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Thread: Sheriff Clarke: ‘Assault’ on Policing Hasn’t Been Seen Since 60s

  1. #51
    Eric Holder the "race-baiter" and Al Sharpton "the charlatan" who is a "special adviser" to President Obama.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    When is the last time anyone saw Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson sponsoring basic training in law for "Afro American" communities? Believe me, time and time again I've found it very sad how many Blacks seek help from the very same folks who are out to put a foot on their necks. Blaming just wastes time--get wisdom.

    There is also the "private attorney general" option.
    When was the last time you saw Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson organize a relief effort for the innocent victims of looting, violence and destruction of property after they swarm on the scene and induce such criminal behavior with their false rhetoric?

    They came, they saw, they destroyed.

  3. #53
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    Maybe they're in on it or they are put in a corner and told to shut up.

    In St. Louis County, the same area were Michael Brown was killed and where Darren Wilson works, the "Black" female court clerks can completely and utterly evil, vile and dirty in behavior. I watched once as brown-skinned man kindly asked the COURT CLERK (outside of the court setting) what the header would be for his pleading, the exact title of the court and the rules for the court and the Black clerk she said" YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Like I said in St. Louis County north of Olive its more of a junta rather than a government and they can be very dirty. They can be dirty to "White" and "Black". It would probably best for every municipal court, municipality and police department north of Olive in St. Louis county to be rolled up and turned over to the State or the Feds except maybe one or two municipalities. It might even be better to make it into a special extension of the U.S. district court.

    I've observed more compassion coming from Black cops, White cops and judges than from any female Black attorney/cop/court clerk.

    "Black" men who live in those areas who manage to stay out of trouble: THEY KEEP TRACK AND SCHEME TO SET THEM UP ON FALSE CHARGES AS IF TO PUNISH THEM FOR NOT FEEDING THEIR MONEY MACHINE.

    But those people have to know what to do: to contact the State court administrator with complaints, to contact the sheriffs, etc. Do you think the Black city attorneys care? LOL--they are in on it too. Its seems to boil down to be more of a class/clique thing than a "race thing"--the key is the way you talk or look is a "crap shoot" of presumption as to whether you might be easy prey. The brown-skinned people just need to put money into books and study of law rather than $250 blue jeans and $300 shoes. They are targeted because they are more likely going to lack knowledge and be easy prey. Its not so much race, its likelihood of being an easy target because of historical oppression on the mental end educational level.

    They see a rich "White" girl or a "White" guy and skip them? Why? NOT because of her skin color but because SHE OR HE IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY AND THUSLY ITS TOO COSTLY TO MESS WITH HER (AS IN NOT AN EASY TARGET). They also figure that if you could hardly be bothered to learn to speak English eloquently that poor communication skills ~= easy prey (i.e. presumed to be ignorant and wanting to be ignorant as if it were a fashion statement).

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    I have seen many "Black" neighborhoods where they have 10 pairs of $300 shoes and 20 pairs of $200 blue jeans but try to getting them to spend a few hours in a library rather than chasing tail on the weekends (there are "Whites" just the same)--but then they want to blame "White people" and poorer "Whites" want to blame Blacks and "rich people". The Blacks are encouraged by the "Black leaders" to "hold vigils" and "fly to DC to march" --BUT WHEN HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THEM SUGGEST TAKING A TRIP TO THE LAW LIBRARY!?!??! Oh sure, spend thousands of dolllars to fly to DC and bring your best clothes and after spending a week increasing DC revenues you can "click your ruby red high heels and everything will be magically better when you return home".

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    "White" people can be just as much victims even of other "White" people. The puzzling thing is: I just never could figure out why "Blacks" knowing history could even have the audacity to do anything other than be adequately prepared. Oh but do most of those Black pastors help them get prepared? Yeah, right. Are there "White" pastors or "religious leaders" that deceive? Goes without saying? In any case, does blame get wisdom?

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    Just the same I have met "poor Whites" who have "no money" but you go to their house and they have three types of Cable/Satellite TV, 2,000 DVDs and Blurays, XBox, Playstation, three people sharing the house with two kids, all the adults smoke 4 packs of cigs a day and who get in trouble with cops all the time and couldn't be bothered to order .69 cent law book via Amazon let alone lift the book or turn a page? Tell them instead of arguing "GO TO THEIR NEIGHBORS AND SPEND THE NIGHT WHICH WAS EASILY ARRANGED". BUT NOOO THAT IS TOO MUCH TROUBLE FOR THEM! They rather have 100 domestic cop calls to their house a year and then come to someone like me crying for help.

    Attachment 2479
    Perspectives. Perspectives. If only more people would simply turn off "Stupid" and get wisdom.
    Last edited by allodial; 04-01-15 at 08:59 AM.
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    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #54
    Any thugs, thieves and looters being prosecuted for their criminal behavior during the riots subsequent to the justified non-prosecution of Officer Darren Wilson?

    Where does it state in any law that destruction of property, thievery and thuggery is permissible so long as one believes injustice is being done?

    What about the fact that there was no injustice done by Darren Wilson against Mike Brown according to the Grand Jury and the DoJ; and yet people willingly broke the law in defiance of peace and proper judgment.
    Last edited by BLBereans; 04-01-15 at 12:44 AM.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    There is no contradiction except what you perceive; my stance is clear for anyone who who can read objectively.
    Contradiction has occurred twice. I thought you were done with this discussion?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    Your opinion on racism is not canon; go interview the 350,000,000+ people on this land and get back to me with the real data. Stating that there has NEVER been unity between white and black people is utter nonsense. Not everyone is as preoccupied with race as you are.
    Your biased opinions are anything but substantial. The so-called unity of this "country" is faux at best.
    You are projecting again.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    You continue to lodge your attacks upon my views with the very same tactics used by the mainstream media; I said that what passes as news is more akin to entertainment, not that racism and prejudice is entertaining. Why would you do something so obvious that most people here can see right through? It makes you look foolish and shallow.
    Again, you may find racism and prejudice entertaining, but for others it is life and death.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    Specific to the topic that Sheriff Clarke comments on; the "black leaders" brought to the forefront to fuel the fires after incidents like Ferguson, profit through exploitation of these incidents. I did not presume anything regarding Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al; those are the faces and voices first on the scene when said exploitation occurs. I don't see african-americans removing them and contradicting them when they presume to "speak" for african-americans during such incidences.
    I think the Ferguson police department and court system did all the stoking (as well as exploitation). The Micheal Brown incident happened to be the the match that lit the fuse.
    African-Americans have no burden, duty, or obligation to act as you feel they should according to your dictates.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    They do business under the names AL SHARPTON and JESSE JACKSON as well as others, RAINBOW COALITION, et al. Are these men providing a service or producing a product, other than RACE EXPLOITATION that I am not aware of? Where else does the "revenue" come from?
    Exploitation has been the business of the United States since before its founding.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    Leftist, "intellectuals" who have infiltrated the "higher learning" industry for the past several decades have been teaching the nonsense of "white guilt"; it seems to be working.

    There is plenty of history to be read which does not coincide with your version of truth.

    I prefer clarity over agreement.

    BTW, your "scoreboard" isn't working; may want to get it fixed.
    Too bad you've presented none of this history to support your position or "clarity".

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    You make my point. Many people who claim His Name do the opposite of what He preached and how He lived. That does not mean that the "good book" teaches such nonsense; selfish, power hungry and evil people interpret anything in a manner which fits their nefarious intents. Do you believe that everyone who reads The Bible buys into the "Ham myth'?
    The Ham myth was good enough to give cover to evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    You impugn a man simply because he disagrees with your viewpoint. He doesn't agree with you so he is "willfully ignorant". I don't believe your view has been established as canon, unless I missed some special announcement. I would bet Sheriff Clarke would be more than capable of backing up his views with first-hand knowledge and a coherent grasp of his people's history. Why do you presume him ignorant of his own history; he seems like a very articulate man who speaks intelligently and eloquently while maintaining an honorable sense of ALL people's rights. The fact that you so harshly dismiss and belittle his views is more telling of you rather than him.
    I impugn the man for being willfully ignorant on the history of law enforcement and African-Americans in these United States.

    Again, you mention this history you've had yet to present. I still await your submissions.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    What exactly did I "pull" from "Breitbart"? You may want to direct your vitriol to the original poster for that. I simply linked a youtube video from the CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association), a NY Times article (a bastion of conservatism???) and wikipedia. Does one automatically become part of the "conservative persuasion" by claiming to be a Constitutional Sheriff and a Peace Officer? Now it is you who is being willfully ignorant.
    Your source is from Breibart are you playing dumb?

  7. #57
    [QUOTE=BLBereans;17228]Eric Holder the "race-baiter" and Al Sharpton "the charlatan" who is a "special adviser" to President Obama.

    Is Holder a "race baiter" because police departments are being held accountable for their corruption?

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Any thugs, thieves and looters being prosecuted for their criminal behavior during the riots subsequent to the justified non-prosecution of Officer Darren Wilson?

    Where does it state in any law that destruction of property, thievery and thuggery is permissible so long as one believes injustice is being done?
    One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Depends on how you butter your bread.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans
    What about the fact that there was no injustice done by Darren Wilson against Mike Brown according to the Grand Jury and the DoJ; and yet people willingly broke the law in defiance of peace and proper judgment.
    Seems the "law" and its administration in Ferguson,MO was rotten before this incident.

  9. #59
    All of your answers are revealing; everyone can see that you prefer to be combative and dishonest.

    It is painfully clear to any reasoned reader.

    Move on.

  10. #60
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