to gain profit.

And always with the same mechanisms, that is creating debts to take advantage of the interests, and monopolies to vary the price of everything, including price the various units of the different currencies of different nations"

"The enemy is ignorance (ours). At the beginning of the nineteenth century John Adams (pater patriae) saw the defects and errors of the U.S. government derived not so much from the corruption of staff, but because of ignorance of money, credit, and their circulation.”

"What is the money, credit, interest, usury, (...) and circulation”.

Paper money created at pure printing cost.

Since the value of the bill of exchange is given by the promise of the debtor, masquerading the banknotes under the appearance of a bill of exchange, the Governor claimed the right to the issuance of money that he had appropriated, because at the moment of its issuance he was lending it. And this is the prerogative of the owner. Thus, the governor is the false debtor, but the true owner.

Thus, the governor is the false debtor, but the true owner of money. In this way money born as the ownership of the banks that issues it, just lending it to citizens. Instead money should be the ownership of the citizens and be credited to them as an Income of citizenship.

Once we have realized that money is a false bill of exchange, it is explained why the Central Bank accounts for the money issued as deficit], falsifying the financial statements.

Most of the central banks account as deficit the notes in circulation, hiding in this way most of the profit for seigniorage to transfer to the Treasury.

Same reason why you can’t own your own home. Only the state and federal building Do Not pay property taxes on the building or the land. Stop paying the property tax and see who come a knocking. Interest is the price paid for using money. By analogy we can say it is like a tenant who's paying the rent to the owner for the use of the apartment. The difference is that while in the rented house property remains in the hands of the landlord, in the rented money, that is a loan, the property passes into the hands of the tenant (the debtor) because essentially the enjoyment of having money is that it is spendable, being able to transfer the property at the time of purchase.