Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
The courts say, United States notes shall be lawful money.

By law, US notes are still redeemable in gold. The Treasury, not Congress, has stopped issuing US notes and because of the breach of trust by Congress and the Fed, the non-reserve currency is attached in value to the reserve currency, Federal Reserve notes.

I am sorry if that is not very clear yet. I tried to make it as succinct as I could. Federal Reserve notes were redeemable in gold from 1913 to 1933.

part of my problems (for instance) blacks4th defines "lawful" as not contrary to law, it defines "money" with several examples but indicates this:

"Money" has no technical meaning, but is of ambiguous import, and may be interpreted having regard to all surrounding circumstances under which it is used
see why I asked? and, if they say FRNs shall be lawful money then that could mean that they are NOT because (also according to blacks4th) "shall" also implies an element of futurity.

I get it, I really do but I need to be certain, beyond the shadow of any doubt. this is serious stuff. if one were to risk his skin on a certain job where a mistake would be more costly than he could correct, he needs very precise information. this is what I do.. I wont even begin actual work until I have gone over the details/diagrams/instructions/etc. (FACTS IN EVIDENCE) and have a 100% understanding of what exactly needs to be done. this makes me not only competent but also confident.

I take on some of the most complicated projects and often they are ones that others have botched or given up on and even when the manufacturer authorized tech cant solve the issue at hand.

seriously.. when I cant figure something out, then the only explanation I have for that is that it was encrypted by design. that seems to be what we have here and why I have so much trouble with it. but other men (yourself and others) seemingly have figured it out but how can that be?

if one man can do it, then so can I. sometimes its not easy but trying to break the encryption of law has been the toughest challenge Ive ever faced.

sad thing is that its not about the money, but your whole philosophy hinges on it! I feel I have quite a bit beyond the lawful money part sorted out, somehow Im stumbling on what should be the simplest part of it all.

I dont think your on the right track David, you have proven it! you know Ive been following you for many years now. I followed your actions in real time over on SJC in that 300+ page thread. I have observed others on similar paths too but you have something special, its obvious but you have such a unique mindset that it has actually made thing more complicated for me, I think because I find all the tangents you go off on so interesting. sometimes I wish I could ignore those. actually I have tried that too but I feel I mis some important pieces.

so now Im thinking, to figure this out I need to figure out at least partially how your mind works. I know it sounds crazy but yep..

so thats why I asked for your definition. but try and look your reply from a different perspective. somehow lawful money returned a castle and ritual magic among other things.

I say this not to point out flaws of your, its not your flaw at all, or anyone elses, only mine but its a big one and I might need some help with it.

so if anyone has some constructive criticism, lay it on me. I thrive on the stuff but I realize most dont have the guts for it. incoming or outgoing.

what else can I say here?
