Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
What about lawful money of "The United States" or "UNITED STATES"? Its own board of directors might decide to use a certain paper currency within its corporate boundary. Craft as it were might prosper thru policy.

This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. The whole planet is run as a business. And we no longer see men and women but at the common law but rather we see employees governed by U.C.C. and policies of the corporation.

Eventually little boxes will be bought up and become big boxes. And then the board of directors of the single big box will appoint a president to rule them all.

legal tender is lawful to USE but may not be lawful money. Lawful money is always legal tender.

Property placed into trust is a concept that was around into antiquity. For we read at Genesis 25:29-33 that Esau sold his birthright [inheritance] to Jacob. Therefore, this implies a construct for transfer of an estate thru the exchange of consideration. If the trust was made for ourselves and our posterity - then Esau traded his future interest for consideration. This exchange of "future interest" in the Estate not only bound Esau but his heirs as well.

In Adam all fall from Spiritual life into physical death - fleshly existence; in Christ we are quickened. Therefore in Adam our posterity inherit into death; but in Christ we and our children are made alive into Spirit.

Adam/Eve submitted and consented to be governed by a created being. This is analogous to accepting a man-king - one we can perceive with our five senses - death. So we see the "tree marker" - the fig - marking transfer of government - yet there was consideration for the exchange - a future benefit - whether or not it has been received - I leave to you to acknowledge.

Therefore property in its simplest form is RIGHTS. But one must ask - who established those rights? This will lead you to ORIGINS - and you must each stand at the point of Singularity - and determine for yourself - are you created. If you are created then your only possible claim is in the Creator - whereupon said claim is subject to the terms of use established by the Creator. Now then, the only aspect of property that can be exchanged is the FRUITS of the property. For the property belongs to the Creator, but the fruits belong to man.

Jesus understood this principle explicitly - give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's but give unto God what is God's. This goes to rendering fruits. Which is to say the nature of the Estate in Property. Land is property - Corn is fruit.

Therefore we see "Do not muzzle the mouth of the oxen that treadeth out the corn".

Take off the citizen hat and put on the hat of a king and you will see. A trust reposed - is to place all rights inherit in man into a throne. The throne may be setup upon posterity or bloodlines. Therefore we see Adam holding Eve in trust. The two are one. These two form a kingdom. But these two submitted themselves to another. So they no longer had Christ at their head.

There is nothing new under the sun. Many run to and fro and setup this and that - absent asking the King of kings - thru the Administration of the Kingdom of Heaven - is this the will of The King? Meaning the claim is vassal to the Creator. Is man's claim the will of The King or the lusts of greed?

We sell ourselves everyday - Esau Company. Therefore that which we hate rules us. Therefore, the problem is internal but will naturally reveal itself in society - therefore one will eventually stand and rule the all.

The banker naturally desires the first of the fruits as well - fees. But do the sons pay for the sins of their fathers? Not so. Therefore we can overturn all of this in an instance. For one pays tribute to the kingdom in which one undertakes within. One in limited liability will naturally pay tribute [fruit] to the Husbandmen [Ceasar].

The Earth belongs to the Creator - overlays [venue] is established by man and man's inventions. Is the Kingdom created by man subject to the Administration of the Holy Spirit or the greed of man?
