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Thread: Abraham Lincoln & Freemasonry

  1. #11
    I agree, regarding the hiding of the real agenda - the soul.

    Also, I too believe that passage regarding Peter has been misinterpreted for some time now - Peter is NOT the "rock".

    Thanks again.

  2. #12
    The book referred to here is also quite insightful as to more recent and modern times -> Why Things Are the Way They are (Erica Carle). This too -> Give Us the Young / The Hate Factory. Those books help obviate the anti-soul, anti-imago Dei lurking behind modern public "education" and "secular humanism".

    The Leipzig Connection - Systematic Destruction of American Education"] (<- direct link to PDF) (<- illustrates the link between the radical occult doctrines and the plots to undermine American education (anti-soul/changing the meaning of education) and books referred to at the following link also provide more insight -> Decrypting Education in America.

    Interestingly enough, the word psychology is rooted in the word psyche which means 'soul' but yet they still outwardly deny the existence of the soul.
    Last edited by allodial; 01-31-15 at 07:06 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #13
    I find the whole thing suspicious including the bible itself which to me is most suspicious of all.

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

    Interestingly enough, the word psychology is rooted in the word psyche which means 'soul' but yet they still outwardly deny the existence of the soul.
    I think psyche means mind.

    when you get right down to it though, its ALL hearsay!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    I think psyche means mind.
    Psyche (Strong's 5590)
    Psyke (Goddess of the Soul)

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    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    I find the whole thing suspicious including the bible itself which to me is most suspicious of all. ...
    when you get right down to it though, its ALL hearsay!
    Consider how many people kill or act on 2nd hand information on a daily basis. The question is: what is worth hearing, believing or acting on out of all the options available?
    Last edited by allodial; 01-31-15 at 09:16 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    but I think it means mind, I think ALL is mind though ;-)

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Consider how many people kill or act on 2nd hand information on a daily basis.
    it really is like zombies or something..

    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The question is: what is worth hearing, believing or acting on out of all the options available?

    most is worthy of consideration and Ive probably mentioned it here before but to believe in anything requires a lack of knowledge.

    what is worth acting on? thats a tough question, cant say any of the options available are worthy, depends on circumstance mostly I guess.

    I'd say trust instinct, seek within, & know thyself. I continue to work on these but still consider the other "options". its a judgement call but that could be at least part of the problem but then ignorance is also. balance seems to be a key.

  6. #16
    It's the difference between believing in "Creator and created" or "All is one".

    Besides the "killing the soul" doctrine, there is also the "I am God, God is All" doctrine which is just as damaging and evil.

    Without the existence of a distinct and all-powerful Creator, morality becomes just one's opinion. This is why the principles and morals of the Bible are always attacked along with its Inspirational Source. The fact remains that the fundamental laws of every civilized society have a core basis in biblical teachings. So while some disparage the Source in one breath they follow His Law in the next.

    Do not Steal, do not murder, do not give false testimony, etc. all become moral opinions rather than moral absolutes without an ever-existing Creator who provides the moral clarity from the highest point of existence. If "I am God" than there is no Author of Commandments who is higher than me. Therefore, I make my own morality as I see fit because once I have ignited my "divine spark", I have arrived at equality with ALL that is divine, and then, moral absolutes from a higher source disappear.

  7. #17
    What other belief system could be the foundation for attempting to create a nation whose governance is based first and foremost upon the inherent, and Divinely ordained, freedom of all people? Some people like to respond in the negative by opining, "What, so only Christians are truly godly people?" That, of course is a loaded question. If we look to the modern day version of so-called "Christianity", we find watered-down, lukewarm, feel-good, politically-correct and sometimes heretical doctrines infiltrating the modern "Church", for the most part.

    However, we are discussing the founding fathers' and Lincoln's belief-sets and how they were opposed to the occult and "New Age" doctrines promoted by the "seed of the Nachash (Serpent)". {No, I do not believe the "Serpent" was a snake, nor do I believe that Cain was the result of sex with someone other than Adam.}

    However good intentioned and true-believing the founding fathers were, the reliance upon man to create and maintain a nation or government in full obedience to God's Will is impossible while we exist in this fallen state. We must understand that until the Kingdom of Heaven becomes FULLY manifest (it is here now in part as evidenced by Jesus the Christ's victory over the world, yet NOT fully realized) we are subject to our sinful nature and that of others. This is in no way a "doom and gloom" outlook; it is just an acknowledgement that we require the saving grace of our Creator by and through our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ and I believe that Lincoln and the founding fathers, for the most part, understood that. However, as believers, we continue to strive toward following in Jesus' footsteps - true believers desire to act daily upon their faith.

    Those who oppose that belief are of the Serpent seed; those who choose to rebel against the Creator and live in darkness while trying to take as many with them as possible. The subtleties of the lies which oppose Christ are as cunning as ever. Soullessness and/or paganistic "oneism" are the doctrines of choice for those who follow the adversary.

    Without a strong faith, reliance and trust in The Father and our Lord and Savior, we may get "bluffed" by the original "poker-faced" Liar and his loyal minions. Always be on guard, for the adversary is lurking about even perhaps in places where you may feel safe.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Without a strong faith, reliance and trust in The Father and our Lord and Savior, we may get "bluffed" by the original "poker-faced" Liar and his loyal minions. Always be on guard, for the adversary is lurking about even perhaps in places where you may feel safe.
    BLBereans, thank you for this testimony of Jesus Christ - hold to it [Rev 12:17]. It is so very true and I need not prove any of that except to look to what the enemy is showing me in their symbolism. Over and over and over we see the Hegelian Dialectic - we see the twin pillars. Red and Blue / Black and White / Positive and Negative. So today we see Hegel's last stand playing out right before our eyes and yet few can read the signs.

    We see IXXI every where which is really just 9/11. And knowing that Jesus' real birthday was in September 3BC it may be the case that he was born on 9/11 but I cannot prove it. We see the OX in the twin towers - the two pillars coming down. We see the Cube being cast to the earth at the so called Georgia guide stones. It is everywhere. This is preparation for the one-king to rule them all - a false light.

    Babylon is INTENTIONALLY being cast down - her ancient symbols are being exposed and she is being destroyed - or seemingly destroyed. Yet this is just an illusion. I keep it right in my mind like this: Satan vs. Lucifer. This is a war being fought within the same camp. Have we not studied history? Can't we see that king George hired German troops to prosecute the so called Revolutionary War - and the same king gave a loan thru his bank to France. King Louis gave loan to the businessmen in the Colonies. King George funded both sides of the war! So who is the winner? King George! There literally is nothing new under the sun. We see this over and over again in the movies, the commercials etc. Satan is the political beast [the war machine] or the infinite loop - Saturn - the cube and the eye - some call this the matrix of hell in which we are all trapped - ESPECIALLY the fallen ones [see Enoch 6]. There is always a savior provided for the people to "get behind and support". And this savior and his agents lead the world to victory over the Chaos - the locust from the pit [Joel 2; Rev 9]

    The fallen ones are desperately trying to push down those twin pillars [OX], which is a way of saying they are trying to stop time - or crack the matrix of the space / time continuum. Thus you see quite a bit of commercials with the woman stirring her Tea [Alice - tea party] whilst IN THE BOX. The "T" is the Tau or the Ancient X - a mark. Look around you will see it everywhere. The "B" in Box is actually a 13 and we are back to the OX = 66. O = 15th letter ==> 1 + 5 = 6; and X = 24th letter ==> 2+ 4 = 6. Thus we see names like X-BOX.

    Take a hard look at Saturn and you may find the TWO storms upon her surface. One is Hexagonal and you can always derive the CUBE from within the Hexagram - the Cube is a Cross folded up. Just unfold the Cube. The Eye is on the other side of Saturn. And so we see the OX in Saturn or Satan. But what does that tell us? It tells us about a coming deception that is already underway in full force and has been since Cain. But today the tools of media, technological advances such as "smart phones" and other devices make it much easier for this generation to love itself. This is a setup.

    With the downfall of the Anti-Christ system which is represented by Bat-man one who has no powers in and of himself but is merely full of gadgets. But notice that Bat-man is the hero who fights the locusts or the beasts from the pit. Chaos is being unleashed upon the world such that the world will be ready to follow one of TWO leaders who will emerge. Who can't see the conditioning all their lives? It is everywhere.

    On one hand there will be Severity [one pillar] and Chaos; and on the other hand there will emerge a leader who will fight against all of this chaos Bat-man - expose the lies [supposedly] - notice how he knows almost without thinking - HE IS AN INSIDER. He is part of the deception. He is part of the negative pillar. Now when the world is FED UP with fighting, the world will be "flattered" into Spiritualism and it is then that the true object of worship shall be revealed. The other Pillar [mercy and love]. Except there is one problem - this is Lucifer - the False Light. A created being - MASQUERADING as an angel of light. Reference the books [the] Life of Adam and Eve and [the] Pauline Letters.

    This is why we see over and over in Scripture- there is nothing new under the Sun. An infinity loop in deception if you like or a matrix which cannot be escaped EXCEPT in Christ. Now back to this Lucifer. He is portrayed as Superman. He has power in and of himself. But he is a created being. Back to that age old problem. Ever see the movie? His dad says "He will be a god to the earthlings" - or something like that. How can love be a lie? Self love = the sun going black; only seeks carnal pleasure; true love in the True Christ is humble, giving and considers others. There is no room for "do as thy will is the whole of the law" business of self love. So we see enmity between these two camps.

    When you begin to see the immensity of the curse we are under you will begin to see Christ on the Cross and how Christ became the curse for us. This is Moses lifting up the serpent on the Cross in the wilderness. Jesus Christ took on the totality of this Curse and found a way out thru a Paradox. He dies to self and submitted himself to death - He uttered not a word before his accusers. He trusted in God [Father El Elyon]. This is the love of our Father for His sheep. Therefore there is only one Gate to life and that is in Jesus Christ. So we begin to see now the 69 or the Sun and Moon interposed to create that infinity loop and we see that ancient myth of the titans [the fallen ones] trapped. Have you seen the movie the Immortals? Did you notice that one man freed them all? This is by design.

    What will it be like just prior to the return of Jesus Christ? Just like the days of Noah. The Titans will again be released from the Pit. How? Consider Alice was curious and she was ENTICED to go herself into the ring / gate. Look around you and notice all the women in Red dresses. This is not a coincidence. Summerian legend - the woman is Lucifer giving humans the deception. There is a great hatred for Christ. Who can deny it?

    And who can deny that knowledge of the occult is being broadcasted unmercifully upon an unsuspecting world. This is an initiation of sorts a preparation - a fallowing of the ground - so that the seeds of evil can be planted. Thou shall not commit murder. Understand now on a Spiritual Plane? What is the judgment against those who would do these things? Death.

    So what do they seek to do? Crack the BOX. And place JACK in his own House. A Jack in the BOX. Oh its been here for a long time now. In the first Age Lucifer was in charge and in this age he is still "god of this world". Adam defaulted. Thus the infinity loop. Nothing new under the sun.

    Be ever vigilant you are so right. Even in your church, even in your own family, one finds deception. We are all deceived to some degree we must rely on Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For there comes a time when there will be no arguing no refusal for cause no power in our own accord to do anything save have full faith and reliance upon the Holy Spirit, trusting in Jesus Christ. That day is today for those who can accept it. Yet there comes a time in the last 15 minutes of the proverbial day.

    Here is the big lie - Lucifer is coming as an actor - playing the role of Jesus Christ. Whereof is the remedy for the natural man? There is none left. There is only Trust. I have placed my life in trust with Jesus Christ. I am dead to the world. This is what John 3:16 is actually saying. Not just to think there is a Son who is God with us. But to actually put my will, my faith, and everything that I am and will ever be in Trust with Jesus Christ. I declare it so - even this day - upon a candid world. So it is.

    There then is only left one proper response and it is FAR from "do as thy will". It is:

    Act 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, "Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do."

    I take no shade from any other Tree. Save the Tree of Life. Nevertheless, I shall wait upon the Lord to finish the work.

    Psa 37:7 Stand still in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: Heat not thyself with vexation because of him who prospereth in his way, Because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

    Psa 37:20 But the lawless shall perish, And the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

    Psa 37:34 Wait on the LORD, and keep His way, And he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: When the lawless die, thou shalt see it.

    There is a big difference between the duped and those who pre-meditate murder. The key is in the Sons of Cain - and their Father - the Lawless One.

    Michael Joseph

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    Has anyone noticed that Gate Keepers have been lifted up and firmly seated already in the minds of the observer. It is not hard to pick them. In fact I can name two right now but I will not name names. One strikes fear and anger in you as if you are in prison and the other preaches unity and love. See if you can spot em.

    Just spin the handle ALICE - and out pops Jack. Surprise. Has everything been turned upside down for you? That too is a key. An inversion - a "V". Now do you understand the so called "peace sign"? Pretty sick huh?
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-01-15 at 06:04 PM.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Now having said the foregoing, history plays out to tell us a story. I wonder how many can see the loop playing over and over again. It matters not, at least in my mind, what affiliations any leader had or has. Why do we place our trust in other men and hold them up to be somewhat greater than ourselves? Is the toe greater than the brain? Stub it and find out. Seems the brain goes into all stop mode in effort to protect the toe.

    Nevertheless men need their heroes - and as such, those who would manipulate us with magick provide our heroes to us. So that we can lazily sit back in our arm chairs and support or rail accusations upon our [selves]? No wait, did I just write ourselves? Rofl.

    The curse returns to us which is to say a CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST forms as we curse that which we helped to maintain.

    Starting to see now?

    Michael Joseph
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 02-01-15 at 06:25 PM.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    BLBereans, thank you for this testimony of Jesus Christ - hold to it [Rev 12:17]. It is so very true and I need not prove any of that except to look to what the enemy is showing me in their symbolism. Over and over and over we see the Hegelian Dialectic - we see the twin pillars. Red and Blue / Black and White / Positive and Negative. So today we see Hegel's last stand playing out right before our eyes and yet few can read the signs.
    NWO = Thesis
    Anti-Christ = Anti-Thesis
    Lucifer Worship = Synthesis

    Of course these things need energy and it is ALICE who keeps peeking down that Gate in her curiosity. For instance: while I am not 100% positive because I did not watch the 1/2-time show last night [Superbowl] but if it was anything like previous years it was a worthless ritual to Satan.

    I spoke to a so called "white witch" a few days back - whatever that is I have no clue - magick is magick; and, he said something curious about energy and the palm of the hand. He indicated that the palm was the energy center a "gate" as it were. I asked was that concerning the Vav or the Nail placed in the hand of Christ - he immediately fell silent. Just a thought. But what do you see all the time except that the crowd has both hands in the air making a triangle - palms forward to the entertainer [Bob Dylan: The Jokers and the Clowns].

    Michael Joseph
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

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