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Thread: can you prove your identity?

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  1. #11
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    peaceful inhabitant on the Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by VariationOfSubstances View Post
    Maybe VOS is a hierarchy that many men and women manifest. These question are old. And when one answer is found 10 more questions abound. They are based on the interaction between the past and future. And are intertwined as a nursery rhyme. Candy for the brain. What you have talked about. Duality. It seems that enlightenment is not really the objective of philosophy. It is boring. No thought. Because enough thinking has been done to reality it is truly the duality in which one is trying to overcome. But this is not ideal, as all philosophy is not, so the quest continues, down the rabbit hole and into the woods of yesteryear and futurerama.

    Whatever it is that we are experiencing is so far beyond our comprehension that continue insisting we know anything at all is utter foolishness. For the questions of old are still new when whatever it is we are existing in has continued on not even observing this little speck of dirt floating around in the smoothie.

    Maybe this would be a good start. A surrendering of our egos and accepting defeat.?. That sounds like a good starting point.

    I know nothing, and am not sure of anything in which I think, state, feel, or observe. Direct observation however dictates to me that I must follow my body. It directs me. If I dont the thoughts such as these have little meaning. We might decide that we 'believe' in many things in which lead to a further believe that we in fact dont need to follow the body, but these things have no truth in them beyond speculation, and philosophy, which are confined to mostly non-reality. By reality I mean what effects us on a daily basis that alters our lives from the ideals we have, or the perceptions of those ideals.

    The term 'dualism' was originally coined to denote coeternal binary opposition. As long as there is a question, there will be dualism then, because you have the binary opposition in the problem of a right answer and a wrong answer to a problem or question.

    Proof of this "that I can see with my eyes" is this statement: "You make the argument of DUALISM. But this in no way helps us to solve the Identity problem. We must TRUST in order to create a work around Identity. "

    You are supporting binary opposistion in your statement, by creating opposing forces.

    I see this AS the very problem in which you state is the problem, since a singularity; as opposed dualism, is the mechanism used to solve the problem.

    Life is a paradox. It is both. It is all. It is nothing at all. It is everything. It is parts.

    We know this, but yet still look for what is above it in understanding, when there is no above, below, or sideways to begin with.
    Yet if I am to do business with one I am gonna want to know which one I am doing business with. Especially if I am to forgive the debt in the seventh year such that we can come to agreement based on the year we entered into engagement.

    Fact is I can never identify you and you cannot ever identify me. Rather we can not do it with surety or certainty. So we have the Word of a man - my word is my bond.

    And since some men do not trust other men, a pledge helps to secure the trust.

    I cannot for someone else - I can only do for myself. As such, I am to be with honor and other men will see that honor and perhaps want to engage this man or not. But in reality they see the works of a man they perceive is the same man they saw yesterday. So in heuristics, they trust.

    The man with his Spiritual Eyes opened claims - "I see men as trees walking". Transmutating lead grudges into gold. So I shall let it go and put honor out and honor shall return onto me. But that has nothing to do with my Identity.

    My identity, the identity of this man who is sometimes conveniently called michael joseph is in Yehoshuah. That should be easy enough to see - a Christ Man. Now shall we engage on that basis or do you need to see papers? If the latter, I cannot help you.

    I heard another man say - what's that? I never heard of Yehoshuah and for that matter I don't believe in God. Now we got problems. Can I engage that man? Probably not. That man is going to want to see some "FORM" of identity that he TRUST[s] in.


    TOOL - The Grudge

    "To consume you till you choose to let this go.

    Give away the stone. Let the oceans take and
    Transmutate this cold and fated anchor.
    Give away the stone. Let the waters kiss and
    Transmutate these leaden grudges into gold.
    Let go".


    Regarding EGO, we see the EGO in King Nebuchadnezzar a great Ego:

    Dan 4:30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?

    Commentary: and we see Yehovah taking this "anti-type" right off the throne to humble him.

    Dan 4:31 While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.

    Dan 4:32 And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

    Dan 4:33 The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.

    Commentary: and while Nebuchadnezzar was in the field he was made to see a Sovereign sits in the Heavens.

    Dan 4:34 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:

    Dan 4:37 Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.

    Commentary: I know the foregoing is a Tangent and does not go exactly to Identity; yet notice that the Yisra'elites have their identity in Yehovah.

    The serious student will notice that Daniel chapter four is written by Nebuchadnezzar in Syriac - reference the Masoretic Text.

    When Nebuchadnezzar realized that God is Judge [Dan-i-el] and he stopped with the I, me, my stuff, then his kingdom was given back to him.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 04-16-11 at 05:33 AM.
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