"Why do I care..."

It's obvious to any reader that you don't. Is that the point?

You say, "Along comes a Superman who can walk on water, yeah right. Sure he did....Whether he did or not - why do I care one bit? I don't."

We get it, you don't care; but why the non-committal and contradicting statement, "Sure he did....Whether he did or not". Sounds a bit like you are unwilling to make a firm stand either way yet you deride those who do if they do not choose the direction in which you lean.

I too am just sayin'...

As to parables: can it not be interpreted as to mean the necessity of Jesus to articulate His gospel to the multitudes by using analogies which they could better understand in their own historical/cultural context? Why does speaking in parables have to mean hiding the truth - secrets? The apostles knew without the need for explanation/clarification; they were chosen and had understanding of these things by direct revelation unlike the yet untaught multitude. Isn't that the reason for preaching? Isn't that the correct method of preaching; to reach others in ways they can understand? Parable = Analogy.

As to greater works: can it not be interpreted that the greater works would be the worldwide spread of the gospel; the birth, life and death of Jesus The Christ? Couldn't it mean that while Jesus' ministry was only local, the greater church's ministry will be worldwide; something Jesus did not accomplish while on earth?