Quote Originally Posted by Chex View Post

What (trust) law made this possible?

Who did this?

Where did it all start for all of us? There has to be a starting point.

What gave them the right? Where is our consent?

And where is the law that said they can do this?

Where is the contract?
In order to have a trust there must be first something of value placed in an account.
The right they use is international law, law of the nations.
Since we have not made a compact we jump onto the governments and claim theirs.
We all have the ability to self determinate like the nation did but we don't want to bother moving our lazy ass's.
The right and consent is we are holding and using their property for financial gain.
We place value into their creation and call it ours.
We are not the holders in due course on the BC.
But we act as if we are.
The BC is the contract.
We are transferring it for the government.
Because it is in transfer we are in a commercial venue until we fulfill our obligation.