Quote Originally Posted by stoneFree View Post
Intended warning or unintended slip? After Alan Greenspan's confessional admission that

"Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it,"

we found it remarkable that during the Q&A after her speech today that Janet Yellen, when asked about negative rates, admitted that

"cash in not a very convenient store of value,"

seemingly hinting at Bernanke's helicopter and that there will be no deflation in The US ever...

Cash never was intended to be a store of value, in my opinion.

The invention of "bills of credit" was to serve as a circulating medium and to prevent hoarding of the circulating medium.

Specie is a far better store of value (although not perfect). Specie is still subject to the laws of supply and demand as well as circulation.