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Thread: Allah? The Moon God?

  1. #61
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Yes, unfortunately the priests do not readily explain the meaning of the symbolic language. A golden calf is first realized in the MIND of man. That which is an accepted thought may then manifest into matter. Religion many times is a "golden calf". But what of the Cow and its wonderful milk? What might this milk symbolize on the lower plane first and then the higher?

    Milk from Cow: a symbol of the product of Wisdom [a name of the seven fold Spirit - Ref Isaiah 11:2] She, Wisdom, produces fruit which is the MILK - Ref Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 - thus the Milk from Cow represents the fruits from the Higher Self. Thus the Cow's Milk is spiritual sustenance yielded by the Holy Spirit - this milk needed to soul growth.

    Milk for Babes: a symbol of experience of the conditions of the lower life, and of the external stimulus to progress

    Milk from Goat: a symbol of the lower emotional nature that which is produced by desire [goat]. Represents the product of the desire/mental intercourse. The emotions [lower aspect in Eve] bring forth the desires [goat] to the mind [lower adam] and the mind will make it so.

    Spotted Cow [lower nature earthly] : the desires, passions, appetites, instincts, and sensations of the lower physical/emotional/mental [lower] realm - earthly and fleshly

    Thusly the symbol of ISIS is always above the head of the bull with his two horns of duality. For God comes to man and not the other way around. Unfortunately, these symbols are not explained properly and men fall into the trap of worshiping the symbol and thus the RESPECT OF PERSONS. Preacher would that I own a set of pom poms to cheer on the heroes, but understanding that GOD IS BEING - sets one free.

    Aaron who symbolizes the spiritual mind, upon fashioning a golden calf for the men of israel which is a false form of worship which only serves that of the lower mind, stated that tomorrow they were to celebrate a feast unto YHVH. Understand why YHVH is now, in the allegory, also considered a moon god? In other words, the lower mind, is incapable of understanding and walking in the WAY OF GOD understanding that GOD IS BEING so what is formed for man so that man might evolve in consciousness is a symbol. An image. Unfortunately the priesthood never got around to explaining the meanings of the symbols and as such there are 41000 + so called Christian denominations....etc. etc. And I don't just pick on one so called religious sect - but all sects of religion are riddled with denominational schisms.

    There is but one river that flows from out from under the Throne. She is WISDOM. She is a Tree of Life.

    Thus we see that on a Higher Plan Aaron is synonymous with Abel who was a keeper of Sheep.

    Sheep : A symbol of the higher qualities, virtues, or living truths which are the sustenance of the soul.

    Consider now Genesis 6 which states the "sons of God" = thought forms of God had intercourse with the "daughters of men" = desires born from carnal mind/emotion. The giants formed are false religion.

    But I digress. Returning to the Cow who eats the grass and meditates on the food which is symbolized and the turning and turning and turning and turning the cud in the four-fold stomach [food for the belly] but symbolizing the meditation upon the Spiritual Food which are the Sheep. And the product of this meditation produces the fruit of Wisdom. Fruit has seed within itself.

    Notice man too is fruit. Just check your underwear - Fruit of the Loom. Man carries seed within. No fruit ever came to be absent seed. And seed must be watered. Thusly water is TRUTH. This is the true meaning of baptism - to be immersed in Truth. And with truth the seed germinates and begins to grow. But more knowledge [truth] - WATER - is required to make the seedling into an Oak Tree. Thus a WAY OF BEING is a Way of Life. And the lower is transformed or cutoff as man ascends to higher ground [consciousness].

    Therefore the sun is above the head for Wisdom she reigns as the Comforter the Heavenly Mother birthing the man-child. The spiritual thoughts, qualities, virtues of the Higher Self. If one takes the symbol over the bulls head to be that of ISIS, then consider what ISIS represents.

    She represents the Mother principle of the Holy Spirit or Wisdom birthing the Higher indwelling Self which in the Egyptian symbolism is Horus. She would always be upon the head of the bull which is man in his unregenerate carnal status. Remember "darkness was on the face of the deep" - and "the Spirit moved". Consider the aspirations or impulses that arise suddenly in the mind - this is Wisdom or the Holy Spirit moving upon the face of the deep.

    Man's truth is subject to man's senses thusly to come up the Mountain requires Heavenly assistance. And therefore no man can brag. For God comes to man. And thus Christ is at the HEADSHIP of man.

    Gen 1:1 BeROSHyth bara Elohim et [aleph-tav] ha shamahym and ha eretz

    ROSH = Chief or Head we find the Alef-Tav or the Alpha-Omega the beginning and the end of faith. For what more of faith when it is realized? Therefore Self Realization of Christ within is the undoing of faith. For what need of Hope when hope is realized? What is left? LOVE.

    Love the uniter of all : the symbol of the attraction towards the within instead of the without.

    Love of God : an intuition or direct sense that al things in the natural, moral and intellectual orders work together for good despite appearances to the contrary. Truth acquired best enables us to realize Wisdom, but not Divine Love, for which Faith is necessary.

    Faith: A sense of that which is superior to knowledges, i.e. intuition of Truth. Consider the scripture: "But before faith came we were kept in ward under the law shut off from the faith which should afterwards be revealed." Galations 3:23

    Which brings us back to the Cow and the number four. The four-fold stomach. Which processes the food. And what of the human heart and the spiritual food? Notice the human heart too has four chambers. And we should meditate on the Spiritual food received so through Wisdom the fruit of the Spirit might come forth to replace the briers and bramble bushes of the carnal consciousness.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  2. #62
    The English modern introspection is one thing. But the descendents of Israel spent 400 years in Egypt and picked up some habits. It was bad enough during Abraham's time that people were missing the point and sacrificing living babies to external stone gods. Seems to be a long tale about maintaining purity in doctrine/perspective while among other cultures: Babylon <--edge--- narrow path ---edge--> Egypt.

    I get the impression that the Golden Calf incident was a mental return to Egypt ala Cult of Hathor. The significance of the bull with the disc between its horns is that the statue is a reminder of a specific time. It is worth noting that among other things, Pentecost occurs around the time the Sun rises between the horns of Taurus (I suspect the modern drawings of Taurus has the bull facing the wrong way).

    It might also be worth noting that the cow's horns are unsuitable for the shofar. From what I recall, its said that its to do with the cow's lack of introspection.

    Re: Man..Fruit
    The blind man was healed saw that men were like trees walking--I believe that he was seeing quite well at that point (spiritually). Men bear fruit and have their seed within them. You might not be surprised how many woman are shocked to realize that a man is planting seed during 'copulation'.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-24-15 at 07:49 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  3. #63
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The English modern introspection is one thing. But the descendents of Israel spent 400 years in Egypt and picked up some habits. It was bad enough during Abraham's time that people were missing the point and sacrificing living babies to external stone gods. Seems to be a long tale about maintaining purity in doctrine/perspective while among other cultures: Babylon <--edge--- narrow path ---edge--> Egypt.

    I get the impression that the Golden Calf incident was a mental return to Egypt ala Cult of Hathor. The significance of the bull with the disc between its horns is that the statue is a reminder of a specific time. It is worth noting that among other things, Pentecost occurs around the time the Sun rises between the horns of Taurus (I suspect the modern drawings of Taurus has the bull facing the wrong way).

    It might also be worth noting that the cow's horns are unsuitable for the shofar. From what I recall, its said that its to do with the cow's lack of introspection.

    Re: Levels of Mind
    There were three levels or sections to the tent and the temple. Believe it or not, there are those who suggest they corresponded respectively to: 1. Atman, 2. Brahman and 3. Brahma (outermost). It might be worth noting that light of Brahma is regarded to be the cause of nourishment in certain belief systems and where do you find the lampstands and shewbread? It is said that the purpose of the Golden Lampstand was to light the way to the showbread (or presence bread) visible.

    Re: Man..Fruit
    The blind man was healed saw that men were like trees walking--I believe that he was seeing quite well at that point (spiritually). Men bear fruit and have their seed within them. You might not be surprised how many woman are shocked to realize that a man is planting seed during 'copulation'.
    I really got a good laugh out of that last one. Nice.

    Consider the Scripture - "out of Egypt have I called my son."

    Egypt was split into two kingdoms upper and lower and this should be a sign to those who are tracking but consider for a moment the physical aspect of Egypt which is a term for man's base consciousness. Christ is all and in all. Therefore, out of Egypt [God comes to man] have a I called my son. The son of God may become manifest in ALL of us - but God calls and man is re-created and is transformed from glory unto Glory into the image of Christ!

    Now consider what you just stated in your response. It was a return to carnality. They were brought out of it by the Mighty Hand [Spirit] of God. But stop to consider that the men of Israel represent the thoughts of the lower mind which were able to get close to the Divine - thus they were termed the chosen people. But now just as the boy fell from the 2nd story in the report given by St. Paul, notice that if one goes back into Egypt one has fallen from grace into bondage. One has fallen from Spiritual freedom into physical law [bondage]. Thus we see even two Jerusalem's [above and below]. Two covenants in Sarah and Hagar [allegories] representing that of the consciousness of man.

    In St. Paul we see that Paul was able to revive the boy who had "fallen" back to life. And before I reach for my pom poms to cheer St. Paul, I recognize that with the help of the Spirit of God, I may too be used to make the blind see, or the lame walk or the "spiritually dead" come to life. For the remedy was granted to Ezekiel to know: notice the "dry bones" were found in the low places of the earth [the valley]: Ref. Psalm 23 - valley of the shadow of death: but back to Ezekiel:

    Eze 37:1 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,

    Eze 37:2 And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.

    Comment by MJ: Notice at once that the thoughts of the lower mind are extremely dry - a desert wasteland - only seeking its own - only seeing what it WANTS to see - frozen solid in fear and greed.

    Eze 37:3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.

    Eze 37:4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

    Eze 37:5 Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:

    Comment by MJ: God comes to man - Jesus said "come follow me" - a choice is granted unto man. The hope is man will ascend into higher realms so that no longer in carnality or a dead state - but to come alive in Christ. Not as a cheerleader but a Way of Life - a walking Priest unto the Most High God. With knowledge and standing in the Heavenly Court.

    Notice that it is given to speak and shepherd the sheep of God - thoughts, virtues, qualities, etc. And it is these higher aspects that will renew and regenerate the lower nature [natural man]. What a shame for a man to come to this truth and to then fall back into carnality - but we do it each and every day - everyone of us! Therefore we see the Holy Spirit working thru the agency of man - as St. Paul "breathed" life into the boy.

    How is it that the son of God can come and we still run into Egypt? There is a constant struggle within all men between the Spiritual and the Physical. For the mind is blinded by that which is sensual but that which can only be discerned baffles and confuses the wisdom of the lower aspect of Egypt.

    Therefore Ephraim and Judah cannot camp in the same place. Ephraim in the West and Judah in the East. And the men, women and children [thoughts, emotions, desires of the lower self] will all be put to death.

    Give us this day our daily bread [truth from above, spiritual law and knowledges] and shine the light upon that which is literal bread so that the truth couched or veiled within might be revealed. The seven lamps are the seven Spirits of God [Proverbs 8, Isaiah 11] - with 22 knops [paths, hebrew letters which symbolize the journey]. Curiously 22/7 = 3.14. Only a priest before God could enter upon the Sanctuary and the Most Holy. And that requires knowledge and experiences. Rather with these knowledges and experiences Wisdom she births her children - new thoughts [sons] and new desires [daughters] of God.

    Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    Man has chosen the carnal interpretations of the Law of God and left from the Higher Spiritual realms. A falling into death. Where is a St. Paul who will deliver such a one from death? For the call came from the throne, "who will go for us?" and the response : "here am I, send me."

    Analysis of such a statement shows a mind working in love. For in service to others one loves his brother. Of course as you know the entire Gospel is written in the stars. It is a shame that the "keys" to understand these knowledges were removed by priests who sought their own. Enter Simon Magus [a part of all of us] who seeks to take the kingdom of God by force for his own gain.

    A golden calf anyone? Any takers? Of course I jest to get the point across. Jacob's ladder is just that a ladder which must be climbed. When will men stop with the Respect of Persons and get on with the Great Work that must occur within each and every one. For the Scriptures declare "out of Egypt have I called my son."

    Have a great day,
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  4. #64
    Re: Levels of Interpretation (Events)
    No doubt, its well established in even in the Midrash (if i recall correctly) and among sages of old that anything can be interpreted on various levels (typically 4) and thusly allegorized. A car accident can be viewed on various levels--doesn't make it any less of a reality.
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    Car Accident Extremes of Interpretation
    [1] Grotesque and Base Arrangement (Causality Indifferent)
    Complex collections or arrangements of metals and plastics named Mercury/Messenger, Ford/River disturbed from previous configuration and order leaking organic fluids (like rivers) strewn in chaotic arrangement upon highway (river of tar), blood flowing and hastily spread around one (like river). Fumes of alcohol in air from Mercury mangled contraption. Writing on brown bottle from which brown flows(River) message (mercury) on the bottle.
    [4] Higher Level (Why, Meaning, Non-Extant Physical-Time-Expansive)
    In consequence of Bob's sadness over his sister dying at war, he got drunk and attempted to drive home in his Mercury XXXX and even drank from his beer bottle as he drove on the highway that night.

    A lonely old lady took a drive against her foreboding senses and she was seriously injured when Bob lost control of his car which smashed through the highway divide and struck her Ford causing serious damage.

    This occurred right next to McKenzie river. Bob's sister attended McKenzie High School and graduated with honors
    Re: Levels of Interpretation of Text
    Similarly text on a page can be looked at as mere chemical/atomic blotches on yet another material surface that statistically averages "white". On another level the text forms can be perceived as having patterns called "letters". On another level the letters could be perceived as being arranged into "words", "sentences", etc (multi-volume works often have signals/hints which show interrelation or continuity--the author's intent expressed in symbol ). Ah yes the intent of an intelligent being can be presumed or interpreted on another level.

    Attachment 2664

    On yet another level "reading between the lines" (one can look at the time the author wrote, background information, his political or cultural leanings and see if he has a message in the message). On yet another level, he may have been guided by superiors or those higher than him along with others like him to convey a message on a totally different level of which even he was unaware (this is done all the time in the intelligence community). There are also those who have suggested that all Mainstream Media is used for stenographic communications by secretive groups (i.e. stories are chosen for the words/names/placenames/times/etc. and their usefulness in conveying specific messages).

    Thusly, true interpretation would likely get to the intent behind the will/soul that created the work rather than engaging in wild speculation.

    Re: Allegory Ought Be Practical (Tolkien Hated Allegory for the Sake of Allegory)
    I suspect allegories to be useful only if they are applicable to remedy or comprehension as pertains to the subject matter. Its written that Pythagoras traveled to Egypt and studied and then to Mount Carmel, likely he literally traveled bodily to those locations. I know of someone who prospered greatly at certain points in his life and looked back and did an analysis of where he lived. The place names were to do with fresh water, forests or grace. However, when he wasn't doing so well, the place names were oppressive or related to Bel/Baal. Now if he wrote his life story, it might seem like its "code" but you can take anything as a code but that doesn't necessarily mean it to be fruitful to do so especially if one applies it to the situation or circumstance incorrectly.

    One could take any circumstance and class any sources of nourishment together: mother's milk, cows, fresh water sources, honey, syrup. One could take adverse powers or characters and source them together.

    The Bible exposes external types and characters in the play of life--it is not merely about internal psychological phenomena.
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    Thomas Troward (an English descendant of French Huguenots, an author and former judge), in letter to G. Behrend (author and only private student of Thomas Troward)
    It is clear that idolatry is encouraged (i.e. the intent of those authors of idolatry is to control and ensnare those who they can ensnare) by those who wish to oppress and extract energy/resources from men and the same oppose the teachings of Jesus Christ who suggest looking within or among vs looking without and being ensnared by trinkets or creations of men. Worship of a statute or of the moon, is contrary to "having no other gods before me". God was out to keep a people set apart from the worldly trappings. However, those who are opposed to God and to his people have set out to destroy anyone who refuses to believe their lies.

    The true believers is encouraged to fall asleep and pretend wolves and dragons to be non-existent. In old stories, dragons were known to take human form.

    Attachment 2673

    The idolatry promulgators typically have promoted:
    * Worship of something they created
    * Worship of someone they decided to be a "god" or "ruler"
    * Prostration of yourself before or denigrating yourself to something they believe to be worthy of doing such (sex, prostitute, temporal pleasure, bestiality, willing allowing your body to be raped/sodomized)
    * Will subordinated to an addiction to something they control (i.e. note: control vs. prohibit) / sell (money, alcohol, prostitute, narcotic)
    * Adoption of a belief system or way of thinking that is purposed to undermine sindheresis (pure soul law/lore) so that the soul can be trained to act in opposition to God
    * Secret engagement in activities that have civil death as a consequence (i.e. they use law to destroy you or put bring you into their lawless/soul-degraded condition while assuring you of the law's nonexistence)

    .. and all with a view to psychic, social, political, monetary, energetic or sexual gain.

    Re: ISIS
    A bull is a beast with two horns. The crescent moon has two horns too. ISIS was clearly chosen with specific intent an acronym for the organization that has been sweeping the Levant. The Golden Hathor Calf has two horns as well.

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    Re: Spiritual Deserts
    False doctrine promoted by those that aim to suck the spirit/life energy out of you. They create "dry spiritual areas". Remember, the serpent is to eat on the dust of the field. Dust is dry.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-26-15 at 03:32 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #65
    Re: Case In Point (Is this the real hidden history of America)
    Some Huguenots escaped slaughter in Europe and traveled to Florida. What happened to them? Author claims to have the answer: St. Augustine Florida, City Of Blood. Now what if the natives were slaughtered for the same reason (for Hebrew beliefs or for having similar to the Mount Carmel Essenes)? Could that be why they were slaughtered in masse?

    Re: Ideal Roman Man As Impenetrable Penetrator
    I have looked at several criminal cases in the USA. Underlying several cases were things most would overlook. More often than not (really always) the victims were non-Catholics, non-Masons and the perpetrators held themselves out to be Roman Catholics and/or Freemasons who made a big show of putting on a show of a false motive to hide that their real motive was to do injury to someone for not falling down and worshiping creation (i.e. despite all of the traps they laid, the victim did not fall for it--the drugs, hookers, enticement to homosexuality, enticement to witchcraft, nicotine addition, injury-induced hospital bills and debts, false charges, prostitutes, enticement to prostitution, sex traps, money traps, etc) the felonies they perpetrated to destroy, slander, alienate, impoverish, desecrate and degrade the victims (i.e. to steal, kill and destroy) for not being like them or for not having the same interests or beliefs. I was shocked to come to the realization. I have seen more things like it in other countries. Another interesting thing, is the very crimes and unlawful things the perpetrators did in secret and what the victims refrained from doing, they slandered the victims to make themselves justified in harming the victim (i.e. making them victim out to be like themselves was regarded as their motivation for doing evil--but the real motivation is they wanted to feed off the victims in some manner and they wanted to control them victims). You could lump the perpetrators together under: False Accuser). They were truly under law without motive. The intent underlying could be perceived by stepping back and seeing the pattern of a motivation common among the perpetrators: inhibit light, to block good, temple desecration and inversion of control (matter over soul rather than other way around).

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    from Mapping Gender in Ancient Religious Discourses edited by Todd C. Penner, Caroline Vander Stichele

    Irrumator is synonymous with sodomizer...hmm..what a coincidence
    The victims were for the most part harmless types. So finding the motivation was rather challenging. The perpetrators of felonies felt justified by their beliefs to get the victims into into servitude, peonage--to steal from them. The Bible is one of the few texts that explains the phenomenon with unmistakable clarity and pattern. Other historical text corroborate.

    In several cases associated with university dorms, where male students were being drugged by fellow students and sodomized. The primary perpetrators were professedly Catholics or they had attended Catholic High Schools. The point isn't to say bad of Roman Catholics. Any given organization might have those who are corrupt or stray from its tenets giving the organization a bad name--this it to relate facts and patterns that are too much of a clear pattern to call a mere coincidence. When historical texts surface that point to sodomy being a kind of 'rite' or a tool of 'domination', the intent behind the pattern emerges.

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    On another note, imagine being attacked for exercising your right to disbelieve lies. Imagine there being a death penalty for waking up sleeping victims. In some jurisdictions there is a death penalty for telling or believing the truth!

    Re: The Vir
    The Romans had a peculiar view or fixation on "penetration" of any kind whether with a needle or with a penis or with a sword to the extent that the penetrator was viewed as a kind of dominator of the penetrated (innoculations/vaccinations, sodomy, beheading, impaling, blood drinking, natural copulation, etc.) Interestingly enough there was a social class system where the top (non-penetrated) were called "the Vir" and those penetrated were regarded to be subject to the Vir. Google is suppressing searches on the Vir, hmm wonder why....

    ISIS A Sodomy Cult With Longings for Old Pagan Empire?
    Last edited by allodial; 06-27-15 at 03:32 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #66
    Rules are useful, but usage rules.

    What’s on your driver’s license? My so called NAME RESERVATION or resdient address a birthing/day and THE DRIVER CLASS . A brief meeting with the REGISTRAR on how John James; Esquire plans the future without the useful rules governing a DRIVER LICENSE as i carefully explained the USAGE a Driver is privileged with operating a motor vehicle upon a public highway with his valid Commercial Operator License or DRIVER LICENSE THE privileged one thats holding aDRIVER license the commercial operator or the chauffeur is not required to have an operator's license or a DRIVER,S license .What are you suspending if Drivers must have a license.what does that leave me with no DRIVER,S OR OPERATOR,S license well Sir for our private record a peaceful surrender and my a voluntary return of the CROWN,S DRIVER,S and OPERATOR,S all if, s and butt.s are now noticed John James ; The travelling Esquire enjoying his common law wife,s or wife plated insured and registered auto my lawful conveyance . A usage over RULED [penetration r4now ]Drivers' License Act, since a driver's license is not known to the law because the act only authorizes issuance of operators' commercial operators' and chauffeurs' license and use of term "driver" interchangeably with term "operator" would not be authorized in view of definition in the act of term driver as meaning every person who drives or is in actual physical possession of a vehicle or worse possession of the truth.

  7. #67
    Re: Bull, Moon, Mouni
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    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #68
    The Papal Bull the pregnancy and cash cow PROPERTY OF ROME the moon Cast system shadows then clouds innocence the there is a saying, “If an honest man who is misinformed is informed of the
    truth, he either ceases to be misinformed or ceases to be honest.” [with himself] The wall street Bull and its Bully thy self be true never take life bye the horns its a moon shadow the false creation truly a carnal prick =% girly parts forms a bitter person paper nation. Man,s encounters are all Biblical Battles Mind fields the Commercial DRIVERS ARE DRIVEN in the image of divinity. CARNAL Driver,s require a shadow Driver,s LICENCE to express that trespass . Travel in time or a journey in haste. Re: Levels of Interpretation (Events) Life uneventful event are we just prescribed eventuality or do we need a DOCTOR,S PRESCRIPTION that RX-Religious Geographical labelled bottled medicated doctrine free will /ill will TRUE Medicine or ITS placebo all events might end today or start tomorrow its no accident a Circle is bound. My off topic a distraction or intermission the random yet disruptive thought I apologise for my graffiti if distracting the riders. interruption never stops the train.

  9. #69
    Re: American Native Philosophy
    The Jesuits were not to remain for long the only ones interested in the Indians. in the eighteenth century a profusion of texts appeared which confirmed or contradicted each other. The French traveller and writer Baron de la Hontan was perhaps the first of those whose avowed aim was to make a critical assessment of his contemporaries. In 1703, he published Voyages du Baron de la Hontan dans I'Amerique septentrionale ("The Travels of Baron de la Hontan in North America"). His work was so successful that it was reprinted twenty-five times between 1703 and 1758. In his Dialogue ou entretiens entre un sauvage et le Baron de la Hontan "Dialogue or Conversations between a Savage and Baron de la Hontan"), the baron ridicules the evangelization project and reports the words of an Indian, Adario, who takes issue with the dogmas of the Catholic Church and then attacks the person of the king: "... we are born free and closely united, each as important as anyone else, whereas you are all the slaves of one man."
    But the first explorers noted that the people they encountered lived in freedom from rulers and social classes based on ownership of property, without money.

    A Huron Indian said, "We are born free and united brothers, each as much a great lord as any other, while you are all the slaves of one man.I am the master of my body, I dispose of myself, I do what I wish, I am the first and last of my Nation…subject only to the great Spirit."

    An Indian chief living in what is now Argentina said, "If I were to use orders or force on my comrades, they could turn their backs on me at once….I prefer to be loved by them, not feared."

    But Hobbes, in Leviathan, described them as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” and Kant, foreshadowing two centuries of racist thought said they “are incapable of governing themselves and are destined for extermination". {Maybe Hobbes was envious realizing his own condition compared to theirs?}

    But what is freedom? In the West it was originally thought of as freedom from being subjugated by another race of group. Being subject to one man, a king, was anathema to the Native Americans, not so, to the Europeans.

    And how free are we today? We walk around attired in clothes with commercial brands messaged across them. We identify with these messages in ways which suggest a slavery to fashion and to companies who exploit our desires for the benefit of their shareholders.

    And in the process, choice is what is denied to us. In Peru, there were over three thousand varieties of potato grown there, of every conceivable color and taste - by {so-called} 'Savages'. Now, in North America, there are hardly twenty varieties commonly available,
    Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. 1 Cor. 7:23
    I also recall there being a question asked made by Jesus or another along the lines of: "How can the servants of one man judge a man?" Maybe the "Indians" were slaughtered because they asserted similar ideologies as those of the Essenes or OT Hebrews?

    Re: Essenes and "Indians"
    It is said that the Essenes on Mount Carmel believed the land was sacred so avoided building permanent structures, that they lived in tents or yurts. Hmm what a coincidence, many Native Americas had the same views and lived in tents or teepees.

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    Considered to be a yurt.
    Last edited by allodial; 06-26-15 at 08:52 PM.
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    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  10. #70
    Christ concious ask A King get Kings opinion, ask God get true concious .. we are born free and closely united, each as important as anyone else, whereas you are all the slaves of one man."If you are wise and prone to evaluating information before making a decision, you possess sagacity, the trait of solid judgment and intelligent choices. sagacity indeed the case, if one and all are Slaves to STATE giving it the "wisdom." Just remember that it contains the word "sage," which means "wise one" — our wise ancestors were called "Sages." Adario, we need to remember that in the 17th and 18th Centuries, sagacity meant "the acute sense of smell in animals." How humbling. Still, if you display wisdom and sagacity, you can sniff out a good idea from a bad one. The Iroquoian are made up of three groups: the Huron, the Petun and the Neutral. Born of the Creator KINGS HAVE CONQUERED MEN people The RESERVATION is on paper .The long house thread pass the talking stick. keyboard fancy fiction stick.

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