Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Well, my friend, I just happen to have direct experience with arrogant fools such as these. Three of them lost their job when the bean counter showed up.

It just goes to show that OJT in no way teaches people how to think. Not true of everyone but most clerks are no better than trained monkeys. Monkey see monkey do.

It is a waste of time to try to teach a 15 dollar per hour clerk $100/hr stuff. This is above their pay grade. They chose banking not me. The only question I have for a clerk is do you have plenty of $100's today?

This is precious. Thanks for sharing. This is like ignorant children making fun of grown ups. Too funny.

"I tell ya son, ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Get it? Eyeball?" - Foghorn Leghorn

Do you have specific information regarding the job losses?