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Thread: Martial Law is Coming... Jade Helm Is Training To Kill Americans Who Resist

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by loveunderlaw View Post
    Interesting you should say that, there's some discussion about this same topic on Lunatic Outpost.

    13 days after the military is finished with their Martial Law training on September 15th, the "prophetic" moon cycle ends on September 28th:

    An anagram of "Jade Helm" is "Jehad Elm". Could that mean Jehad on Elm Street?

    "Elm Street" meaning US soil.

    Is that the next false flag? They are going to create their staged "Jehad" on Elm Street on the close of the Blood Moons cycle?

    Name:  Blood_Moons.gif
Views: 758
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    If they bring their staged war to American soil, that would explain the months of Martial law training in the southern U.S. near the Mexican border. It would also mean they plan on having their ninja Muslims attack by crossing that border.

    Notice the Holydays mentioned in the above image...

    And then notice the recessions in the below charts...

    Name:  Shemitahs and Recessions Coincide.jpg
Views: 522
Size:  107.4 KB

    Above courtesy of:

    After noticing the dates in above pattern, watch this short 2-minute video:

    Then read the book - The Mystery of the Shemitah.

    This book shows how the 2 recessions shown in the above charts COINCIDE with The Shemitahs!

    This book is about the Shemitah ordinance commanded to be observed in Lev 25:1-22 being literally enforced today by the Author of the Book of Leviticus!

    If an Ordinance in Lev 25 is being literally enforced, how much more will a Statute (Annual Holyday) in Lev 23 be literally enforced?

    The next Annual Holyday to occur is Holyday #2 - to coincide with the Seventh Shemitah - Year 49 - in accordance with Lev 25:8.

    Lev 25:9
    8 'You are also to count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years.
    This video provides further information to clarify the significance of 2014 and 2015:

    Is there not probable cause to believe that those in charge of "this world" are fully aware of these 7-year and 49-year cycles?

    And are preparing for The Year of Release that will begin in September 2015?

    Of course, those who do not take the Bible literally will NOT understand this information... to their own detriment.

    But The Shemitah, just like Holyday 2, are designed to awaken people to the literal reality of The Creator and His Eternal Laws, including the Ordinances!
    Last edited by doug555; 06-06-15 at 06:12 PM.

  2. #12
    AFAIK, "Blood mood" is slang for lunar eclipse. One thing certain blood moons as heavenly signs coincided with was the death of a kings or royalty. The beheading of Christians in the Middle East most seems to fit that: the murder of royal priests.

    BTW, "lunatic" was a term used for moon worshippers (luna..get it?).

    AD 69 and the Blood Red Moon
    Will Christians Be Snookered By Shemitah?
    Last edited by allodial; 06-07-15 at 07:47 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #13
    Every word in the OLD/TEST gets a TALMUDIC spin placed on it BABYLONIAN TALMUD influenced the JUDEA TALMUD NEW/TEST is a contract outside the TALMUD not the TORAH or bull the wordsmiths are forever testing our faith never theirs as its fate that permits Man to accept Christ in the first and divine sense above any other words deemed lawful or legalized MANS washing ones hands is where the Talmud fails as ones fate as ones hands cant be cleansed for leading a legalized life a lawful GOD cant be legalized ones fate has freewill and freewill is lawful under GOD man is legal bondage or lawful Great legalized floods wipe men out every day NOAH got the same fate as us. did nt NAPOLEON legalize war as forgiving debt the LIBRARY AT ALEXANDRIA legalized destruction of the flood of knowledge a PERSONS DEBT to SOCIETY or a Man,s fate within it. fiction and function is ones knowledge of the flood washing ones hands in fictitious water removes legalized guilt. walking on water is faith and ones fate is a sinking boat

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