hi walter, EZrhythm, loveunderlaw,

oath.. yeah, that I need to look into more. AFAIK, there is no law that requires us to be able to read so before one could read the book as you suggest walter, one may not be able to swear to something he can not read.

this is a discussion forum EZrhythm, thanks for adding to the discussion. have you become a court of competent jurisdiction? Im working on it, thats why I ask such things here.

I just bring up some points here that Ive noticed others have elsewhere loveunderlaw, I could bring it up elsewhere but I admire the thought patterns here more than other forums that deal with these subjects. we get occasional bleedover but it doesnt seem to be the norm.

as far as asking a judge or DA's and the like, Im not sure they would tell the truth about it if they knew it however I doubt they would lie about it either so it might shed more light on the subject by what they dont say about it?

I find the whole deal suspicious.. I mean, why no schematic or operators manual on becoming a court, a judge, etc.? thats one of the main reasons I started paying attention to David Merrill, he used to write alot in the "echo chambers" on the internet about the hows and sometime whys on these subjects. some of his earlier writings seemed easier to grasp too (prior to this forum) many are still available elsewhere but it is a real shame what happened to SJC. he really tried hard there to get his ideas across. his later writings sometimes get a little too "out there" for me, mixing confusing ideologies into it all. also very interesting but TMI.

as you can probably tell, I hold him in high regards but Ive always been suspicious of him too LOL not in any kind of criminal way though.

its a tricky world we have. to think otherwise seems foolish but on the other hand, ignorance is most certainly blissful. I just wasnt cut out for that I guess.
