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Thread: Birth Certificate - What it is

  1. #201
    Sounds like fredricks BC & DC

  2. #202
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  3. #203
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    1. If you answer to the name of the defendant of the case (most always going to have the status of 'resident' (i.e. office of resident)) that could make you a surety or accommodation party for the defendant (has NOTHING to do with the birth certificate).
    2. The holding of the birth certificate is a totally separate matter from a case--completely unrelated unless you make it related.
    3. The birth certificate itself is evidence ..of ..something.
    1. The job of the prosecutor is to find a surety for the charges.
    The charges are placed on a registration.
    We show up to court because we think the registration which holds the chargers is in fact us.
    A third party (us) appears in court. Prosecutor is very happy that they found a surety other wise they will be the surety. After all who brought the chargers to the court?
    Judge is the banker making sure that the books are balanced.
    He is trusted to managing their accounts.

    2. I strongly disagree with that statement. It has everything to do with the case.

    3. I agree with this statement. Its evidence of a certificate.
    Birth Certificates

    Your birth certificate is an important legal document that establishes who you are, and when and where you were born. A birth certificate is required for many important applications like passport, the medical services plan, social insurance number, and school enrollment.

    You see what the BC is evidencing? Who you are.
    It makes you a third party to their affairs.
    A cling-on.
    Why do they want you in this position?
    Because they need a surety.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    How is it the judge becomes the NAME, then administered this trust account if no standing why is the beneficiary NAMED without standing?
    The judge doesn't become the name.
    Even the prosecutor has no standing unless certain requirements are met which most of the time they are not.
    Beneficiary's can not sue in the trust name.

  5. #205
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    There is talk in this thread of giving the BC back.
    That's great but did you cancel it?

  6. #206
    If a CLERK calls the NAME its 3RD party if otherwise tell me my court calamity is i am no person convey that and how a judge is inclined to re-present the NAME then enter a plea based on WHAT AUTHORITY i gave this 3rd party person their bc a dl a hydro bill it was kept and entered as evidence of what to me evident a person exists on paper only, if i regret writing a SUICIDE note yet as the author i am its highest AUTHORITY once im deceased no standing is evidence based on the note alone forget a body giving 3rd dimension testimony a honey badger gets both in nature 3rd party gets stung

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    2. I strongly disagree with that statement. It has everything to do with the case.

    Your birth certificate is an important legal document that establishes who you are, and when and where you were born. A birth certificate is required for many important applications like passport, the medical services plan, social insurance number, and school enrollment.

    You see what the BC is evidencing? Who you are.
    It makes you a third party to their affairs.
    A cling-on.
    Why do they want you in this position?
    Because they need a surety.
    Are you so sure? What name is on the Birth Certificate? What name is on the driver license? What name is on the phone bill? What name is on the passport (word and letter order matters)? Who has the competence to tell the difference between "John Henry Doe" and "John H. Doe" and "Doe John H." and "Doe John Henry" (Hooked On Phonics, anyone)? Who is lacking reading skills to the extent they might not be able see that those are all different names? In legal style in the USA and most all English-speaking jurisdictions, "H" would drop out. Abbreviations only hold up for popular acronyms like USA or NHL or UK. What if it is instead that John H Doe is at the DMV identified as the person holding the birth certificate?

    Name:  ackley_elsie_marie_1902_small.jpg
Views: 303
Size:  106.6 KB

    (Rarely are birth certificate 'names' shown with any abbreviations. Note the uppercase nonetheless.)

    Name:  800px-1912_Birth_Certificate_Ken_Baker.jpg
Views: 331
Size:  133.0 KB

    Evidence of an entry in a register? What is the significance of 'being in that register'?

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Your birth certificate is an important legal document that establishes who you are
    [ Don't I establish who I are/is?]
    What if presenting it instead of establishing your identity serves the purpose of establishing the particulars of the person whose estate you are administering? What if presenting the birth certificate is not at all different than presenting a Certificate of Incorporation from the Secretary of State?

    I reiterate, the person named on the birth certificate is not likely ever presumed party as defendant to any court proceeding.

    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    You see what the BC is evidencing? Who you are.
    It makes you a third party to their affairs.
    A cling-on.
    Why do they want you in this position?
    Because they need a surety.
    They call the name JOHN H DOE not the name on the birth certificate. Simply put and restated (from above): if you answer in a "court" to the name John H Doe you will be taken to be surety or accommodation party for that person.


    Even if John H Doe is called for a child support case, the birth certificate they are looking at is that of the CHILD. Then they will look at the FATHER's (almost always the lowest name on the birth certificate--first in line surety--so much for "gender equality", eh?). Then they will look to find out who is the administrator for that FATHER person (psst! the DMV might have a clue).

    If you really want to know who the birth certificate belongs to, you can ask the appropriate State official.

    P.S. In many jurisdictions there is writing on a birth certificate that it is not to be used for ID --SS card was (and maybe still is) the same.

    P.S.2: Vanity can be a liability.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-08-15 at 09:02 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    If a CLERK calls the NAME its 3RD party if otherwise tell me my court calamity is i am no person convey that and how a judge is inclined to re-present the NAME then enter a plea based on WHAT AUTHORITY i gave this 3rd party person their bc a dl a hydro bill it was kept and entered as evidence of what to me evident a person exists on paper only, if i regret writing a SUICIDE note yet as the author i am its highest AUTHORITY once im deceased no standing is evidence based on the note alone forget a body giving 3rd dimension testimony a honey badger gets both in nature 3rd party gets stung

    A judge does not re-present the name.
    The prosecutor does.
    After all who brought the claim to court?

    The judge enters a plea on the authority of administrator.

  9. #209
    IMHO you're better off seeing the judge as a referee or arbiter (although membership on the Bar with the prosecuting attorney is a wee bit of conflict of interest). The prosecuting attorney is the plaintiff (revenue collector?) for all practical purposes.

    Since the plaintiff is complaint-ive and the defendant is thereby accused (some say its related to the word 'accursed'). The court or tribunal might consist of the referee (judge) and the court clerk at the very least--psst the court building isn't the court. Consider the idea of rending a tennis court to resolve a dispute--and of course there is a fee to be paid the line judge and the score keeper to compensate them for their time.

    Participation in the case and membership in the court are separate matters from the relationship between the alleged debtor and the alleged creditor.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-08-15 at 09:00 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #210
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    BC, DL, passport, phone bill , doesn't matter.
    All are judicial persons. You own none of them, but you can be all of them.

    Ask your self these questions with all the accounts listed above.
    Who is the "accommodating party"?
    Who's the "principal obligor"?
    Who's the "secondary obligor"?

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