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Thread: What is a Noachide?

  1. #1

    What is a Noachide?

    What are Noachides from the perspective of the suitors?

  2. #2
    What a fetching question! I like questions that invoke the imagination.

    At first glance though, I am drawing a blank because this is like apples and oranges to provoke the common metaphor. Somebody wrote recently in a PM:

    Dear David,

    I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading your writings posted or linked from the forum toward the ends of comprehending the remedy.

    With all due respect, I did not find your lesson plan to be presented on the forum in accordance with the phi ratio; the organization of the knowledge. The pieces of the puzzle are either encrypted or spread across cyberspace as to make it difficult to bring together as a complete picture, so to say...

    Your question invokes the proposition that "suitors" are a class easily described that compares in values with Israelites and Gentiles of the Holy Bible. If anybody can define suitors it would of course be me. And it usually comes down to "court of record". If you look up Court of Record you will always find that the clerk of court is keeping a Record and that Record is where the authority resides. In the 1930's there was a blending of Law and Equity into One Form of Action that allows the creation of even Criminal Courts of No Record - at least here in Colorado. So you might have a fundamental emotional reaction here and with similar websites as to how "THEY" are always doing something to you. How you are being forced to sign something under duress etc.

    Well, from being intelligence nexus for some 100 suitors at a time teaches me we are either in or out - of the Federal Reserve Districts. And this is a priesthood commercial in nature, based in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and its furnishing elastic currency. By priesthood then, I mean municipal jurisdiction through an extraterritorial agreement (treaty) bound in modern technology of communication = creation because we can be anywhere in the world in fifteen hours and having a conversation anywhere within a minute, real time. I read a book many years back by the Aspen Institute by KALIR and MAXWELL - Rethinking Boundaries in Cyberspace. - Your question brings that title to mind.

    If you endorse that priesthood, then you become a congregant.

    What you testify as your confession of faith then, is that "I accept debt to be the basis of money."

    Therefore I would extend the definition of "suitor" to be not only one who utilizes a Record, typically the federal evidence repository published on PACER, and describe the purpose of that record. The purpose being to get out of administrative law government (priestcraft) and back to judiciary. You may notice the emphasis I place on Oaths of Office. - The purpose being to get away from the criminal syndicalism of false balances. This constitutional framework is de jure law where the bills of rights may again be applied - Your Day in Court. Oh! - How the Patriot Yearns for His Day in Court. Even if convicted, he found his judiciary! He taught the officials who they really are and who they are intended in America to be!

    We might find that I am starting to describe the Noachide here. In the Bible's allegorical metaphor everybody is a Son of Noach. God killed everybody off except Noah and his family so that is how it is in this metaphor. The distinction is found at Exodus 24:7 when after the LORD delivered the Laws of Moses the Israelites agreed to accept.

    So the Ten Northern Tribes became Noachides. They were away from the Temple Mount and the ability to fulfil the sacrificial laws. And so is the entire Diaspora today - they are reduced to Noachide Law and so do their best to remain good Israelites by following the Code of Jewish Law in daily life. Which brings about the distinction between the Jew and the Israelite...

    Nebudchadnezzar was a very wise conqueror. He found the Israelites of 604 BC quite fascinating people and so left the layman alone, capturing the priesthood and the intellectuals unharmed and he brought them back to Babylon. There are four stars of this in the Book of Daniel - Daniel BELTESHAZZAR, Mishael MESHACH, Hananiah SHADRACH and Azariah ABEDNIGO. Not only did Nebuchadnezzar change their alphabet, he castrated the boys he favored in his court and changed their names. Then over seventy years Nebudchadnezzar groomed them into a Babylonian style of religious practice under the same set of laws (Torah) his descendants sent them back to the Land of Israel and they retook the Temple Mount (Books of Ezra and Nehemiah). Even today the Jew's doctrine is best described in the Babylonian Talmud.

    As is found the Seven Noahide Laws.

    Maybe you are getting how difficult it is to view Noachide Law from a Suitors' perspective.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    So you might have a fundamental emotional reaction here and with similar websites as to how "THEY" are always doing something to you. How you are being forced to sign something under duress etc.
    When someone is always writing about what "they are {allegedly} doing you" or "{allegedly} forcing you to do", I find it challenging to believe it to be other than PSYOPS--telling the truth or part of the truth but in a manner to increase the odds that the listener is hot angry has a mindset slanted toward a creating mess of trouble for himself/herself--self-destructive behavior. It might be that the biggest deception in "the world" is one to do with everything and anything of value or of power being anywhere but within two inches of you and your skin.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    By priesthood then, I mean municipal jurisdiction through an extraterritorial agreement (treaty) bound in modern technology of communication = creation because we can be anywhere in the world in fifteen hours and having a conversation anywhere within a minute, real time.
    And on the same note, the idea children and adults have been constantly impressed these past two years is one of anything and everything good coming from Redfruit, Inc. or Minipliable, Inc.--that nothing good ever comes from a man--only from corporations. Perhaps the debt to the souless, must necessarily be represented by money for the dead?

    With even regular cops being trained to associate confession to "having a phone number" (in a sidewalk arraignment) to being part of a body corporate (i.e. a congregate), is it any wonder that most everything to do with technology or science fiction has to do with bodies corporate (militaries, mining corporations, exploratory companies, etc. )--only superheroes or supervillains are ever "solo". Even this very today, the idea of right to transmit electromagnetic communication (access to the ether) is most widely associated with with ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (priesthood of Mercury?) in most ever "country" in "the world" (FCC, ITU, RSC, etc.)--to the extent of reflecting widespread indoctrination of alienation at birth from the Aether.

    I suspect there are those who love to use religion and wear a false religious mantle to oppress others with their most important mantra of control being centered on "thou shall not steal ... to get these precious toys--so work and never stop until you're dead". False weights and balances to go along with a false religious mantle. It is suggested that Nimrod/Gilgamesh and his cohorts had this kind of thing mastered.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-17-15 at 02:48 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #4
    Classical NLP applied in the extraterritorial...

    This might explain why even the radio, newspapers and TV News are social media, by simply competing with social media. Debt = death...

    Money for the dead above leads us to the Bill of Exchange - forgive all the debt! Something was bound to give!

    Thirty Day Judgment perfected on September 11, 2001. The three-day shutdown of my stock exchange was reconstruction. Note that the Original went to Richard GRASSO, Chairman of my NYSE!

    The Charter for Freedoms and Exemptions Granted to Patroons (perpetual inheritance at ยง6) was cited on the Bill of Exchange.

    Convolute the convolution.

  5. #5
    The pieces of the puzzle are either encrypted or spread across cyberspace as to make it difficult to bring together as a complete picture, so to say...[That complete picture is between a focused yet still framed lens.. any trick photography or clever shots are ones ego and its perception of that very same model that Man loves to manipulate subjugate and tolerate as SOCIAL JUSTICE with COMMERCIAL LENS THE ROLE & FILM CAPTURE IMAGES STILL BORNS ACTORS PERSONS TITLES CREATED idolatry paints pretty pagan persons into a corner. Light exposes the dark room devel opment or 2nd creation as a picture is never the ORIGIN OF Man be original and appear in the light . the encrypted is the education confounding the language was Gods choice finding truth is still a Man,s Job/ Lot / biblical BABEL the pagan gentile elllis island Noah had first ark the first picture was 4 the passengers to scatter replenish they built a tower and Sodom & Mora Abraham our first father of faith was a Pagan the Gentile. Gods 2nd ark was Abe who left pagan shores drifting and drafting our choice from paganism or Hebrew tale of two cities Man,s or God,s fight is with material u get the memo or the note when we know what language is being spoken the encryption is being heard as a Man a person has nothing to say and lots of it.This site poses no threats to whats said yet one might share whats defined as heard. challenge what is said great that any reflection the portrait of what was understood.

  6. #6
    I got most of that... I think!

    My current perspective is that no man will kill his own son, no matter how clearly God says to. And my perception of God is that He is just not that insecure. So here is my take.

    Abraham was ready to kill Isaac at puberty (the metaphor is on the Temple Mount no less) because he felt guilty about the incest - an abomination. Abraham was half-siblings with Sarah. Furthermore though, Abraham's guilt was compounded by allowing Sarah to drive Hagar from his home, and she died of exposure while Ishmael survived to hold a grudge, fathering the Arab nations.

    Somehow this explains everything!
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-17-15 at 09:22 PM.

  7. #7
    As a psychoanalysis, interesting. However, I suspect many have trouble realizing that Abraham could not possibly have been under Mosaic law (not sure how he could have been of the tribe of Judah ..not sure how he could have been a Judean either-- Ur is the name of Sumerian city he where is said to have dwelled--though a connection to Nippur/Nefer/Nibiru/N' Ibiru is also suggested at some point AFAIK). The "we wear liederhosen so everyone else must wear liederhosen" projection of internal law or policy onto external others seems to have been rampant in history--not to mention the idea of ex post facto legislation.

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    Similarly many seem to have trouble realizing that there was a time even before Abraham. Abram is said to have been the son of Terah, who is said to have been a high priest or Oracle Priest of Ur. Abram rather than embracing the idol worship of the day traveled a different path and became Abraham ('h' significant of breath).

    The habit of critically projecting a later paradigm onto the past to fit present sentiments...oi.

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    While incest of forms may have been seen as unlawful at some point in ancient Sumeria, I've yet to find anything against such relations between half-siblings in ancient Egypt (definitely not Egypt) or in Sumeria.

    Last edited by allodial; 05-18-15 at 04:05 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #8
    Abram Nahor Haran Terah,s crew the pagans And one sister Sarai who married Abram yet knew her handmaiden Hagar. Abe is 400 yrs before the Mosaic law Flesh and Spirit two sons two principality two covenants Ishmael the flesh Isaac supernatural birth the spirit one Gods promise in response to Faith Abes one of flesh or unbelief that son of bondwoman will not be heir This might be a good reason why Abram age 99 becomes Abraham father of many Nations Isaac means laughter and Man,s faith in God is that comedic gadgetry betwix our ears and the pagan fears.

  9. #9
    The children of promise (the Isaacs--justified through faith --though faith + works is important) and the children in bonds (the Ishmaels--seek justification through law)? You might be on to something. To knowledge, Muslims lay claim to Ishmael's (Ishlamael/Islam?) legacy or claim to be descendants of Ishmael. At times, I have wondered if Abraham became aware of the distinction to the extent of creating separate trusts or estates and consequently taught separate doctrines to the two lines.

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    The Romans: Used white stones as admission tickets to public festivals and assemblies. Gladiators drew stones/lots before entering the arena. Those who drew a white stone were released from performing. In the Roman courts, a panel of judges decided their verdict by displaying either a white stone or black stone in the palm of their hand. A white stone indicated innocence and a black stone meant guilt. The most stones of either color rendered the final judgment.
    Is it not uncanny that the black stone was used to signify guilt?

    It is suggested that in consequence of the Golden Calf (Exodus 32) incident the Israelites were put under the Mosaic/Leviticial system signifying a divergence and that the Melchizedek would not be reverted to (for them) until around 30AD. Some suggest a pause in the Melchizedek priesthood with the onset of the Mosaic-Levitical period but I wouldn't necessarily take that stance.

    For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. Hebrews 7:12
    Last edited by allodial; 05-18-15 at 05:22 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #10
    Melchizedek Priest/King of the most high. later a enforced separation of the kingship = Judah priesthood = levi . Reuben vs Levi its all Bread & Wine . that 13 tribe. allegorical is essential in semiotic tribal behaviour note nothing much has changed. Pharaohs Pharisee Leviticus the shaken money tree.

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