Salsero, I've been fighting the property tax for some time now. You must always keep in mind, if the judge is corrupt, a liar, or a thief, you will not win, no matter the truth. What I have found is (at least here), they use in rem actions against the property. This is done obviously to avoid the man and his rights. However, in rem actions still require jurisdiction. Here (Indiana) they do not fulfill what is required for in rem jurisdiction, which is either a summons upon the person (the, or a owner) or by publications with an affidavit stating the owner cannot be found. So what is produced is a void judgment without jurisdiction. I attempted the injunction route, and they misquoted the rules of court against me, so if they will do that, justice is not their purpose. I am confident I should prevail, but I am not confident that I will. But I do thank God for the greater judgment.