The implications of this win in court, will be fought in the trenches, because the Rothschild banking cartels will hire the best lawyers to fight this decision to proceed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Once there, I will bet dollars to bit coins that it will be "Star Chambered", with full MSM Black out.
The Banksters can NOT afford this case to be won by the plaintiffs, as it would set the the Global banking Cartel back 50 years ,as well as cause a domino affect around the world and this they can not allow to happen, and especially why the PUBLIC is NOT to know.
We know that both the Canadian Government and Judiciary are in Bed together and they will NOT ALLOW a judgement for the plaintiffs, as having the Bank of Canada have exclusivity to the printing of Canada's money at no interest would be to throw a wrench into the works, as that would me NO MORE INCOME TAX, which then means no more money to the Rothschild Zionist, Crown, or Vatican for that matter.
Steven Harper is cut from the same cloth as Obummer, Cameron, and are all working towards the complete usurpation of the their countries population, and having the B.O.C. go back to printing interest free money in Canada can NOT be allowed. So dont expect a win as the Judiciary will, under Admiralty Law, and the UCC make this go away, and very quietly at that.