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Thread: Envoy sent as emissary to secure peace

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  1. #5

    Misdirection, Obfuscation!!

    Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
    Let's try to stay focused on the thread topic this time and not dirty it with throwing mud attaching it to any other post I have put on this forum, including referencing the name Coresource material or any derivative thereof. Thank you.


    Posted: Friday, March 11, 2011 by Onlashuk in Born Without Money

    “I AM Envoy here as an Emissary to secure the peace. You can call me Envoy.” The message that I have to convey is there has been a mistake, where is the proper notice that I may deal with this matter honorable? Since it is true that, “No man can serve two masters,” therefore, it is also true that it would be inappropriate for this Envoy to be involved in matters that do not concern me or my God for the sake of honor and peace. Furthermore, it is my mission to express and convey unto you that there is no claim of ownership concerning this matter, and if there has been any trespass, that forgiveness is asked for as it is also given for any likewise trespass, wherein there may appear to be any kind of fraud or identity theft, so that this matter can be settled by the appropriate parties honorable and without any interference.

    EN’VOY, n. [L. via; Eng. way, contracted from viag, vag, or wag.]

    1. A person deputed by a prince or government, to negotiate a treaty, or transact other business, with a foreign prince or government. We usually apply the word to a public minister sent on a special occasion, or for one particular purpose; hence an envoy is distinguished from an ambassador or permanent resident at a foreign court, and is of inferior rank. But envoys are ordinary and extraordinary, and the word may sometimes be applied to resident ministers.

    EM’ISSARY, n. [L. emissarius, from emitto; e and mitto, to send.]

    A person sent on a mission; a missionary employed to preach and propagate the gospel.

    2. A person sent on a private message or business; a secret agent, employed to sound or ascertain the opinions of others, and to spread reports or propagate opinions favorable to his employer, or designed to defeat the measures or schemes of his opposers or foes; a spy; but an emissary may differ from a spy. A spy in war is one who enters an enemy’s camp or territories to learn the condition of the enemy; an emissary may be a secret agent employed not only to detect the schemes of an opposing party, but to influence their councils. A spy in war must be concealed, or he suffers death; an emissary may in some cases be known as the agent of an adversary, without incurring similar hazard.

    Jer 49:14
    I have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent unto the heathen, saying, Gather ye together, and come against her, and rise up to the battle.

    Obadiah 1:1
    The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.

    Canon 1557
    An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on robin-egg blue paper in recognition and respect of its status as a Divine Notice with the full authority of One Heaven, in particular the Sacred Rota and twelve Apostolic Prothonotaries as well as Apostolic Prothorabban of the Divine Sanhedrin.

    Canon 1563

    An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on robin-egg blue paper and glued strongly to the reverse of a copy of the 1st page of any notice, demand, summons sent by the inferior Roman Person.

    Name:  envoy-cont.jpg
Views: 1278
Size:  94.7 KB

    PRIVATE. Not general, as a private act of the legislature; not in office;
    as, a private person, as well as an officer, may arrest a felon; individual,
    as your private interest; not public, as a private way, a private nuisance.
    - 1856 Bouviers Dictionary

    I cannot show you what is wrapped in that blue paper because it is private by definition above, but I can tell you about it.

    - Robin-egg blue paper, wrapped 4 fold.

    - Inside what was wrapped:

    1. printout from online showing the certified mail previously delivered by notice of my visit and purpose for me being there.

    2. copy of presentment (ticket) that had Some language written upon it that was sent in with the notice by certified mail.
    [ stamped deposit for credit - in red ] [ written: This account name and number is property of the United States of America, please deposit to owner care of Treasury of the United States of America. Thank you ]

    3. copy of instrument printed out from the DMV that the vehicle was registered with the state.
    ( nothing i wrote on it)

    4. copy of Birth Certificate

    - All 4 sheets were stapled together.
    I am going to be succinct and direct.

    Motla68 has written some 200 posts here and they all strongly imply that he has a method of process that will abate or avoid prosecution; even to the point that he claims to have handed the above described process to the ADA and not spoken a word.

    I believe him. Even without MJ believing him, I have already expressed, the exact same remedy - redeeming lawful money is being employed. Look:

    The verbiage that is effective, and written into the law is,

    Deposited for Credit on Account or Exchanged for Non-redeemable Australian Bank Notes.

    Motla68 has excluded the effective verbiage in his post:

    ...or Exchanged for Non-redeemable Australian Bank Notes.

    As I have explained some time ago, albeit translated into Australian banking, this is making your demand for lawful money according to §16 of the Fed Act and Title 12 U.S.C. §411. It uses verbiage only a banker or his attorney will understand, but the whole concept of returning the coupon for payment at the Treasury is faulty.

    What Motla68 has done is pretend to finally try his best to appease me by what appears to be transparency and full disclosure but he has excluded the remedy written into the law, even after disclosing it earlier!

    Suitors know the dangers of trying mythological remedies in court, while being prosecuted. We have a suitor in federal prison now who still believes in RAP/RuSA.

    Original call info is: Tonight, Tuesday April 6, 8pm EST - Call number is 424-203-8000 pin code 888462# if you can’t get in dial one of these and follow the instructions 805-360-1075 or 559-546-1400
    The leader - James Timothy TURNER has been lying and his lies disabled our fellow suitor from forming a proper defense at trial. If you want to give a listen, get on that call or download it after when they post it.

    My point is, as you can see, I will put myself on the line for suitors, and have witnessed them do the same for me. That is a Class 5 felony to sign using the Great Seal of Authority and I did it right in front of the federal Justices of the Tenth Circuit. Additionally nobody, according to the rules is allowed to file an amicus curiae there unless they have leave of the court, and consent of both parties. Yet there you have it - FILED! The only one with authority to file an amicus curiae is the State, Territory or the District of Columbia; a statesman. Instead of being arrested, indicted or ignored, the clerk of court, who knows the rules better than anybody filed it.

    People trying to learn on this forum deserve to have the law on their side when they work up the chutzpa to finally face down their conditioning. The misdirection demonstrated by Motla68 is intentional. I do not know the motivation behind it but it was done subtly enough that at first glance, even Michael Joseph missed it. Motla68 is directing that the government agency return the obligation to the US Treasury and has excluded the verbiage that adheres in conformity to the remedy written into the law and accepted by the banking industry that holds up in court.

    However, for this process performances that he will not share with us, if they have worked, I believe I have shown ample evidence from Motla68 himself even, as to why - because he included the remedy written into the law. For all this time he has been leading me on knowing this.

    He is banished. I am not going to be babysitting the promotion of the Strawman Redemption, Treasury Direct Coupon Remittance or whatever you want to call it. There is likely some substance there but it is unproven at best, and the soluble remedy has been excluded intentionally from Motla68's explanation as I have quoted him accurately. His passive-aggressive narcissism has been a pain that alone, I would have tolerated, but endangering the readers here with intentional misdirection will not be tolerated.

    The Admin team will be reviewing this decision as well as describing rules for the future of StSC.


    David Merrill.
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    Last edited by David Merrill; 04-07-11 at 01:20 AM.

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