David, assuming you send in a check or postal money order to pay a bill the regular way (as to not disrupt service), and you also convert the coupon into a money order and write in accepted for value etc on the top—what would the full process be for discharging a phone, gas or cable bill? I believe the first post is pretty close, but not a silver bullet. Also, when researching the topic everyone online, and even the book I mentioned give a warning at the beginning that it's not a guarantee. Is there anyone here who is discharging debts monthly rather than paying debts monthly and can you share the specifics of what is working for you? I've heard that 1099-OID can be useful for this, I've heard about sending to CID at the FBI, but I really don't know. I'd also like to do this without getting myself in any trouble, a trip to the slammer is not an option that would end well for me or my family.