pretty interesting snake interpretation MJ! you sure have alot to say about things though ;-)

I have family who call dragonflys "snake doctors" I asked why but they dont know, they have just always called them that. its a mystery.

Im finding what Kurt has been saying about this subject fascinating. a lot of it seems to fit nicely into this puzzle but he's just another man with alot to say. however, I do think what he presents is worth further investigation.

I think I see what your saying though. seems like "blind faith" sometimes I have it without even thinking but when I try and actually use it, (this one anyway) doesnt work. hard to explain but beyond ordinary thought. it also seems to work against "me" sometimes (without thinking) so its not something to take lightly this "realm" but it seemed to work much better as a child. (literal, when very young age)

actually, its always active but theres that whole war going on too so we all deal with it differently.