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Thread: What is a Noachide?

  1. #11
    That is an interesting journey - those posts!

    In my seeking to simplify through the Gospel of Pragmatism I describe rather than the 50% recombinant DNA being the impediment, creating a hard-hearted and stiffnecked people, that the sensation of guilt is what creates a sense of separateness from God - sin.

    Sin is the basic impediment to Biblical prophecy.

  2. #12
    It might be helpful to show the Seven Noahide Laws from the Babylonian Talmud - Tractate Sanhedrin.

  3. #13
    Melchizedek Priest/King Bread & Wine Christ Priest/King both pragmatic authority rabbinically speaking Melchizedek received Abram,s tithes or Abram,s spiritual senior authority and still superior to levitical priesthood as it was that of Abram,s loins this Levi priesthood yet mortal and unclean rabbinically speaking alter to cleanse Abe,s alter building was pragmatic. Melchizedek King of Righteousness and Peace. Priest of the most high God yet mortal a forerunner for Christ. and the separation Levi/Judah Priest/King up until Christ the Priest/King and now no separation exists that to me is bread and wine or Gospel being truth good news as pragmatic as practice and works Castle [the metal ] Church [the mind] test ones metal Pragmatism tithes on bread and wine its Christ within let the metal shine Castle Church drops that dime a shift and paradigm is Christ Righteousness and Peace.shared full-time No alters no separation no fear.The very best David Merrill allodiall MJ george walter for discerning my veil of words or grammatical destructions of text as my thoughts hold genuine.Knowing tolerance is no substitute for time accept no substitutes this crew matches time, line for line chapter & verse timelines forward and reverse we all come down from that Church between the ears [between shores] i trust this might be a Suitors Safe word saving Recusants or sailing blind testing metal or claiming salvage . when king and priest are separated as in King Davids time Melchizedek and Abram,s meeting was that Abe Was offered Bread and wine izzy is superior to Abram as Christ is to the Pharisees yet this crew mocks Abe and izzy And then mocks Christ with denial as he isnt king/ priest corruption with that separation is exposed flipping money changers tables is tithes enough is a one-tenth OR DIME part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government ?
    Last edited by xparte; 05-20-15 at 02:42 AM. Reason: DROPPING THE DIME

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That is an interesting journey - those posts!

    In my seeking to simplify through the Gospel of Pragmatism I describe rather than the 50% recombinant DNA being the impediment, creating a hard-hearted and stiffnecked people, that the sensation of guilt is what creates a sense of separateness from God - sin.

    Sin is the basic impediment to Biblical prophecy.
    While many seem discern a connection between sin, debt and death few have seemed to see the connection between debt and doubt. Consider for a moment the notion of doubt bringing "high order creative processes" (if you will) to a halt leading to a condition like that of a spaceship's crew in emergency being forced to rely solely on reserves and backup power.

    And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6:3
    The operational law aboard that ship would change upon foreclosure of the primary systems, wouldn't it? The seed the serpent sowed (Genesis 3) was one of doubt. Afterall, the carnal mind deals only with that which is apparent or what is physically seen, tasted, felt rather than what is not seen (physically).

    An ox that refused to go where it was led stiffened its neck. The stiffnecked condition of the Israelites then may have been rooted in doubt in consequence of distrust of the spiritual leading or in consequence of placing a greater value on that which was physically apparent or seemed apparent than upon that which was not seen. Keep in mind all of that which they had seen all the proof and miracles they had witnessed from Egypt to that point on the wilderness leading up to the Golden Calf incident.

    And there we saw giants, the sons of Anak, of the race of the giants; and we were in our own sight as locusts, and so we were in their sight. Numbers 13:33.
    ...for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23
    Debits (doubts) aren't credits?

    P.S. If I'm not mistaken, in Spanish the word for foreclosure (apertura) pertains to an opening, commencement or inauguration (of action against). Consider: hole, void where there may have once been a 'covering' or a 'connection'. Foreclosure -> 'an opening for action' (to bring an estate to a close)?
    Last edited by allodial; 05-19-15 at 12:26 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Classical NLP applied in the extraterritorial...

    This might explain why even the radio, newspapers and TV News are social media, by simply competing with social media. Debt = death...
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    Social media among the subjects of a principality of darkness might be like self-inflicted PSYOPS--might even lead to self-inflicted "head injuries".

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Money for the dead above leads us to the Bill of Exchange - forgive all the debt! Something was bound to give!
    That is along the lines of what I was beginning to think. Many might look at the power to forgive sins as being a "weak" power. But it is a power heavily associated with the power to end wars, disease, poverty and to eliminate all manner of ills, corruption and the like.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post

    Thirty Day Judgment perfected on September 11, 2001. The three-day shutdown of my stock exchange was reconstruction. Note that the Original went to Richard GRASSO, Chairman of my NYSE!
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:1-5
    The sovereign can define what money is (i.e. 'power of fiat') correlates to the sovereign's power to forgive debts (i.e. 'power of cancellor'). The reason so many have been lead to hate true believers in Christ is because those behind such motivations are fully aware of the delegation or sharing of authority that was made (Ephesians 2) and what exercise of that kind of authority can accomplish.

    The Charter for Freedoms and Exemptions Granted to Patroons (perpetual inheritance at ยง6) was cited on the Bill of Exchange.

    Convolute the convolution.
    How can they claim perpetual trusteeship without incurring perpetual obligation to the heirs? As in perpetual trusteeship and perpetual inheritance go hand in hand, no? (They have even tried to kill the heirs. They tried to declare them all to be dead. They might even try to redefine the definition of 'heir'.) In Islam they speak of God having no sons--get it? *Decoded* As in , allowance for perpetual trusteeship without any obligation whatsoever to any beneficiaries or heirs (declaring them to not exist and/or declaring the grantor to not exist). Could not a trustee in such circumstances declare himself to be "god" and treat the entire estate as abandoned? Why did Hitler and Stalin like Islam so much? Why are communist countries often Islamic (or pseudo-Atheistic as in "no god {...but those who set themselves up to be gods}")?

    Name:  soviet_crescent_moon.jpg
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    [Cryptic crescent moon and star]

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    Its a kind of social jui jitsu to have the ensared turn on the very ones who can set them free--its more efficient for the Manhunter to have his victims use their own energy to keep themselves ensnared (see Soviet Communism and Russian's lose-lose social paradigm). The Ruble was still the Ruble before and after the Soviet takeover. Rather than getting rid of the Tsarist money power, the Soviets simply held on to it. After about five hundred years..its still the Ruble. True sovereignty is coveted--especially the money power. Jesus and his followers, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. were perceived as threats to the Ensarement.

    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Melchizedek Priest/King of the most high. later a enforced separation of the kingship = Judah priesthood = levi . Reuben vs Levi its all Bread & Wine . that 13 tribe. allegorical is essential in semiotic tribal behaviour note nothing much has changed. Pharaohs Pharisee Leviticus the shaken money tree.
    On that note, Enoch and Elijah didn't die. They are said to be primary candidates to be the two witnesses of Revelation. Also, I'm unaware of the Bible/Pentateuch containing anything suggesting the Mosaic or Levitical systems to have trumped, superseded or replaced the order of Melchizedek. Royal priesthood, anyone?
    Last edited by allodial; 05-19-15 at 04:46 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #16
    Doubt = death = debt...

    Very nice! Thank you for that. We just went through the association between faith and miracles in the Book of Matthew - in this morning's Men's Bible Study. So this resonates.

    The stiffnecked condition of the Israelites then may have been rooted in doubt in consequence of distrust of the spiritual leading or in consequence of placing a greater value on that which was physically apparent or seemed apparent than upon that which was not seen.
    Additionally I believe that Aaron and the people were foiled. By wrapping the wooden calf in gold foil it would look like solid gold.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:1-5

    That resolves Genesis 1:3 AND 1:4 both! First there was God only, then by 1:3 there is God and Light. Then by 1:4 there is Light and Darkness. Now in the CHRIST-Mind go backwards. The Tree of Life is the resolution of judgment between Good and Evil. The time collapse is when God and Light become one again. This is the termination of reality of Form, or rather the End of the Age in more familiar Bible terminology.

    I listened as the men described application of faith to heal themselves and loved ones. Sometimes it works and you witness a miracle, sometimes it does not. I brought the Book of Mark up where four friends bring a quadriplegic to Jesus and Jesus informs the patient that his sins are forgiven. - That by our description of terms here, he is now guilt-free. The religious are offended that Jesus seems to be who did that - forgave the man of his sins. But the point is healing the man's body was an afterthought. The men in the Bible study identify themselves with their bodies and will surely die because their bodies will perish.

    On that note, Enoch and Elijah didn't die. They are said to be primary candidates to be the two witnesses of Revelation.

    John the Baptist was and still is believed to be a channel for Elijah. The Jews hope at Passover that Elijah will please knock on the Door.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    John the Baptist was and still is believed to be a channel for Elijah.
    The notion of John the Baptist being Elijah in the sense of the prophecy of Malachi jibes with the NT.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
    Melchizedek Priest/King Bread & Wine Christ Priest/King both pragmatic authority rabbinically speaking Melchizedek received Abram,s tithes or Abram,s spiritual senior authority and still superior to levitical priesthood as it was that of Abram,s loins this Levi priesthood yet mortal and unclean rabbinically speaking alter to cleanse Abe,s alter building was pragmatic. Melchizedek King of Righteousness and Peace. Priest of the most high God yet mortal a forerunner for Christ. and the separation Levi/Judah Priest/King up until Christ the Priest/King and now no separation exists that to me is bread and wine or Gospel being truth good news as pragmatic as practice and works Castle [the metal ] Church [the mind] test ones metal Pragmatism tithes on bread and wine its Christ within let the metal shine Castle Church drops that dime a shift and paradigm is Christ Righteousness and Peace.shared full-time No alters no separation no fear.The very best David Merrill allodiall MJ george walter for discerning my veil of words or grammatical destructions of text as my thoughts hold genuine.Knowing tolerance is no substitute for time accept no substitutes this crew matches time, line for line chapter & verse timelines forward and reverse we all come down from that Church between the ears [between shores] i trust this might be a Suitors Safe word saving Recusants or sailing blind testing metal or claiming salvage .
    well.. now that you mention it. (Im honored to be included here) its all just words really but oddly enough, yours make as much sense to me as the others here, actually more.

    this topic seems important but I havnt found it written on my heart yet. maybe at some point and I wont rule that out. Im still just learning to read my heart, I think the law is written there more clearly than anywhere else though. I'll keep working on it and hope it works out well enough and without any harm.

    slow and steady as she goes...

  9. #19
    Word,s are just or unjust all contradictions are just words that bring one discovery Christ words upon this rock I will build my Church. When one finds the rock that discovery is ones church and is Christ that rock. Words are just allegory when they mean anything one wants just or unjust? on that rock one hopes to stand Zephaniah . Romans legalize Christianity a state church with state employees preaching Christ is returning to rid the world of unjust rule are we just accepting Christ in our hearts and Man will end the unjust with Christ like allegories just he will rule in our hearts bullshit paganism rules till one gets home to the rock Book of Romans Jews & Gentiles = Church Old Testament ended with John the baptist a New Test finishes Messianic promise returning the Christ King/Priest is the day of the lord . Allogorized or Editorialized Before any War all ambassadors are all called home. one rock find it first then call it home.

  10. #20
    Name:  2008_history-as-parable22.jpg
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    A perspective. 70AD was a very significant point in time and history.
    Last edited by allodial; 05-22-15 at 04:16 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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