Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
Show me where it is expressed that the FRN is exchanged for USN in the "terms and conditions" regarding redeeming.


BTW, of course the "transmutation" is metaphysical for this matter; however, I believe the point is to clearly express one's demand to avoid "fees" (taxes) for use of the FRN in ways other than what is expressly permitted... "for no other purpose..."; is it not?
I don't have a cite for US Notes being deemed lawful money on hand but it has been discussed here and elsewhere. I believe the only "terms and conditions" are that they shall be redeemed on demand and the full text of the code seems very clear in that regard, at least to me.

It is worth noting that there is no specific direction in the code as to how to go about redeeming, only that it happens on demand. By that even a simple verbal demand should suffice. I believe our purpose here is to provide overwhelming evidence.

If one has served, posted and published one's demand and kept the records of redeemed checks how could it be proven that demand was not made?