Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
One of the most powerful and potent and least expensive vaccines is a single drop of your own urine under your tongue 3 times a day in accute cases presuming there is no urinary tract infection. I have witnessed this stop fevers and acute ailments in even less than 5 hours. A very inexpensive 'antibiotic' is pharmaceutical grade 3% peroxide wiped on the outer ear via cotton swab, cotton ball or a pre-soaked towel over which hydrogen peroxide is poured. Cotton balls soaked in peroxide or in water + peroxide can be worn in the outer ear. Many it not most colds or respiratory ailments, etc originate in the area around the ears and sinus. The peroxide on the ears will raise the pH and serve to kill off bacteria--takes 15 to 45 minutes to start reaching the inner ear and sinus. I'd suggest heavily diluting the peroxide (i.e. such as wetting the cotton with a mix of water and peroxide maybe 1 cap of standard bottle of peroxide to 3 or 4 caps of clean water) for children and if unsure as to sensitivity to peroxide.

My friends in India also swear by the urine method to build up your immune system, then there's Colloidal Silver, Garlic, Onions, Mandrake, etc... Bottom line, Big Pharma shouldn't have the power to insist that people are forced to put a harmful foreign substance in their bodies in the name of "public health risk". The real reason why these diseases are making a comeback in Western nations is due to the simple fact many 3rd. Worlders are now flooding Western European nations & America. Many bring long forgotten diseases with them, among other things.