The Papal Bull the pregnancy and cash cow PROPERTY OF ROME the moon Cast system shadows then clouds innocence the there is a saying, “If an honest man who is misinformed is informed of the
truth, he either ceases to be misinformed or ceases to be honest.” [with himself] The wall street Bull and its Bully thy self be true never take life bye the horns its a moon shadow the false creation truly a carnal prick =% girly parts forms a bitter person paper nation. Man,s encounters are all Biblical Battles Mind fields the Commercial DRIVERS ARE DRIVEN in the image of divinity. CARNAL Driver,s require a shadow Driver,s LICENCE to express that trespass . Travel in time or a journey in haste. Re: Levels of Interpretation (Events) Life uneventful event are we just prescribed eventuality or do we need a DOCTOR,S PRESCRIPTION that RX-Religious Geographical labelled bottled medicated doctrine free will /ill will TRUE Medicine or ITS placebo all events might end today or start tomorrow its no accident a Circle is bound. My off topic a distraction or intermission the random yet disruptive thought I apologise for my graffiti if distracting the riders. interruption never stops the train.