Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
I have been working on this for quite some time. What I have learned about property taxes for my state is
Important widely recognized types of property include real property (the combination of land and any improvements to or on the land), personal property (physical possessions belonging to a person), private property (property owned by legal persons, business entities or individual natural persons), public property (state owned or publicly owned and available possessions) and intellectual property (exclusive rights over artistic creations, inventions, etc.), although the latter is not always as widely recognized or enforced.[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property

An article of property may have physical and incorporeal parts.

A title, or a right of ownership, establishes the relation between the property and other persons, assuring the owner the right to dispose of the property as the owner sees fit.

If this below is a done deal than going to a title insurance company should not be a big deal to find out who was the very first “person or legal persons, business entities" who has their name on your title.

In United States law, typically evidence of title is established through title reports written up by title insurance companies, which show the history of title (property abstract and chain of title) as determined by the recorded public record deeds;[1] the title report will also show applicable encumbrances such as easements, liens, or covenants.[2]
In exchange for insurance premiums, the title insurance company conducts a title search through public records and provides assurance of good title, reimbursing the insured if a dispute over the title arises.[3] In the case of vehicle ownership, a simple vehicle title document may be issued by a governmental agency. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_(property)