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Thread: Sheriff Clarke: ‘Assault’ on Policing Hasn’t Been Seen Since 60s

  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    As for myself I am very weary to forebear such videos. They stink. Consider for a moment my folly as follows:

    If two clowns started punching me on a bus, I would definitely NOT sit down and let them pummel me. I would have gotten to my feet and put both of them on their backs fast and hard! IF they could breathe afterwards is a matter of how much defense they put up. One thing is for sure - WE BOTH are gonna be black and blue.

    So many claims made upon the face of this video which cannot be proven and as such do nothing but poison the minds of the viewers. Who can't help feel sorry for the poor innocent plant, excuse me, I mean "man" sitting there taking a good beating like any man would.

    If this is the type of men today then let me be the first to say the men today are a bunch of spineless wimps. As for my part, if those two even walked out of that bus would be up for discussion. Certainly the video of those two getting their windpipe collapsed would not make it to the internet. Or maybe it would.

    These turn the other cheek and let everyone beat the crap out of you Christian types annoy me considerably.


    P.S. Geez, how could anyone just sit by and watch this beat down? Are people really this numb? Don't answer, I was recently in the airport - seems everyone was in a trance.
    We are all impressed with your manly bravado regarding how you believe an encounter would go down if it was you who was accosted in such a manner. You know for sure that you would have "put both of them on their backs fast and hard"?

    I too would have defended myself in such a situation with all my strength and ability. Maybe they would have gotten the worse of it or maybe I would have; I cannot state for sure either way unless I actually went through it. It seems you claim foreknowledge as to the outcome if it were you; you can tell the future in a hypothetical situation, can you?

    You also seem to claim with somewhat half-cocked certainty that this man who was beaten was a "plant". Again, you have proof of this? Has this video been debunked as a definite "plant" scenario? Where is that proof?

    You assume that someone is a "spineless wimp" simply because he will not engage in an apparent attempt to bait a response. You seem quite confident in your ability to take on multiple assailants in such a scenario. We all applaud your claimed ability.

    You label me as a "Christian type" who would react in the same way as this man did. How do you know my heart and mind? There are many "Christian types" out there who would be carrying a pistol or revolver and put these thugs down in a second when and if they thought their life was threatened. Why do you paint with such as broad brush?

    Your "gotcha game" doesn't work with me.

    These are not the droids you're looking for; move along.
    Last edited by BLBereans; 04-06-15 at 01:11 AM.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    You answered none of my questions. Duly noted.

    I fail to see what purpose the video provides to your point.
    I have no need to answer questions which are irrelevant and/or hypothetical; also duly noted.

    I fail to see the purpose of your question regarding whether or not I have proactively shared my opinion, face-to-face, with any African-Americans concerning law enforcement, or what their reactions were.

    I presume you feel that the reaction would be somewhat akin to the reaction on the video because you also presume I would be scared to share my opinion with an "African-American" to his or her face.

    You would be wrong.
    Last edited by BLBereans; 04-06-15 at 01:18 AM.

  3. #103
    The great thing about public transit is the stops where you get on and where you get of when your sitting that close to the doors most verbal requests are give me your wallet or purse and that wall street journal might invest this windfall a guy sits down two guys are waiting to exit and well this my stop stand up when jr sits down he got sucker punched and his attitude was as brave as the beating random not raciest if he was stabbed a Black Dr fixes him up now what if you cant fight or flight never sit tight rip a shirt or poke a eye out them goggles are gold in a fist fight this crew has done this before. Who can you be when the shit hits the fan everybody gets a ride like this once in a life time or twice a month while your standin u could be landing if your sitting u wont be hittin.Only people who had a beating should know when to take one or share one fight back thats fair as it gets

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    I have no need to answer questions which are irrelevant and/or hypothetical; also duly noted.

    I fail to see the purpose of your question regarding whether or not I have proactively shared my opinion, face-to-face, with any African-Americans concerning law enforcement, or what their reactions were.

    I presume you feel that the reaction would be somewhat akin to the reaction on the video because you also presume I would be scared to share my opinion with an "African-American" to his or her face.

    You would be wrong.
    Let me leave this here:

  5. #105
    Shikamuru, from observation they are using Navy Regulations, military regs on land because the U.S. has been under martial law since 1862. The Navy JAG was placed in the U.S. Department of Justice under the AG back like 1870 (when the U.S. Department of Justice was established). Also, the type of shooting style the cops in the USA are taught is the Mozambique drill. The point isn't about do I or anyone else like the facts. Its that KNOWING this should change the way people behave especially with Satanists holding offices.
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    Running away from cops (the body as a vessel at sea under admiralty) is taken as a vessel 'absconding'. The vessel that ignores the 'bracketing' gets sunk..that is how the are taught even if they know it or not--it is Naval warfare regulations on land (ala ADMIRALTY). Why a US Navy military vessel can change its flag configuration and start doing "drug interdiction" might have something to do with the AG's relation to the Navy JAG. The "War On Drugs" just exacerbates the problem because it is an open declaration of warfare that is far too ambiguous just like the "War On Terror".

    They want you and others to miss the point and look past the truth to a hatred of the original governments (organic states of America, Articles of Confederation, etc.) when the U.S. (Federal) has for over 150 years has been operating under a special military reconstruction/reconstitution of government for the Federal Territories and Federal side. They want you to hate Geo. Washington and the thousands of fair or brown-skinned Christians who died in defense of their sovereignty and rights of of their Posterity--God-given or inherent. They perhaps want you to think that they originally established tyranny against you when such might be far from the truth.

    Consider that in pre-Civil War North Carolina provided that "free Negroes" could be citizens. But you're "not supposed" to know that. After the U.S. Civil War the "apartheid" type systems crept in mainly in the Southern States which were basically turned into military districts (i.e. reconstituted states). All of those 'freed slaves' since 1862 who lived in the South had been living to a great extent outside of the Constitutional and organic states of America and have been taught to have scorn for the organic system because they mistook the military-revenue districts for the organic system. (Of course who taught them the difference?) Early South Carolina didn't even regard free blacks as necessarily subject to their laws (as itinerants). Even the Dredd Scott case gave heaps of clues. Consider the Amistad case. Both were pre-Civil War cases. IMHO, it is a mistake to attempt to comprehend the Civil War without comprehending or being aware of the Seminole Wars (which even the face George Washington's Vision encompasses).

    In someone's paradigm, the South Carolina Military-Revenue District is where the WALTER SCOTT "vessel" was sunk (gunned down) for absconding (under a system of Army-Navy martial law that has been operative since 1862).

    Why do they search cars if you say you don't have your license? Because under Navy Regs "concealing papers" is an "offense". If one looks at some State motor vehicle and boat registration forms, the VIN and the Vessel Hull Number just might go in the same box.

    However, this being of high relevance comes to mind:

    Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants. -William Penn

    I must say that in all of my experience and in looking at the video, there isn't any evident injury/wounding being inflicted. In the footage of Walter Scott laying on the ground I didn't see any bleeding or holes in the shirt. The way he moved and fell wasn't all that commensurate with someone being shot at that close range.
    Last edited by allodial; 04-10-15 at 12:39 AM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #106

    Claiming a body or disposal of a Person

    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    Let me leave this here:

    Black folks or persons of colour the suggested outcome is kill any living man and file a report on innocence of the killer as the death is desired in any shooting. a cop has no opposition to his death or yours a protest to insanity, a birth certificate or a death certificate seems the police can identify the suspect one or two ways. its a long walk backwards too the Sixties now you cant even refuse the ride. How many crimes are solved when you kill the witness then charge a corpse with the same crime? if once a Shadow Imitation Technique, ethical is permissive policing.

  7. #107
    More common sense and moral clarity from Sheriff Clarke...

  8. #108
    Another inspiring man who refuses to accept the status quo "excuses" regarding the ability of "african-americans" to succeed and make an honorable life in America...

    Sheriff David Clarke For 'U.S. Attorney General'

    Dr. Steve Perry For 'Secretary of Education'

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