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Thread: Bank has harassed me about my stamp being used on transactions, here's their letter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    FEMA Region VIII, formerly Denver, CO

    Bank has harassed me about my stamp being used on transactions, here's their letter

    I've had an account with First Bank for about 6 months now and have used this stamp on every transaction "Lawful money and full discharge is demanded for all transactions pursuant to 12USC411 and 12USC95a(2).

    A couple of weeks ago, my bank First Bank had a branch manager call me and tell me their "compliance department" said that I cannot use my stamp. They threatened me over the phone that they would close my account if I kept using the stamp. I'll note with you all that I was overusing the stamp by stamping that on the back of all received checks (which is good), stamping this on the front of all checks I wrote out (bad, and overkill I found out later), and also stamping this on deposit slips as well as withdrawal slips. I now only use the stamp on the back of received checks, on deposit slips and withdrawal slips.

    They threatened to close my account and I told them that I do not accept their offer to close my account immediately (while I still had checks outstanding), that Title 12 applies to their bank, and that they would have no other reason to close my account other than violating Title 12 of the United States Code and possibly discrimination. I told them that they do not get to choose which federal laws from Title 12 apply to them, and that they are legally bound to comply. I told them I would stop stamping it on checks that I write, but they insisted I not use it at all, this is where the problem is.

    Fast forward two weeks to now. I've stopped using them but left a small balance in my account, as I also use WF who doesn't give me grief about my restrictive endorsement. However, I'm not ready to give up a fight with First Bank and I'm not going to bow down and be among the "sheeple." I just received my state and federal tax refund checks with my first quarter of redeeming lawful money, it was rewarding and now I'm not backing down for any banker.

    I am in Denver, Colorado, and I'd love advice from you fellow patriots on how I should approach this. Denver Sheriff? Centennial Sheriff? Colorado Attorney General? Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies Division of Banking? Who should I get involved, and what are some of the points I should hit them back with in a certified, "non-negotiable" letter "without recourse"? Who do I need to involve, at what level to CC a letter to to get this law enforced, and to teach this banker the federal law that applies to her line of work?

    Furthermore, this letter from Hilary the banker is pathetic, citing my reason for their closure of my account as "unsatisfactory handling." She won't cite her non-compliance with federal law as reason for closing my account, maybe that's the first point I need to make in a letter back to her.

    I also let her know she's practicing law without a license and that I need to speak to the legal department, not a compliance department, she never did this and has instead sent me this letter.

    The letter from the "operations supervisor" at my nearest branch is attached. Thanks in advance for any advice and God bless you all.

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    Last edited by teamsnowden; 05-05-15 at 12:21 AM.

  2. #2
    How do you stand to benefit by going to war w/ 1st Bank & Hillary? You don't !!

    Let it go.....they're closing the account anyway....continue doing your business @ WF

  3. #3
    Isn't "Redeemed for lawful money" the more appropriate verbiage? WF seems to have on the average rather intelligent staff.
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    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Isn't "Redeemed for lawful money" the more appropriate verbiage? WF seems to have on the average rather intelligent staff.
    they shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand.....

    therefore "demand is made for lawful money per 12USC411" - the redemption is an operation of law - the beneficiary must make claim for lawful money. If you pay into the social security system and you never make claim for benefits then they are NOT coming.

    Think about what is being said in the following:

    Isa 43:26 Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #5
    If the verbiage is sound, then if I were him I would consider sending a notice of conspiracy against rights to the bank and to the state attorney general or the nearest appropriate U.S. Attorney's office.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 05-05-15 at 04:14 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    If the verbiage is sound, then if I were him I would consider sending a notice of conspiracy against rights to the bank and to the state attorney general or the nearest appropriate U.S. Attorney's office.
    Well hold on a minute. Read that account agreement. If one will take the time to read the agreement, then one will find that the bank can close the account at their sole discretion. They don't require a cause. So while you can make your demand, they don't have to do business with you.

    They however, cannot tell one how to endorse or non-endorse a signature. The depositor is in fact making a non-secured loan to the company store [bank]. FDIC insures the unsecured loan should a holiday be mandated. Of course should a holiday be mandated FDIC will be in the toilet with all of the rest of it.

    De-posit means to abandon all rights and interests in property. Once the livery of property interest is deposited upon another that reflects a loan or a gift according solely to the agreement governing the de-posit. What is left is store policy. And it appears that the store policy is NOT to accept any withdrawals or deposits with that non-endorsement upon its face.

    The store is an entity within the System. Should you desire a SPECIAL relationship then you must visit the stores Trust Department. IN FACT once a general account is established and one begins to make DEposits - then that "money" on account belongs to the store! That account is the Store Account and is subject to the UCC and banking policy.


    There are plenty of women to ask to the prom.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 05-05-15 at 04:17 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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  7. #7
    ^^^^^^ THIS !! [...a very poignant explanation are a blessing & a gift to this site !!]

    ....and teamsnowden, I believe it has been mentioned elsewhere on this site.....the remedy is between your ears. Once you make your demand for lawful money, you have expressed your intent.....what the banking institutions do afterwards to "redeem" [or not]....just doesn't concern you.

    You've made your stand on it !!

  8. #8
    Bravo MJ well stated. Keep your demand stay within the law. It could be worse.
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    The Bank doesn't want to borrow money from you anymore.
    Can you blame them? You took the candy right out from out of their mouths.
    You estoppel their account.
    The game is over and they are taking their ball home with them and nobody else can play.
    Now if everyone did this.... whom would the Banks play with?
    Besides themselves.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Shucks walter, my children are so fond of those "free" lollipops. It is the game they have chosen. Like you said, when enough wake up to this parasitic relationship, perhaps they will throw off those filthy rags and put on the beautiful garments.


    Think now of the "temple" and the "gold" and what they symbolize both to the internal man and the external man. We can clearly see the hypocrites at work - and clearly we see why Christ JESUS was put to death.

    See the following of last nights issue:


    While the inner journey must occur first in love to one's self; however, the inner light is not to be hid - rather it is to shine as a lamp set on a table. Therefore that which is within is made manifest in that which is without. Said another way - I can see your Love and therefore Faith in your deeds.

    As such, the greatest in the Kingdom of God is the servant. A trustee is the greatest servant for that one works on behalf of others and in serving others he/she serves himself. The trustee is a steward of the goods and faiths placed in his special care.

    One who is rich in regards to his carnal expressions does indeed have a horrible time finding that which is within himself [no gender]. For the strongman of the house will not be easily dislodged [Ego, R-Complex or Lower mInd].

    GOD IS - therefore there is no lack in God. There only remains my own ignorance and my own withholdings. Therefore, what an honor it is that I might serve you - and that I might find that which is in you - that is in me - the Spirit of the Living God.

    Sometimes, rather most times, the beneficiaries have not a clue - wanting only that which is superficial. Lets say I create a land trust and I grant 50 percent interest in the trust corpus to my 2 year old son, is he competent to receive and understand that interest? Perhaps another will hold that interest ON HIS BEHALF until he becomes competent.

    Now stop and think real hard - and look around you - what do you see? Then look INSIDE you and consider - do you think to make your heart beat? Do you know the gate of your thoughts? Whereof do your thoughts spring forth? And what is the mechanism whereof thought is manifest in matter? Those friend are the real riches. Until that day - there remains governors and tutors - which is to say School Teachers - which is to say the LITERAL EXPRESSION of thought - of which religion has a pretty good hold upon. But the true riches lie couched within those literal expressions - to that end let us go and find peace there in understanding.

    Now stop - if GOD IS, and there can be no respect of persons, then judgment must always come upon the head of the Judge! Therefore what is left is a voluntary decision to submit in consent - else one would go his own way. This must be else God is a respecter of persons. Would you dare trespass me and in doing so bring the Trespass of God upon your own head?

    Time to rise and shine! Did not the School Teacher do its job well? For upon the trespass first must come the sacrifice [cattle represents thoughts] and then must come the atonement with the priest [symbol of God acting by and thru man]. Therefore to trespass a man is to trespass God. For there can be nothing in this earth that is void of God.

    Therefore the only mechanism left to man is TRUST. Wherein do I lodge my trust? For I know Whereof my trust is found - the question remains - wherein shall it be lodged? Once I lodge my trust - it can be bought and sold. Won't you VOTE? - a key.

    Moses said "Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve." If I say I serve God, then I serve mankind AND nature! For to say that man is apart from God is to deny God. What am I left with? My word and my deeds. From whence is their fountainhead? Carnal Mind or the Mind of Christ? For there can only be one standing in the Temple of God. And we therefore are all mini-temples of the Living God. Therefore I seek to find the Spirit of God within every man - for I have no trust in the Carnality of mankind. In the latter regard, I don't even trust myself. For as St. Paul wrote that which I think to do - I do not. And that which I do not want to do that I do. I remain at war within. For Esau [carnality - Red] will always fight with Jacob [Spiritual] - whilst in this flesh age.

    Nevertheless do we serve from out of our carnality from a WHAT CAN I GET perspective or do we serve from a WHAT CAN I GIVE perspective - acknowledging that I need to eat too. If I serve you, am I not worthy of my hire? Don't you enjoy light, lodging, food, etc? I know I do. I find, that those who are socialist or communist in their outward thinking for some reason get upset when their "standard of living" is upset.

    Nevertheless what will occur with the Global Brain [internet] is coupled with a Happiness Machine. What is truth will be substituted with what makes me happy. And look around you - what do you see? What do we do? We put our minds to work so that we might fill our houses with all that our heart desires [emotional response]. So that our attics overfill and overflow into Good Will - so that we might feel better about ourselves and further make room to buy more stuff so that we might continue to feel happy.

    What makes man happy is serving his fellow man. Purpose brings happiness without it we are in hell. Only question left is the nature of the purpose - is it inward focused to feed the self or is it to help others obtain their happiness? For once Moses ascended in Higher Consciousness he came back to Beta to work with those whom he might serve!

    NEVER let any man tell you the temple is nothing but what matters is the gold inside. The religionists go on and one about how worthless man is but Jesus CHRIST said differently. Jesus said the temple is what sanctifies the gold. God is the gold! We are the temple. NEVER let a pastor tell you ever again that we are worthless sinners. I love Jesus CHRIST - He had the courage to stand up to organized religion and tell them STICK IT IN YOUR EAR! You children of Hell.

    Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

    Scribes = Teachers of God's Word
    Pharisees = Religious leaders

    Jesus called them children of Hell. Hypocrites he called them!

    Mat 23:16 Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!

    Jesus called them Blind guides.
    Temple = me, you every human being is a mini-temple of the living God.
    Gold = God

    Notice what Jesus said - THEY HAVE IT WRONG! They say whosoever swears by man is nothing - for in the eyes of religionists man is nothing and God is everything! But Jesus strongly rebuked organized religion!

    Mat 23:17 Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?

    Jesus called them fools and blind. For the gold is God within the temple - but look see what Jesus said about you and I! He said it is the temple that sanctifieth the gold! Can you believe that?

    Friends GOD IS - you are never apart from God. Quit listening to fools and find God within yourself. For if God does for you and not for me - then God is a respecter of persons. Look up friends - the stars in the Heavens represent you and I.

    Sanctify means to render or acknowledge or to separate or consecrate. The Feast of Tabernacles is telling us what always is - God with us - Immanuel.

    For Jesus said - YE are the BRANCHES and I AM the Vine. We are the Temple of the Living God - we are living stones! = The stars of God. And Jesus told us to become one with God. If I am one with God then I AM.

    The carnal mind has been exposed as Satan standing in the Temple of God showing itself to be God - it is my carnal mind which is this exposed "man of sin". For it is that lower mind which seeks to intercourse my emotional self - which is to say be in SIN. And to be in sin is to be separated from God and to be separated from God is to be in hell. The horrible and fantastic revelation is that I did this to myself!

    Let Melchizedek come forth WITHIN ME with the bread and the wine - providing the Hidden Manna within the GOLDEN bowl.


    Now consider that which is the societal temple - a commonwealth. Look at how the Lawyers and heads of State view the gold! They say to claim against the Gold is to be a debtor! They say it is the Gold that is most important but that the temple [commonwealth] is not important. Thus domestically notes are passed underwritten by the Gold which represent debt.

    Look again with new eyes!

    Mat 23:16 Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor!

    Are you sanctified by the gold or do you sanctify the gold? Remove the L in gold and maybe you will begin to get a better perspective on the hypocrisy of religion. Jesus boldly stated that it was the TEMPLE that sanctified the gold!

    1Co_3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

    1Co_6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    2Co_6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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