Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
Is that not the law of nature though in a lot of animal species as well, not all turtles make it to the ocean, not all tadpoles make it out of the pond?
Someone told me recently that when you plant food you do it with the planned intention of the thirds, 1/3 animals will eat, 1/3 goes to the earth and 1/3
you eat for food.
Of course the Law of Nature supercedes the Civil Law [if you will]. Sodom and Gomorrah were found guilty 430 years prior to Sinai and the giving of the Moral and Civil Law [10 commandments]. These were guilty of Natural Law. And Yehovah will not abide those abominations.

The Promise was given and sealed by the Ever Living long before the Law showed up on the scene. Abraham was not found wanting - in the Promise - not the Law - by Faith. Yet, Abraham was Elect of Yehovah - chosen to be example so that the Gentiles [ethnos or non-Yisra'el nations] could see the operation of Faith. Abraham was with Salvation PRIOR to this Flesh Age because he overcame in the First Age.

I know I plow deep and if it is just too much, then just set my assertions aside and lets move on.
