Like this or not, agree with this or not, you cannot separate the carnal mind from the works of the flesh and the fact that the flesh is not subject to the Law of God. Nevertheless, even with this clear line of demarcation some still dare to claim that there is a connection of doing acts and deed in the flesh is on equal par to that of the Spirit. Is this true? If so, then what shall we do with, “The flesh profits nothing?” Do we just throw it in the trash can and while at it call God a liar too? It is tantamount to doing the same thing, is it not? Let us examine this idea a little more in detail.

Romans 7:14, “…we know that the law is spiritual, [even though] I am carnal, sold under sin.” [Emphasis added]

So then, here we have a finding of fact and conclusion of law showing that the law is spiritual. Who would dare to argue against this fact thus proving how utterly foolish they are? Now, since the Law IS Spiritual, then how can a transgression of a physical, carnal, literal nature be, or become, a transgression the Law… that clearly is spiritual? Doesn’t this very idea suggest that one can commingle the spiritual with the physical? In other words, if this can be done, then one can commit adultery with the flesh and have that apply to the Spirit lawfully, correct? God forbid… CERTAINLY NOT! If you agree that the law is spiritual, then how do you propose that it can be kept in the physical through the flesh that profits nothing? Doesn’t profits nothing imply that there is nothing the physical-carnal mind of flesh can do, or offer to do, for the sake of the Spirit of the letter of the Law? Doesn’t this attempt to imply that you can keep the law physically, through some form of tradition, or act and deed of the flesh that such obedience will be rewarded to being done of the Spirit? CERTAINLY NOT! Again, if the law is spiritual and the carnal-physical-fleshly mind is not subject to it, then how is anything done of the flesh going to profit anyone spiritually? Do you think that the Creator and Father can be fooled concerning this matter? CERTAINLY NOT! How can any compliance of the Law of God through the flesh be pleasing to God when the scripture clearly says that the flesh profits nothing and that the Law is Spiritual and those that worship God must worship Him in Spirit and Truth, not flesh and carnality? Is the Word of God wrong on this matter? CERTAINLY NOT! As a matter of fact, the Word of God it is crystal clear and very plain concerning this matter. It would take an extremely stubborn and blind individual to reject what is plain to see concerning this matter. So then, with this foundation of the Law being Spiritual laid firmly based upon the Word of God, it is very clear that only those who are led by the Spirit are able to keep and obey the Law accordingly. (Romans 8:14 & Galatians 5:18) This conclusively nullifies all works of keeping the Law by the carnal mind via performance in and of the flesh that profits nothing. To continue to make such a claim is to evidence the delusion of the vain imagination inspired and perpetuated by and through the traditions of men, stemming from the carnal mind trying to take the Kingdom of God by force. (Matthew 11:12) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8)

So then, what is SIN from the perspective of the Spirit, rather than from the perspective of the flesh? “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” ~ Matthew 6:33 This scripture is my number-1 FLAG SCRIPTURE, and it is the one that I call, “The PRIME Directive,” because it is ONLY through righteousness that one has realized in their Life that SIN is destroyed.

Now, in relation to this, let us take a look at the Biblical account of Abram and Sarai so you can see what I mean about how SIN is destroyed. Were you aware that Abram and Sarai were from the City of Ur? “Then He said to him, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldean’s, to give you this land to inherit it.” Genesis 15:7 So! What does that have to do with anything? EVERYTHING! Especially the understanding of what SIN is and how the knowledge of what it is… has been twisted by religious organizations through the vain imaginations of men who seek to take the Kingdom of God by force.

You see, a little further research about the inhabitants of the City of Ur, the Chaldean’s, reveals that they worshiped the Moon God whose name was… get this… SIN. That’s right! That means that Abram and Sarai both were worshiping SIN just as the rest of the Chaldean’s were. Now, remember, this is BEFORE the Lord God approached them. In addition, when you look at the symbolism of the moon you will find its meaning is symbolic for EMOTIONS. That is to say that the moon is a symbol for EMOTIONS. So the Moon God of the Chaldean’s, whose name is SIN, is about the focus and worship of all thing through the EMOTIONS. That is what the symbolism stands for. However, if you take the scriptures literally in its dead letter you will never see, hear and understand this. Are you reading the scriptures literally? Why continue in such folly?