Ive now watched all of these videos. he is a student of the David-Wynn: Miller philosophy. that philosophy is that the language was corrupted somewhere around 8500 years ago and what we have is babel (Babylonian) so everything since is fraud.

it is a complicated study, the most complicated BUT it is pure logic whereas non of the others, not a single one, operates on logic.

I seek in earnest for what is true, the DWM methodology is about being correct, knowing you are correct, and having real verifiable evidence of that fact.

I look ahead when considering another mans philosophy as I have with Davids, Lentz, Boris, etc. etc. and what I see with DWM's is perfect way to contract however I also see it is possible to create a computer program to do this work. from there I see it becoming a perfect system that has potential further enslave humanity (not saying that is what will happen or that that is the goal with it)

humans are not machines and I do not think we were meant to function as such. however, it is obvious the current system is broken so, can we use this perfect one without the risk of it becoming self aware at some point?

it is actually quite alarming what DWM has put into place when you look at it this way.