The section of the ACA (section 1401) that is relevant to this issue does not contain "typos".

It is not unclear or vague in what it says. There is no question about what the words in

Section 1401 mean because those words include these words "as established in Section 1311".

Section 1311 calls for the creation and operation of health insurance exchanges by each state.

Section 1321(c)`allows for the federal government to establish an exchange if the state fails to do so.

Section1401 makes no mention of federal exchanges or Section 1321(c).

It is clearly obvious that the authors of the ACA tried to use the threat of not being eligible for federal subsidies to scare/force the states to set up their own exchanges.

Now that their attempted extortion did not work in a majority of the states they want everyone to ignore what they actually wrote. To claim otherwise is a blatant lie.