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Thread: Allah? The Moon God?

  1. #51
    I'm not particular sure about the validity or authenticity of the Jesus Family Tomb idea. Perhaps DM can chime in on that. It might have something to Dan Brown's writings, I'm not sure. I must admit, Dan Brown's writing (Davinci Code published in 2003) seem more like a late-response damage control to Umberto Eco's book [I]Foucault's Pendulum [/I (1989 Eng/1988 Ital) ]where Umberto actually outs certain secret societies and their ties back to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East. While Umberto is more factual and honest, Dan Brown's writing seems more like a few people got together to come up with a very-delayed, corporatized response to Foucault's Pendulum. I had an original English hardback print but it was stolen from my library. I suspect anyone in the know would realize that Umberto is telling truth rather than doing damage control or proselytizing.

    Could have been that Davinci, if encoding anything, may have been relating Rome's Gnostic roots and Rome's version of history rather than anything else? On that note, one interesting thing is that Leo Zagami, decades later basically to some extent reaffirms what is laid plainly in Umberto Eco's book.

    Last edited by allodial; 06-22-15 at 01:47 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #52

  3. #53
    I might have heard of that. James CAMERON is said to be a 33rd degree Freemason. So, I would have to keep that in mind while watching. I always felt he was quite some unique director the way he used color and sound to set and control moods and such in movies (the movie "The Abyss" movie being a case in point). When I read allegations about Ewen Cameron being his father it tended to make perfect sense. However, its said that to the contrary that one Phillip Cameron is James Cameron's father.

    Nonetheless, if you watch shows like the Abyss or Titanic, its worth noting how deep of a range of sound the movies feature especially how low, low bass sounds (even ambient or background sounds) are utilized rather than merely doing the bare minimum for a given scene. Terminator 1, 2 & 3 also showcased a remarkable use of sound and color.

    Side note/q: Did you see or read about the dive he did in that specially made sub (
    Last edited by allodial; 06-22-15 at 06:08 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Or is it more practical and pragmatic than that? Any man buried in a worldly state or mire (or any soul buried in a 4' to 6'+ of jar of clay), might be touched by God's grace and come to realize that what he thought was reality might only be scratching the surface--that to have "true life" he has to separate from the world that he had found comfortable...

    Also to be in a trance is not necessarily to be in darkness.
    I am moved by the entire post Allodial.

    During the Cold War a man named William THETFORD was chief of MKULTRA's Subproject 130 and that was heavily sponsored by Subproject 77. We find how Subproject 77 granted culpable deniability to the Director of the CIA, but was granted by the Chief of the Chemical Division of (redacted) COMPANY.

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    To summarize then, like Patrick STEWART of Conspiracy Theory with Mel GIBSON starring, we found a real life rendition Bill THETFORD running around with a pocket full of leftover LSD 25 and no moral compass about dosing his colleague Helen SCHUCMAN as they led the Psychiatric Department of Columbia University together. The result was that Helen had a sub-audio "Voice" commanding her to write for it - identifying itself as Jesus CHRIST. Another amoral fellow named Ken WAPNICK joined up with Bill with the notion to make the work product generated by Helen's hallucinosis into a multi-million $$$ business.

    The book generated is a four-book set called A Course in Miracles. Albeit technically an imagination disorder called displacement hysteria it does capture the attention of somebody like Dr. Rick STRASSMAN who has written two books on an endogenous hallucinogenic psychedelic DMT (dimethyltriptamine) - DMT; The Spirit Molecule and DMT; And the Soul of Prophecy.

    I truly wish my reading and communications skills were as fluent and speedy as yours and MJ's so that I might be able to get more in here. Even with all the indication that there is something beyond, I come around to the notion that this is it; the highest form of spiritual existence - right here where our ears and eyes are primarily forming our perceptions of "reality". - And this is through studying basically two types of ACIM students - 1) the honest self-therapy seeker who wants peace of mind, and 2) the WAPNICKIST as I coin them, those who are actually seeking money or control from a religious addiction on others.

    The components of the first vary widely with subjective life experience and the notion that we all have an individually unique spiritual path. The second depends on one evaluating this physical time/space continuum to be an illusion or dream - nihilism. All things considered though evaluation, research and careful personal processing it began to look like a balancing act.

    In summary what I am saying might be simply that this excursion, the ego's projection that we can create God in our image ultimately leads us to remember that I AM - THAT - I AM is simply I AM MALE and I AM FEMALE - and when you find that balance you are too. I also intuitively feel that a properly balanced mutual orgasm between Mom and Dad with a quickly consummated conception among it real time will imprint this Balance into the ego of the new human, for life. A head start so to speak.

    In evaluating what feels like all factors though, it really strikes me true that it is not the 50% recombined DNA that Abraham found so repugnant in Isaac (as he was pubescent - the crux of whether to allow this abomination to continue) but it was his own guilt, that caused the Israelite people such a handicap in communicating with God. Quite some years back I began to look at my Christian conditioning to relate and even identify with a stiff-necked and hard-hearted people (the Israelites and Jews). So this brought a new light upon the pages of Dr STRASSMAN's book - It is very expensive to create and preserve written words at least until recently. So why do it? ANSWER: Among the Israelites it was such a rarity for a man to commune so deeply with the divine, that it seemed worth the investment?

    Could it be that with the guiltless communing with God is a natural birthright? - That it just comes naturally?

    Think about it. Is God so insecure that He actually told Abraham - Kill your son Isaac so that I will believe you believe in Me! I think this thought is basically repugnant to both Christians and Jews, let alone that the alleged execution was to be on Mount Moriah - where the Temple Mount is in Jerusalem today, and the Mosque stands with Mohammedans now claiming that the event was purely allegorical, not historical.

    Then we find this concept of sacrifice amplified into a standing accusation against that same God of Abraham for breaking His own laws against necromancy, by reanimating Jesus? No wonder there is a fundamental guilt trip driving fear and anger!

  5. #55
    Re: Reality, this is it
    There is a rather formidable perspective that the brain does quite a lot of work in suppressing or cancelling out impressions in that there is a lot to be seen but the brain itself drops such information off of the scope so to speak. My own experiences between sleeping and waking is that the bodies that we have are designed to block memories of higher level activity and to heavily restrict what we discern. Consider scuba diving with ear muffs and a very narrow eyepiece. Although I don't necessarily agree with much of it you might check out the Valerian Matrix series (see link below).

    Re: Ascending mountains or hills to talk with God
    Its well established that low, base thoughts tend to gather at lower places. It was shown by experiment that thoughts easily travel from space to earth or from higher places to lower places rather than parallel to the ground.

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    Re: Essense & Mount Carmel
    There are those who suggest Mount Carmel to have been the home of the group of Essense associated with Jesus Christ. Interestingly, Elijah was also associated with Mount Carmel. Some suggest Mary to have been associated with the Essense at Mount Carmel and John the Baptist to have been at Qumran.

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    (Side note: that is one reason I have an issue with the Gospel of Thomas, the Essenes at Mount Carmel embraced women as well. Gnostic hatred of women shows in Islam and other of their offshoots.)

    Note: Nazareth and Mount Carmel are both located at northern Israel. Bethlehem is at the southern end. Jesus/Joshua grew up at Nazareth. AFAIK he would have had to travel to southern Israel to be baptized by John the Baptist.

    Re: Guilt
    In my years of experience, I have noticed that people who feel guilty tend to decline gifts from their victims even if their victims are unaware of wrongs perpetrated--as in guilty people have a hard time taking gifts as gifts (they might steal or acquire through murder but no no not as a gift). Thusly, switching over to labor and fleshy operations instead of spiritual like they turn their own lives into a self-inflicted labor camp.

    I have come across quite a few people who won't take gifts but will steal from the same person who offered the gift. One case is that of a woman who makes things extra difficult for herself just because it helps reduce the guilt she feels. The problem with her (and those like her) is that they think everyone else deserves some of their own bitter medicine (psychopathology?). Its like they make their lives into a DIY self-inflicted labor camp and scorn others who won't go along with it. (penance? communism?)

    Re: Willingness to Sacrifice of Isaac and Blood Sacrifice
    I was taught that #1 at the time people were sacrificing their children to statutes/dead things; #2 Abraham was being shown that God didn't want that kind of thing also perhaps Abraham had to be able demonstrate less love for the world and for his son than his love for and willingness to obey God.

    For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. Jer. 7:22-23.
    Also, looking at the Essene view of sacrifice (i.e. symbolic effigies of animals of powdered frankincense, flour, water, olive oil and salt--the olive oil and frankincense was called "the blood"--frankincense is AFAIK somewhat edible--nonetheless they would used honey in place of frankincense at times ), could it be possible that any aberration introduced was due from Babylonians, Samaritans and/or from those imported into Judea (see 2 Kings 17; Jeroboam)? The Essene idea of "blood sacrifice" seems to match up with the ancient Sumer or Indian/Hindu methods of making an effigy out of dough with spices part of which would "boil" through when placed over fire--the frankincense and olive oil that would 'boil through' was consider to be "the blood".

    Considering the crucifixion/execution of Joshua of Nazareth, Son of God: if a ransom was being paid in blood, how could God or Joshua have possibly been paying the ransom to himself/themselves? Then who was it that wanted blood?

    Islam's method of sacrifice of animals isn't Bible based at all.

    Re: Idol Worship
    It seems to me that there is a pattern to idol worship. When idol worship was perpetrated, they got the "whole hog" so to speak. If Egyptian idol was worshiped, the entire system of laws and burdens came along with it. "Worship Babylonian idols? Off to Babylon you go!"--that kind of thing. At least that is how it seemed to me.

    Remember, on one hand Moses may have had authority to administer certain aspects of Egyptian government since he grew up as Egyptian royalty. On another hand, there was Melchizedek (roll time back to Abraham). As in, imagine two sides to Moses: the Egyptian imperial or royal governor or the like and the priest of Melchizedek stemming back to Abraham. (And there were also Joseph and his children!)

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    There are quite a few scholars and authors who associate the Golden Calf with none other than the cult of Hathor. There is a similarity in the Golden Calf event and the Garden of Eden falling away: look at the number of days of creation before the 7th day came (sanctification) and the fall of Adam and Eve. IMHO the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land and the falling away to idol worship can be fruitfully viewed in parallel to Adam and Eve opting for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If only they would have made it to the 7th day?

    Regarding Moses, how many sets of tablets where there? What was on the first set? What was on the second set? Why were there two? Could one set have been associated with Melchizedek or the Enochian Essenes or with the Tree of Life? Could the other have been associated with probation?

    So perhaps those two ministries referred to in the NT are spot on: the ministry of condemnation and the ministry of righteousness through faith? Could the first set of tablets have pertained to the ministry of righteousness (through faith) and the second to the ministry of condemnation? Some suggest one set of tablets to have been exoteric ("ministry of condemnation") and the other to have been esoteric (ministry of righteousness).

    Re: Idol Worship II and Lesser Glories
    One author suggested that due to the idol worship, Moses had to hide the invisible law or the esoteric in "within his breast" preserved for the Essenes or Children of Light (followers of Joshua/Jesus the anointed Son of God would be such) . On that note, consider police badges for a moment. Police badges are most always worn on the left side. Are they a kind of veil over the heart that is representative of a ministry of lesser glory? Is someone in the know trying to tell us something? (again re: Moses as governor vs Moses as priest from previous post).

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    Like the Moon, neither metallic crowns nor metallic badges give their own light AFAIK.

    Re: Necromancy
    AFAIK, the prohibition on Israel under Moses weren't prohibitions on God. Also, resurrection isn't necromancy since it dealt with giving life rather than certain way of dealing with the dead as an 'artform' or science (Consider voodoo vs. ). If resurrection of the dead were necromancy, wouldn't execution similarly have to be necromancy? There are quite a few who suspect Voodoo to be fundamental the stuff behind a lot of secret rituals--even European ones.

    Adam being given breath wasn't necromancy so why would the resurrection of Joshua be so?

    Re: THETFORD, MkULTRA and Hollywood
    I've got wind that are a few guys that work for US Army PSYOPS who take liberties and use LSD and Rufies in night clubs. Even of Freemasons who feel themselves to be infallible who do the same. Lawless men, no law, no sin. Insensitivity to sin is held to be the spiritual counterpart of leprosy. Undermining sindheresis (sp) seems to be the name of that dark game--getting people insensitive to sin and desensitized to violence and blood, terrible dark game. That is why rape, human sacrifice (murder) and male-male homosexuality is promoted as part of initiations. They are told they are "overcoming the flesh" when really they are undermining sindhersis --their souls internal ban on certain activities--giving themselves spiritual leprosy.

    Last edited by allodial; 06-24-15 at 03:26 AM. Reason: Split in two parts--post too long. See post below.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #56
    Once again allodial; the wisdom and knowledge you convey astounds.

    You have a real knack of communicating truth in terms which do not come off as lofty; whether one has little understanding or is advanced in knowledge, the manner in which you communicate resonates, not only as genuine, but with a real desire to make everyone who reads be able to comprehend fully the ideas and exegesis you offer. For me, I use your comments as a spring board for further study and research since your numerous citations are mostly new information outlets for me.

    Thank you for your enormous efforts; I find your presence here to be the most informative and enlightening.

  7. #57
    Re: The Moon
    The Moon is associated with much bad mo jo in quite a few cultures. Even the Roman views of the Moon, which aren't widely know, are quite insightful. I found this link a while back: The Moon Matrix and Soul Catcher. Though I already had studied the ancient Roman idea of the Moon being a place allegedly visited by souls after death, that link is to a handy compilation of Moon-related lore. The Romans seem to echo Egyptian cosmology or theology and/or the Upanishads.

    Pythagoras, according to Plutarch, located the Elysian Fields on the side of the Moon turned perpetually towards Heaven, never visible to the human eyes, and this is where the Caesars and the heroes went after death. Indeed, Pythagoras himself was thought by some to be a spirit descended from the Moon. Epiphnius writes that 'the disc of the Moon is filled with souls', while Roman senators, according to Kastor of Rhodes, would wear shoes dedicated with ivory crescents (lunules), to indicate that they would inhabit the Moon after they died."

    Archaeologists Tony Sprawforth and Aubrey Burl suggested that aligning the stone with the Moon may have been a way to harness its powers of rebirth, as though the remains were were strategically positioned to enable the Moon, at the limit of its trajectory, to sweep up the souls of the dead and take them with it to their final resting place in the Moon.

    This suggestion gains credibility from early practices in other parts of the world. For instance, when the Bushmen saw a hollow Moon which was lying down , they understood it to be carrying the dead away. In 1875, a Bushmen told Dr. Bleek what his parents had told him and what he had observed himself - that when people died the wind blew away their footsteps, their hair became clouds and their gall sat green in the sky:

    ... Mother was wont to do thus when the moonlying down came; (when) the moon stood hollow. Mother spoke, she said: 'The moon is carrying people who are dead... it lies hollow, because it is killing itself (by) carrying people who are dead. This is why it lies hollow... for it is a moon of badness... " The Moon Matrix and Soul Catcher
    In Greek, the vagina is called "mouni". Note the emphasis on sex in Islam. The connection with the rebirth is too, too obvious.

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    What's up with that background used in the Truman show? Are they suggesting a base of operations?
    Last edited by allodial; 06-23-15 at 04:34 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #58
    Mars and the Many Moons or faces of WAR? How old is WAR and its God the notion God has many faces is as a Man where,s as many hats.It goes with out saying the GOD of love or war its that nether of conscience matched only too free will. when love bottom outs all is fair in Man,s carnality this explains all lust returns to dust .Despite how often and too whom you must prey its up on a shelve or deep in the clay now this journey or judgement born or returned inT the same way. Thief in night Thief on the cross night hides the day day hides the night . Christ crucifix the wooden stock cedar cross Man,s hook @ cruc fixed on paper stock .Property is with or without final judgement Christ cedar cross your cedar box or in a jar your buddies can take to a bar.Found out or finding out with in the spirit remains the truth. pioneers in true spirit the shout out lodi mj greatest hits no misses Christ is a fact the factions sit on ceremony the facts are on the Moon. eclipse Christ you must be dreaming day or night doin whats right is never wrong so its got to be FAIR.

  9. #59
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Consider that each culture has different names to represent the same idea or thought form. For instance the Moon and the Sun in symbolic metaphysics can represent Faith and Love and the stars can represent the virtues. However, these can also represent the lower self [moon] and the Higher Self [Sun].

    Therefore to just classify Allah as the so called "Moon God" is to, in my opinion, just miss the boat completely. Rather, understand what is being veiled in allegorical terms under the "moon". The moon can only REFLECT the light. The moon does not issue the light.

    Many get all caught up in proper names as in a moniker but few will look past the moniker and look to the Way of Being. Have respect unto the Way of Being so that the Light might shine forth from you! Which is to say from WITHIN you Christ is formed! And it is Christ within that is beaming the light out from the temple of God - you.

    You can NEVER be apart from the Everliving God - the One source of ALL and in ALL. It is only the carnal shell of the mind which can be fooled - therefore if the illusion of separation is accepted in what I loosely term Hegelian Dialectics, then the subject is ruled by the Five Lords of the Philistines [five senses - central nervous system] and it is the Serpent in the midst of the garden that rules [Herod or Pharaoh] which is the Spinal Chord. But the senses cannot tell the whole truth as these can only "sense" but a fragment of the possible universe.

    We each are a universe of potential.

    Consider again Genesis 1. Consider the perspective now of man's[kind] consciousness. What then is the Heavens and the Earth? These are an exalted forms of Consciousness [Heavens] and base Consciousness [Earth].

    Consider verse 2. Notice that darkness was on the face of the deep. This implies that there existed a very degraded state of man's consciousness - the valley of the shadow of death - the desert [dry land]

    But THEN the Spirit moved! Notice that when Jesus appears in the story, he goes to his disciples and chooses them! Saying "come follow me". God comes to man. So we see the Spirit moving upon the consciousness of chaotic man. So then what you see in Genesis 1 is a RE-newing of man's consciousness. A rebuilding of that which was fallen and wasted. The seventh day Man or the Sabbatical Man comes to his rest once he has been re-created into the Image of God.

    Look around. We see the states and kingdoms of this age and these represent the thought forms of the lower mind! It seems all is in confusion and there is a struggle for dominance and control. Look within yourself and realize the war that is happening between your ears. Will carnality win out or will a higher power win the day? Will the king Herod in you cut off the head of John [EA?].

    See now how it is the Spirit of God WORKING within the consciousness of man to re-new and re-build. It is not by strength or might but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord.

    For at once looking in the mirror I see in archetype my two legs and my feet upon the ground. Thus in base consciousness - I am trapped in duality. Physical/Emotionalism. Thus it is upon this lower nature that those who understand prey. I am bombarded with suggestions/images/temptations which serve to keep me trapped in the Physical and Astral plane of the lower mind. One huge temptation is materialism!

    But God comes to man and says "Come follow me" - this is an INTERNAL offer, which if accepted, then there will REFLECT [moon] the Light of the Sun [Christ]. It is Christ that is the Light but it is El Elyon who is the Sun. Therefore it is said of El Elyon to be the MOST HIGH GOD.

    Therefore there is a requisite KNOWING - a truth that is to be known. And it is this truth that will set men free! Jesus said these very words. He said "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Pilate questioned because he represents that which is lower and base - his lower mind trapping him into thinking that we are all separated - but at once we only need to realize that we are one for there is but One God - therefore there can only be ONE creation.

    If I am separate from you, then that reflects in many God's. But consider your thoughts for a moment - look at the human race. From whence came it? Out of many, or out of ONE?

    And what now is currently being reflected [moon] in the earth is the carnality of man. But we work to the end that Christ be formed in every man's consciousness so that the light [Christ] of the Sun [El Elyon] might beam forth from our vessels and the Kingdom established within the consciousness of man might manifest without in Society.

    Therefore to be trapped in monikers of God is to be reflecting that which is lower [the moon] for until we come to The Way of Being, man shall remain base and under the dominion of other men. When the "sons of God" come which are the thoughts of God, then that which is lower is killed - every man woman and child - which is to say the base thoughts and ideas. And yet, carnal minded men grasp a hold of their warrior God in ignorance to the allegorical meaning of that which is below in base consciousness will not be allowed to ascend into higher consciousness and is put to death.

    God IS Being.

    Make it a great day,
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  10. #60

    I suspect many readily and easily are capable of getting the concepts, symbologies and hints discernible as pertains to the Moon, the Sun and so forth. I really believe most people consider this--its not really that hard to grasp. However, rote idol worship is what it is. While you are I might get the symbology, it doesn't necessarily rule out rote idol worship being promoted and engage in. It is pantheism (also known as "universalism") which tends to excuse worship of idols as being "OK" because of their allegation of "God" being in the statue or in its molecules. On the other hand, idol worship is a method for control and conquest and also capture or collection of subtle energies. The Chaldean mystery school members behind Nebuchadnezzar were likely very aware of this when they persecuted the three boys.

    Re: Conquest and Control
    Its associated with conquest and control because those who worship the idols by worshiping the entities created by those who want control are subjecting themselves to a kind of control. You should be familiar with this notion when it comes to legal entities such as might be named "JOHN H. DOE". So by worshiping the creation of Circle A, Circle A would be obtaining worship, though indirectly (again back to the concept of indirection...reflection).

    It is suggested that Nimrod and co. had this kind of thing down to an artform where they would force people into a political system and had a pantheon of "gods" to go with it and theology to lock people to that political system (mental and physical bondage). Psst: same thing has been going on for centuries.

    Re: Energy Collection
    Perhaps see: 'elopic energy' or 'subtle energy'.


    I'm not sure why anyone would excuse or promote idolatry just because the statue being worshiped stands for something important ["It stands for something important so its ok if you worship it. Please give the guy with the shiny brass box all of your money as you exit, thx."???], its still a created physical idol not the concept. Its called "If you three boys dont worship this statue since we own it then you aren't worshiping us and that makes us very angry so we gonna roast you in ze oven because our carnal mind has convinced us of our lower conscious self being God so since you arent in our club you must be 'dealt with' for your 'insolence' nevermind what or who might be in you we don't care."

    Consider the calf or bull picture above with the disc between its horns has a very specific meaning of which I am aware. That doesn't mean that those that worship the statue have any awareness of the meaning as they worship the actual physical thing.

    Daniel 3

    1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

    2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

    3 Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

    4 Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

    5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:

    6 And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

    7 Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

    8 Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews.

    9 They spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live for ever.

    10 Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image:

    11 And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

    12 There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

    13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king.

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    “Muhammad said, I decided to order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.”
    How much insight does one gain from bowing down to a chemistry textbook? "What it symbolizes is what matters so its ok?" Hmmm. They are not promoting deep knowledge, they are promoting idol worship, and aiming to force mankind to engage in the practice--you should realize that from your own experiences. It doesn't take membership in a secret society to come to many conclusions concerning heavenly symbology, but there are those who believe if you aren't a member of this or that organization, you shouldn't know certain things.

    On the topic of knowing the truth and the truth setting you free, is there anything wrong with knowing the truth so as to avoid being led into a deep dark alley down a deep dark hole? It just seems a bit strange to say the least for someone who is keen on promoting the idea of "everyone having god within" to lay excuses for worship of external objects simply because they symbolize an "inner uknown" or an "inner known". AFAIK, Christ does not promote pantheism.

    Real, live non-symbolic people are being beheaded or otherwise killed for the same reason as they were killed as mentioned at Daniel 3: for not bowing toward the plains of Dura.

    Re: Hero Worship and Moon Worship
    It should not take much to drawn the connection between ancestor worship and hero worship and Moon worship. If the Moon was regarded to be the place where Roman heros and higher-ups went in the afterlife, it shouldn't be that difficult to see how Moon worship might have been a kind of hero worship or ancestor worship.

    Re: the Golden Calf
    If the golden calf was symbolic of something, and it were OK to worship statues that symbolize "something good" why the second set of tablets?

    Re: Pilate and Principalities of Darkness
    If I recall correctly, it was Pilate who was perplexed over the idea of having a rule without the element of darkness.

    Name:  Tentofmeeting.jpg
Views: 237
Size:  74.8 KB
    Re: Tent of Meeting
    It is suggested that tabernacle or tents constructed by Moses were constructed in a way that corresponded to specific meanings and references to principles, knowledge or facts (the number of boards on the East/West, the number of boards on the South/North, etc.). Yet, how many worshiped tents? There is a big difference between something being for a reminder vs being an object of worship.

    P.S. Nebuchadnezzar thought he was God. And how far did that get him?

    Last edited by allodial; 06-24-15 at 06:02 PM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
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