Quote Originally Posted by NONOFED View Post
I don't want to endorse this private credit anymore, i didn't know there were two forms of currency and i'm sure not many know this and they really should. I saw older frn bills that say they can be redeemed for lawful money which now is no longer stated on new bills. I'm looking to try going to take a check to issuing bank and try the non endorsement and I would like to ask for coin. Seemingly I should be able to get coin. There shouldn't be a problem I would hope. What if they say no and we don't have that much coin?
Then go to another bank. Again coin is not necessary; however, if that's what you want so be it. Just be confident. I have won many a day just because I looked like I belonged. I look and speak life with head up. This behavior gives the clerk permission to do what I need.

If you ask permission then most likely the clerk will say no. Confidence in yourself wins most every time. This activity is lawful and there is no need to worry. If you can't find a girl to dance with you then ask another girl.

We asked quite a few times before this became so common for us it is now business as usual. When you succeed share your story won't you?
