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Thread: Israel and the Church

  1. #1
    Last edited by allodial; 03-13-15 at 09:35 AM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Religion is truly a sickness.
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  3. #3
    If God needs to be put on paper then re-legion is mens rea for the re - venue of God. God is no re species actor of persons thats my journal for that speculative fiction, temple was destroyed God was,nt The Christ over turned the tables in that temple the temple cant overturn that truth rebuilding for a messianic miracle pagans they burnt down a gambling house the messianic truth Christ was the message that's no miracle if u get the message you lose the sickness .

  4. #4

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Religion is truly a sickness.
    From analysis and research, it was Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh) and his associates who were adepts at devising systems for capturing and binding men to their political structures using deception and "religion", etc. It is suggested that they held themselves out as divine god-kings and were tyrants who devised complex 'religions' to help justify their rule, abuses and systems and that such was and is their "craft" or "the Craft". Get it? Nimrod as a hunter...perhaps even a hunter or snarer of men willing to reduce men to chattel if ever it suited Nimrod's interests--hunter/manhunter. I imagine it might have been rather easy for Nimrod/Gilgamesh to build cities when he could populate them through kidnapping and slavery, eh?

    Nimrod as a mighty hunter founded a powerful kingdom; and the founding of this kingdom is shown by the verb with vav consecutive, to have been the consequence or result of his strength in hunting, so that hunting was intimately connected with the establishing of the kingdom. Hence, if the expression "a mighty hunter" relates primarily to hunting in the literal sense, we must add to the literal meaning the figurative signification of a "hunter of men" (a trapper of men by stratagem and force); Nimrod the hunter became a tyrant, a powerful hunter of men... -Source: Commentaries On the Old Testament (by C.F.Keil and F. Delitzsch) translated from German
    It is also suggested that Nimrod set and his co-horts set themselves up to be gods over men but while in active rebellion against the Godhead.

    Its worth noting that Gilgamesh accompanied by a half man half beast type creature set off to the mountain of God to kill "Huwawah" (or is it "Yuwawah"?). If Gilgamesh = Nimrod (Rebel) then the stories of Gilgamesh would tend to point at Nimrod being an "antichrist" (against the Annointed/Annointing) type who was out to kill God, and, if not God, his people.

    Attalus III had little interest in ruling Pergamon, devoting his time to studying medicine, botany, gardening, and other pursuits. He had no male children or heirs of his own, and in his will he left the kingdom to the Roman Republic.
    The link between Nimrod and Rome might have a lot to do with what happened to the Chaldean priesthood (the same ones who Daniel would have been familiar with) post Belshazzar: it is suggested that they found refuge at Pergamos/Pergamum (Western turkey, Asia Minor) and set up camp there. What links with Rome and Asia Minor might be obviated thusly: Attalus III bequeathed his dominions to the Romans. Being that Attalus III had no heirs the Chaldean priesthood had to wait for a successor which would be Julius Caesar (born 100BC). Could it be the account of Jesus' "40 days in the wilderness" serves as a record Jesus' rejection of an offer of kingship under the Chaldean priesthood?

    In the book Passover & Sukkot (pp. 368, 369) by Thomas H. Perdue, it is explained how Julius Caesar became successor to the Babylonian/Chaldean priesthood and heir to the titles held by Attalus III (i.e. "Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order"). In Revelations the seat of Satan is held to have been at Pergamum/Pergamos. It is suggested by the author or others that the "seat of Satan" (or at least control of it then) was transferred to the control of Rome or the Romans in 133 BCE with kings of Pergamum up to that point taking the place of Belshazzar (as in successors) in the view of the Chaldean/Babylonian priesthood at Pergamum.


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    I suppose it depends on what one means by "religion".


    Nonetheless, the eloquent point is in that one of the fascinating things about the article that is the centerpiece of this thread is that the article shows how much "religion" has served to obfuscate the truth about 70 AD.
    Last edited by allodial; 03-15-15 at 09:49 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Religion is truly a sickness.
    Mar_10:33 Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles:

    Chief Priests = Religion
    Scribes = Teachers of Religion
    Gentiles = thoughts of carnal mind

    Arguing over religion is the death of Christ. Emotional Intellectualism is in the WEST - where Ephraim camps. I don't care one bit for history or literalism, that does not help me in the least bit! That in my opinion is choosing Death over Life. Life is in the Spirit.

    So Religion is a grave sickness that some cling to like a Linus Blanket! Once an heir appears those steeped in religion will immediately seek to kill the joy he has found with their institutionalized religion. The little foxes spoil the vine.

    I sure am glad that I don't need any of that ilk. And this offends religionists. Once The Way is known, the taught ones are no longer in need of instruction! There is no longer a ten percent tithe in money! For the taught ones know the ten percent is a tithe of their own vain reasonings. If the people ever get taught, the religionists are out of a job!

    For then, behold we would ALL be a Kingdom of Priests. Whereof are states required? Whereof are religions required? Yet this threatens the ego and power and wealth. Therefore, the scribes cling to what THEY THINK they know - and therefore these deliver Christ to their lower mind to put Christ to death at the place of the SKULL. Which is to say CALVARY - Cranium.

    I did not say these are who put Jesus to death- these kill Christ. They say "come He is the heir, let us kill him and the estate shall be ours." Our religion will have the corner on the market!

    Nevertheless is one is filled with Christ and gains a political following - then that one become dangerous to the religious establishments - and therefore, that one is dangerous to the Control program. Therefore eventually the holy rollers will think to kill the man as well - Religion is grand - isn't it? What a sad joke!

    Religion is a gross darkness. By that I mean traditions, history, and intellectualism - these are all vanity. And there is no fruit to be had from these.

    There is an accuser in my house - my carnal mind - which tells me that with the knowledge that I have come to possess, I could stake a claim in God and come to rule over many. Some call this Satan or the Devil - which in my opinion is mere weakness. It allows them to point the finger at another so that they don't have to take personal liability for themselves. Fact is, I overcome those weaknesses in Christ thru the Abraham/Sarah aspect of myself. God is with me - I AM.

    Therefore, I do not count it robbery to say that I am equal with God for in those moments the Father and I are one! Amen.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-14-15 at 06:32 PM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

    From analysis and research, it was Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh) and his associates who were adepts at devising systems for capturing and binding men to their political structures using deception and "religion", etc. It is suggested that they held themselves out as divine god-kings and were tyrants who devised complex 'religions' to help justify their rule, abuses and systems and that such was and is their "craft" or "the Craft". Get it? Nimrod as a hunter...perhaps even a hunter or snarer of men willing to reduce men to chattel if ever it suited Nimrod's interests--hunter/manhunter. I imagine it might have been rather easy for Nimrod/Gilgamesh to build cities when he could populate them through kidnapping and slavery, eh?

    It is also suggested that Nimrod set and his co-horts set themselves up to be gods over men but while in active rebellion against the Godhead.

    Its worth noting that Gilgamesh accompanied by a half man half beast type creature set off to the mountain of God to kill "Huwawah" (or is it "Yuwawah"?). If Gilgamesh = Nimrod (Rebel) then the stories of Gilgamesh would tend to point at Nimrod being an "antichrist" (against the Annointed/Annointing) type who was out to kill God, and, if not God, his people.

    The link between Nimrod and Rome might have a lot to do with what happened to the Chaldean priesthood (the same ones who Daniel would have been familiar with) post Belshazzar: it is suggested that they found refuge at Pergamos/Pergamum (Western turkey, Asia Minor) and set up camp there. What links with Rome and Asia Minor might be obviated thusly: Attalus III bequeathed his dominions to the Romans. Being that Attalus III had no heirs the Chaldean priesthood had to wait for a successor which would be Julius Caesar (born 100BC). Could it be the account of Jesus' "40 days in the wilderness" serves as a record Jesus' rejection of an offer of kingship under the Chaldean priesthood?

    In the book Passover & Sukkot (pp. 368, 369) by Thomas H. Perdue, it is explained how Julius Caesar became successor to the Babylonian/Chaldean priesthood and heir to the titles held by Attalus III (i.e. "Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order"). In Revelations the seat of Satan is held to have been at Pergamum/Pergamos. It is suggested that the Seat of Satan then was transferred to Rome in 133 BCE with kings of Pergamum up to that point taking the place of Belshazzar for the Chaldean/Babylonian priesthood at Pergamum.


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    I suppose it depends on what one means by "religion".


    Nonetheless, the eloquent point is in that one of the fascinating things about the article that is the centerpiece of this thread is that the article shows how much "religion" has served to obfuscate the truth about 70 AD.
    How does some city being destroyed in 70 AD help me in the least bit today? When I began to understand that Nimrod/Herod are aspects of my lower carnal mind then i began to see. Herod will ALWAYS seek to imprison John [who is also an aspect of me]. Why? Because the spiritual impulse will always be arrested by the carnal mind that wants what it wants. And when the desires become too great - Herod will always cut off the head of John so that his, I mean MY, way can be accomplished.

    I mean who wants to live with a guilty conscience?

    Otherwise who gives a rats ass about some crusty dude who lives in a cave near the river wearing camels hair, eating locusts and honey? Yep, no allegory there! Must have happened! Please, spare me.

    A camel can carry water [truth of God] within its own body thru a wasteland or desert [this carnal life]. Whilst others are dying of thirst [allegorically the truth of God] the camel has enough truth [wise virgins] to sustain.

    A locust is a devourer of the field - strips it bare. John devours the devourer. Therefore the John aspect of me, my Higher Mind is not ruled by the carnal aspect of me.

    I mean c'mon even if there was a Herod and a John - why do I care even in the least bit? What so that I might be justified in my intellect. Look at me, I'm the great man - I have the great brain - Who cares! What are we gonna do today Brain, we're taking over the world!

    Old Pirates yes they rob I
    sold I to the merchant ships

    Some [literalists] say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book......

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-14-15 at 06:55 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  7. #7
    religion (n.)

    c.1200, "state of life bound by monastic vows," also "conduct indicating a belief in a divine power," from Anglo-French religiun (11c.), Old French religion "piety, devotion; religious community," and directly from Latin religionem (nominative religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods; conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation; fear of the gods; divine service, religious observance; a religion, a faith, a mode of worship, cult; sanctity, holiness," in Late Latin "monastic life" (5c.).

    According to Cicero derived from relegere "go through again" (in reading or in thought), from re- "again" (see re-) + legere "read" (see lecture (n.)). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (Servius, Lactantius, Augustine) and the interpretation of many modern writers connects it with religare "to bind fast" (see rely), via notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." In that case, the re- would be intensive. Another possible origin is religiens "careful," opposite of negligens. In English, meaning "particular system of faith" is recorded from c.1300; sense of "recognition of and allegiance in manner of life (perceived as justly due) to a higher, unseen power or powers" is from 1530s.

    To hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name. [Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, 1885]


    I concur with allodial; it all depends upon how one defines "religion". Some come from a position of angry detest due to the legalistic, ritualistic, hypocritical, etc. manner in which most religion is practiced. I for the most part agree, although not as vehemently as some who hurl absolute disgust towards the uniformed and temporarily lost/ignorant souls who are not yet in FULL cognizance of God's truth and knowledge. I reserve that vitriol for those who DO FULLY KNOW and yet choose to deceive and rebel, since that is a direct affront to our Father in Heaven.

    Stating that everything in scripture is allegorical is akin to esoterism/gnostcism; these are the same sentiments put forth by this ilk:

    material/matter = ALWAYS BAD

    spiritual = ALWAYS GOOD

    Nothing can be further from the truth. There are those who have never taken on flesh who will perish forever. There are those who were born of flesh who will reign over those who were not.

    The end game is a global Eden, an actual Kingdom on earth, whereby our Lord and King Jesus The Christ will reign forever together with man whom God created in His image for that purpose.
    Last edited by BLBereans; 03-14-15 at 07:00 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post

    Some [literalists] say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book......
    When I sacrifice my strength [vanity] then I am weak - and God is STRONG. Amen. God dwells in you. In ALL. Even the Iraqi people, the Chinese, the Russians - for in reality these are merely named trusts - a societal mask. We are ALL children of the most High God.

    When I come to the cave in the mountain - remember Lot- the Higher Mind - then I will ask my Father, the King, if it is okay for me to intercourse with the Holy Spirit - I will ask of Her, my Mother - and she will not withhold that which is good. Try NOT to think about sex and incest - do you see how the lower mind fights against you? Can't you feel it within yourself?

    2Sa 13:1 And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her.

    2Sa 13:2 And Amnon was so vexed, that he fell sick for his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin; and Amnon thought it hard for him to do any thing to her.

    2Sa 13:3 But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David's brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man.

    2Sa 13:4 And he said unto him, Why art thou, being the king's son, lean from day to day? wilt thou not tell me? And Amnon said unto him, I love Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister.

    2Sa 13:5 And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee down on thy bed, and make thyself sick: and when thy father cometh to see thee, say unto him, I pray thee, let my sister Tamar come, and give me meat, and dress the meat in my sight, that I may see it, and eat it at her hand.

    2Sa 13:6 So Amnon lay down, and made himself sick: and when the king was come to see him, Amnon said unto the king, I pray thee, let Tamar my sister come, and make me a couple of cakes in my sight, that I may eat at her hand.

    2Sa 13:7 Then David sent home to Tamar, saying, Go now to thy brother Amnon's house, and dress him meat.

    2Sa 13:8 So Tamar went to her brother Amnon's house; and he was laid down. And she took flour, and kneaded it, and made cakes in his sight, and did bake the cakes.

    2Sa 13:9 And she took a pan, and poured them out before him; but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Have out all men from me. And they went out every man from him.

    2Sa 13:10 And Amnon said unto Tamar, Bring the meat into the chamber, that I may eat of thine hand. And Tamar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother.

    2Sa 13:11 And when she had brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me, my sister.

    2Sa 13:12 And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly.

    2Sa 13:13 And I, whither shall I cause my shame to go? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king; for he will not withhold me from thee.

    Comment: Now don't let that ball get under your glove. You gotta keep your eye on the ball. Get it "eyeball".....continuing....Did you just read that? It says that if Amnon would have just asked David, then David would have allowed him to have sex with Tamar. Now clearly reader this is NOT what it means. This sexual act is an act which ALLEGORICALLY speaks to our minds! Let's see if Herod, I mean Amnon will be satisfied to ask David or will he just rush right in to fulfill his desires.

    2Sa 13:14 Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice: but, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay with her.

    2Sa 13:15 Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

    2Sa 13:16 And she said unto him, There is no cause: this evil in sending me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me. But he would not hearken unto her.

    2Sa 13:17 Then he called his servant that ministered unto him, and said, Put now this woman out from me, and bolt the door after her.

    Comment: Now look carefully at v17, when he was done with her he cast her out and locked the door to his carnal house. Do you see what this is telling you? It means he is barring the way into the upper realms of God - Higher Consciousness. And his servants are his CARNAL THOUGHTS. He justifies himself! Now if you are a female reading this - in the analogy the Mind is male [Jacob] with two wives Leah [emotional nature] and Rachel [spiritual nature]. Amnon is the lower mind who thought to force Tamar/Rachel/Rebecca/Sarah. This results in Religion - and puts to death Christ.

    Friends clearly IN THIS ANALOGY David represents the Most High God. Tamar is the Holy Spirit and Amnon is our lower mind! Absalom is our Higher Mind. Haven't you heard, "They THINK to take the Kingdom of God by FORCE". So Amnon rapes his sister, but if he had only ASKED the King, then the King would have allowed it.

    Now c'mon if this is not an allegorical story, then God is a sick pervert. Nevertheless many today have their minds twisted in the literal understandings. The carnal mind takes with force. Look around you friend - what do you see? War, violence, hatred - these are all fruits of the carnal mind.

    Mat 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

    Do not think that the days of John the Baptist were 2000 years ago - John is an aspect of you. And Herod is an aspect of you. Now is the days of John the Baptist.

    Now c'mon if this is not an allegorical story, then God is a sick pervert. Nevertheless many today have their minds twisted in the literal understandings. The carnal mind takes with force.

    And after Amnon gets his way - he does not want a guilty conscience so he throws the woman out. Geez, is there no wonder why men have oppressed the woman for ages in their ignorance, they oppress that which was meant for their good. They just don't understand.

    For just as Lot was in the "cave of the mountain" which is to say in Higher Consciousness - he too was in intercourse with his daughters - notice IN THAT ALLEGORY - again we see the spiritual women of the house. Else, there we go again, a man of God having sex with his daughters - how Holy and righteous Lot is. ABSURD.

    Nevertheless the truth plays out in Nature all around us - thus we are the microcosm and nature the macrocosm. Therefore:

    Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    So the literal words reveal an invisible truth. I would hate to be a woman in the house of a literalist. By oppressing the woman in my house, I oppress myself!

    I am the creator of WAR - within me.

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-14-15 at 08:29 PM.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Speaking to the topic - the Spiritual truth regarding the topic....

    Those who are the Israel of God - are the chosen People - Judah. This is entirely Spiritual. This has NOTHING to do with race, creed or gender. These folks are of [children] the right hand. So that they might produce fruits of joy and happiness in the left hand. Balance.

    Otherwise to claim a particular special race of people, is to deny Christ. This is antichrist. For the Scriptures declare that God is not a respecter of men or women.

    Therefore Israel and the Church is improperly framed - if one speaks to race and religion - that is perpetually without the Kingdom of God. Therefore so is LITERALISM.

    I think it was Jesus who said "My Kingdom is NOT of this world". But who listens to Jesus. Nevertheless men erect their towers of babel and stay upon their own religious creations. It makes it easier to point the finger and thus fulfill the desire to be right.

    Enter WAR stage left.

    Therefore one must find balance. The Spiritual truths found in the Higher Realms of God must drop down and manifest in the fleshly realms of this world age - and then change shall come - Real Change. Lies promoted to a desperate public will never effect change for the good. That house is built on sand. Be it religious or political.

    Wisdom is known by her children. How you doing friend?

    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 03-14-15 at 08:33 PM.
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  10. #10
    Your points regarding things of the hidden realm being played out on earth are well taken. Who can deny God's Will Be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven?

    That being said; why the leap to deny the material/earthly existence of John the Baptist, Herod, Abraham, Moses, etc.? Would you apply the same logic to yourself? You are NOT really there in the flesh; you are a figment of illusion to all others that gaze upon you with what they ignorantly believe are fleshly eyes.

    How do you know for sure these men did not actually walk the earth? Were you there at that time?

    Why does the belief that these men actually walked the earth automatically morph into total carnality according to your viewpoint? Why is it essential to adopt a TOTALLY allegorical stance in order to gain wisdom from scripture? Is there not ANYTHING pertaining to life on earth, in the physical realm, that is good in your view?

    A gnostic would agree that there is NOTHING material that is good which means: God is a liar and/or we are all under the same delusion that the material/physical universe actually exists.

    I myself see BOTH allegorical AND literal elements in scripture - a symbiotic relationship of knowledge and guidance provided to us by the Creator of the Heavens and the PHYSICAL earth.

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