Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
So then we must understand the hierarchy and "pecking order" of the claims being made.

Who has the power and authority to make the highest claim or hold highest title to Real Property? When we declare and proclaim our standing and character as heirs to the Supreme and Divine Kingdom in God's Trust and demonstrate our competence to self-govern, partially through the exercise and demand, in our own right, to be upon lawful money of exchange, we separate and distinguish ourselves as being upon a superior plane of existence; having a higher right of claim than those who survey the land for the sole purpose of chattelizing the flesh, energy and sweat equity of every living man and woman on this land.

Their claims are founded upon the repugnance and abomination of men as chattel in order to harness and harvest bodies and souls unto themselves for their own selfish gain.

Our claims are founded upon Divine stewardship and husbandry of the land which was promised to us by Almighty God so that we may provide for ourselves, and our families, while endeavoring to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

The inferior creations of men become our servants as all things remain and exist under His hand. Our trust is only and always in Him as our Creator and we subdue and have dominion over all the earth by His command and in His Name. We do not and will not trespass upon another brother and son of God who has equal claim as we do. However, trespass upon another's dishonorable and repugnant creation is impossible for a proclaimed son of God in my opinion. We rather take hold and control by default, and in righteousness, of any and all creations of men which have dishonored our Creator by enslaving his children through the intentionally disguised and concealed mechanism of voluntary servitude.

I believe it is a calling and duty of servants of God, when in the midst of the creations of men, to subdue, cure and redeem these creations in His Name in order to bring the creators unto honor and righteousness. The choice remains as to whether or not that Divine authority is recognized and accepted. The choice made will be judged by Almighty God Him Self.
The Claim is based on the Survey. Therefore in regard to the Territory. All who survey can claim. The question is have you in assembly performed a survey, staked your claim based on your survey, and put that claim in trust for the benefit of others who would benefit from your overlay?

The whole construct is INTANGIBLE. Read that Preamble to the Constitution closely ....."to assume among the Powers of the Earth a separate and equal station........ That is Law of this World. And it also agrees with God's Law. Go forth and take dominion. Those who refuse to do so will be governed by those who will.

I believe it is quite simple for those who have the faith - Do all things in my Name sayeth Yehoshuah ben Yehovah. Or said another way sayeth Yehovah in the Flesh.