Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
[I say that because with no positive credit for the US Dollar anymore, Congress has no incentive to keep spending our children's money; especially with BRICS having emerged as an alternative SDR (paper gold) system of trade.]
Considering the Federal Reserve dollar is on death watch, and this is Shmita year (SHEMITTAH - Sabbath year observed every 7 years in Judaism, in which the land isn't cultivated and debts are cancelled) I believe the BRICS Alliance will emerge with metal-backed currency this year.

"The Eastern nations, led by the BRICS Alliance, are planning quietly a new gold & silver backed currency. It will arrive on the back of the Gold Trade Note to be used as Letter of Credit, which is in the works. Gold is a monetary metal. It will survive the paper wealth implosion."
- Jim Willie