Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
Good to know. Your opinion and his hold just as much value to me in kind.

He serves alright... his master.... which is the municipality.
He serves "the prince" not the people.

You are aware there are a myriad of court cases where it states law enforcement has no burden, duty, or obligation to protect and serve any individual?

I believe you are blinded by your own prejudices and social programming.

Law enforcement is private, standing army of the municipality.

Pot calling kettle? You are projecting.
Rather than making ad-hominem attacks, maintain your attacks on my position.

Too may Caucasians are quick to play the "race-card" card rather than seeing the truth and reality of racism, prejudice, and its history in these United States. Denigration and ignoring the past with its present resultants won't fix the issues.

This federation was founded on racism. It was built on racism.
Its public corporate charters (constitutions), whether federal or State, were deeply impacted by racism.

It continues to thrive on racism.

Racism is a social AND economic system based on the contrived supremacy of one group over another.
It is also a subtle (and often times not so subtle) form of warfare. Slavery, itself, is a form of warfare and its continuation.
Think of racism as a silent weapon for a quiet war.

You need to see reality for what it is rather than the fairy tales you've come to believe from public schooling, social programming, and the media.

For once in this whole discussion, there is something we agree upon.

Funny you mention that, isn't that what white supremacy is all about? It seems a group of people have already done this.
I'll construe this as projection again.

When you are ready to continue your enlightenment, I'll be here for ya.
Talk about projection...

It seems you are sucked into what the media puts forth regarding how the majority of people relate to one another. In my opinion, the majority of people, of all races, are quiet, considerate and go about their business without the desire, or need, to shout 'RASCISM!!!" from the mountaintops. It makes for a shallow form of entertainment-news and the divisiveness it yields is intentionally generated and used by those who profit from people being divided. Yes, "african-americans" profit from the business of racism; they are the media-darlings and are portrayed as "leaders" in the black community. It is shameful and I believe most black people would agree; only those voices are rarely heard - it's bad "publicity".

"Intellectuals" like to teach "white guilt" and that nonsense permeates education, politics and social discourse. It stonewalls progress and creates animosity that might not otherwise be there.

Did you know there were black slave-owners in America? Yes, some did it to protect family but that was not the case most of the time. Slavery is about power and class, not race and "the federation" did not invent it.


If "enlightenment" equals buying into your skewed belief/agenda, I'll stick with "non-enlightenment"; thanks anyway.